1,189 research outputs found


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    Siro's Garden

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    Pasture soils in the Tropical Moist Life Zone of Costa Rica: implications for secondary forest succession

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    A study was conducted in the Tropical Moist Forest Premontane Life Zone in the Puriscal area of Costa Rica to examine differences in soil characteristics in the upper 15 cm of twenty-four paired plots of undisturbed primary forest and pasture. Bulk density and pH were different between the forest and pasture plots. Clay content, total organic carbon and total nitrogen were not different. The twenty-four pasture plots were divided into three erosion groups. There were differences in clay content, organic carbon and total nitrogen between the groups. Clay content of the pasture plots increased with increased erosion, while organic carbon and total nitrogen decreased. This was attributed to thinning of the surface horizon through erosion. The erosion groups were also compared to their associated forest plots. The least eroded plots had higher average bulk densities, and increased organic carbon and total nitrogen than did the forest plots. The increased organic carbon and total nitrogen in the pasture were either artifacts from using bulk density to calculate organic carbon and total nitrogen amounts or from changes in nutrient cycling pathways when livestock graze. Moderately eroded plots had total organic carbon and total nitrogen contents similar to those in the forest plots. This was attributed to gains in nitrogen and carbon from increased nutrient cycling or from bulk density calculations being offset by losses from increased erosion. The most eroded pasture plots had smaller amounts of total organic carbon and total nitrogen than the forest plots. This was mainly attributed to erosion;Soil and site data were used in a forest site-quality assessment model, developed in Costa Rica, to identify pasture plots in which the operational factors of moisture, nutrients, light and heat had changed to the point that tree regeneration might be impeded. There were differences between all four factors for forest plots and pasture plots. There were no differences between the factors of moisture, nutrients and heat for the three erosion groups. However, the light factor was different between erosion group 1 and the other two erosion groups;The operational factors for the forest, pasture and erosion group plots were compared to ecographs of three tree species, one of each representing species suited to forest gaps, poor sites and fertile sites. The forest and pasture plots fell within the boundaries of the ecographs for the forest gap and poor site species and fell outside the boundary for the fertile site species. Erosion group 3 fell outside of the ecograph boundary for the poor site species, while the other two groups fell within. This indicated that tree regeneration may be impeded in erosion group 3 for the poor site species

    Befehl 1st Befehl

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    Over the years educators have railed against poor scholarship, lack of interest, poor grammar and the general incompetence or ineptness of students. Many of these criticisms were correctly laid at the door of students. The attitudes developed early in life, nurtured in elementary and secondary schools and ripened in undergraduate colleges and universities, were often harvested by the graduate schools. These attitudes, good or bad but more often merely neutral, would supply a list of almost inexhaustible possibilities. It is this writer\u27s purpose to focus in on four which, because of their influence upon law students, can be carried on into the practice of law with adverse effect. These are lack of imagination, absence of creativeness; lack of concern about people, whether individually or in the larger term-the human condition; and a mercenary Philistinism

    Photography as Used by Artists

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    This study was undertaken to show the relationship of photography to the fine arts* A brief examination of the development of photography and its use by artists is included. This examination indicates that since the beginning of photography, artists have made use of it in their art. The study includes photographic processes used by the author in creating works of art. The text is illustrated with thesis projects which support the discussion

    Book Review

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    Review of the book “The Law of the European Economic Community-A Commentary on the EEC Treaty” by Hans Smit and Peter Herzog

    Literary Nature of the Law

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    There is a dichotomy in the problem of sufficient interest in and of realization of the sheer importance of the literary aspects of law, beyond mere acceptance of the idea that a lawyer must be capable of a high degree of communication, which capacity requires a certain adroitness in composition and presentation, whether written or oral. The neglected ingredient of that adroitness is the appreciation of all forms of literature as a basic tool. Literature then can be used first by the practitioner to polish and enhance his already existing skills as a lawyer, and, secondly, the importance of literature for the lawyer can be impressed upon the law student in order to bring into better focus his incipient skills. It is to this latter end that this writer is directing his attention

    The Not-for-Profit Business Corporation

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    The Non-Profit Corporation is usually regarded traditionally from a lay and legal viewpoint as one being engaged in charitable, educational, scientific or social work or a religious endeavor. On the other hand, the Not-for-Profit Corporation is more often engaged in enterprises usually associated with functions of a business corporation. However, as soon as one begins to view these corporations from a definitional standpoint, one is bogged down in an incredibly complicated procedure which does little to clarify the confusion

    Comparative Law of Privacy

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    At this time there is little doubt that the right of privacy is well established in most American jurisdictions. In Europe the situation is much the same. There the concept of Fault and Moral Injury affords the proper climate for its further development and continued protection. The fact that Continental countries have difficulty in tacking down the concept to a particular category of right, and even, sometimes, to a particular article in their Code, is, after all, inconsequential. Only in England is the right slow to come into its own, but the increasing awareness of the English Bench and Bar that there should be such a right would appear to be the harbinger for future recognition and protection. However, due to a certain traditional reluctance on the part of the English judges to blaze new trails in this area, it is more likely that the firs tbreakthrough of this right will come from Parliament
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