3,557 research outputs found

    Multimode interference devices for focusing in microfluidic channels

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    Low-cost, compact, automated optical microsystems for chemical analysis, such as microflow cytometers for identification of individual biological cells, require monolithically integrated microlenses for focusing in microfluidic channels, to enable high-resolution scattering and fluorescence measurements. The multimode interference device (MMI), which makes use of self-imaging in multimode waveguides, is shown to be a simple and effective alternative to the microlens for microflow cytometry. The MMIs have been designed, realized, and integrated with microfluidic channels in a silica-based glass waveguide material system. Focal spot sizes of 2.4 µm for MMIs have been measured at foci as far as 43.7 µm into the microfluidic channel

    Fabrication of submicrometer high refractive index tantalum pentoxide waveguides for optical propulsion of microparticles

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    Design, fabrication, and optimization of tantalum pentoxide (Ta2O5) waveguides to obtain low-loss guidance at a wavelength of 1070 nm are reported. The high-refractive index contrast (Δn ~ 0.65, compared to silicon oxide) of Ta2O5 allows strong confinement of light in waveguides of submicrometer thickness (200 nm), with enhanced intensity in the evanescent field. We have employed the strong evanescent field from the waveguide to propel micro-particles with higher velocity than previously reported. An optical propelling velocity of 50 µm/s was obtained for 8 µm polystyrene particles with guided power of only 20 mW

    Micromanipulation of InP lasers with optoelectronic tweezers for integration on a photonic platform

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    The integration of light sources on a photonic platform is a key aspect of the fabrication of self-contained photonic circuits with a small footprint that does not have a definitive solution yet. Several approaches are being actively researched for this purpose. In this work we propose optoelectronic tweezers for the manipulation and integration of light sources on a photonic platform and report the positional and angular accuracy of the micromanipulation of standard Fabry-Pérot InP semiconductor laser die. These lasers are over three orders of magnitude bigger in volume than any previously assembled with optofluidic techniques and the fact that they are industry standard lasers makes them significantly more useful than previously assembled microdisk lasers. We measure the accuracy to be 2.5 ± 1.4 µm and 1.4 ± 0.4° and conclude that optoelectronic tweezers are a promising technique for the micromanipulation and integration of optoelectronic components in general and semiconductor lasers in particular

    Er:Ta<sub>2</sub>O<sub>5</sub> waveguide optimization &amp; spectroscopy

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    The optimization of erbium-doped Ta thin film waveguides deposited by magnetron sputtering is described. Background losses below 0.4dB/cm have been obtained before post-annealing. A broad photoluminescence spectrum centered at 1534nm is obtained, and the photoluminescence power and fluorescence lifetime increase with post-annealing, yielding promising results for compact amplifiers

    High-resolution Sr/Ca ratios in a Porites lutea coral from Lakshadweep Archipelago, southeast Arabian Sea: An example from a region experiencing steady rise in the reef temperature

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    Here we present the first record of Sr/Ca variability in a massive Porites lutea coral from the Lakshadweep Archipelago, Arabian Sea. The annual mean sea surface temperature (SST) in this region and the surrounding areas has increased steadily in the recent past. During some major El Nino events, SSTs are even higher, imposing additional thermal-stress on corals, episodically leading to coral bleaching. We infer from the coral-Sr/Ca record (1981-2008) that during some of these events high and persistent SSTs lead to a dampening of the temperature signal in coral-Sr/Ca, impairing the coral's ability to record full scale warming. Thus, coral-Sr/Ca may provide a history of past El Nino Southern-Oscillation (ENSO) induced thermal-stress episodes, which are a recurrent feature also seen in cross-spectral analysis between coral-Sr/Ca and the Nino3.4 index. Despite the impact of episodical thermal-stress during major El Nino events, our coral proxy faithfully records the seasonal monsoon-induced summer cooling on the order of approximate to 2.3 degrees C. Calibration of coral-Sr/Ca with instrumental grid-SST data shows significant correlation to regional SST and monsoon variability. Hence, massive Porites corals of this region are highly valuable archives for reconstructing long-term changes in SST, strongly influenced by monsoon variability on seasonal scales. More importantly, our data show that this site with increasing SST is an ideal location for testing the future effects of the projected anthropogenic SST increase on coral reefs that are already under thermal-stress worldwide

    Fabrication and characterization of high-contrast mid-infrared GeTe<sub>4</sub> channel waveguides

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    We report the fabrication and characterization of high index contrast (Δn ~ 0.9) GeTe4 channel waveguides on ZnSe substrate for evanescent-field based biosensing applications in the mid-infrared spectral region. GeTe4 films were deposited by RF sputtering and characterized for their structure, composition, transparency and dispersion. The lift-off technique was used to pattern the waveguide channels. Waveguiding between 2.5-3.7 µm and 6.4-7.5 µm was demonstrated and mode intensity profile and estimated propagation losses are given for the 3.5 µm wavelength

    High index contrast photonic platforms for on-chip Raman spectroscopy

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    Nanophotonic waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy (NWERS) is a sensing technique that uses a highly confined waveguide mode to excite and collect the Raman scattered signal from molecules in close vicinity of the waveguide. The most important parameters defining the figure of merit of an NWERS sensor include its ability to collect the Raman signal from an analyte, i.e. "the Raman conversion efficiency" and the amount of "Raman background" generated from the guiding material. Here, we compare different photonic integrated circuit (PIC) platforms capable of on-chip Raman sensing in terms of the aforementioned parameters. Among the four photonic platforms under study, tantalum oxide and silicon nitride waveguides exhibit high signal collection efficiency and low Raman background. In contrast, the performance of titania and alumina waveguides suffers from a strong Raman background and a weak signal collection efficiency, respectively

    Earthquake reconnaissance using social media and crowdsourcing platforms

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