6 research outputs found

    Benjamin single visit summary data

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    Summary data for single visits used to determine pollination service to blueberry flowers by different species groups. "Species Group" -- for details, see Benjamin, Reilly & Winfree (in press). Only pollen grains with tubes were included in this data set. Sample size refers only to the number of single visits used for each species group. Controls are not included

    Benjamin site visit data

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    Visitation rate data for observed and collected bees visiting blueberry flowers. We used 16 study sites in this analysis. For the privacy of our growers, sites have been labeled A-P. Sites were visited 9 times ("round") over three years ("year"). We also report the mean temperature ("avgtemp") and mean wind speed ("avgwind") at the start of observation periods for that site visit, and the mean fraction of open flowers ("open") for that site visit. Columns labeled "and" - "xyl" are codes for bees observed visiting flowers; columns labeled "A_screpteropsis" - "X_virginica" are genus & species of visitors collected on flowers

    Benjamin site land use data

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    Fraction of agricultural cover at each of 16 study sites at each of two radii: 300 m ("ag300") and 1500 m ("ag1500")