13 research outputs found

    Assessing the technical aspects of ocean-alkalinity-enhancement approaches

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    Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is an emerging strategy that aims to mitigate climate change by increasing the alkalinity of seawater. This approach involves increasing the alkalinity of the ocean to enhance its capacity to absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This chapter presents an overview of the technical aspects associated with the full range of OAE methods being pursued and discusses implications for undertaking research on these approaches. Various methods have been developed to implement OAE, including the direct injection of alkaline liquid into the surface ocean; dispersal of alkaline particles from ships, platforms, or pipes; the addition of minerals to coastal environments; and the electrochemical removal of acid from seawater. Each method has its advantages and challenges, such as scalability, cost effectiveness, and potential environmental impacts. The choice of technique may depend on factors such as regional oceanographic conditions, alkalinity source availability, and engineering feasibility. This chapter considers electrochemical methods, the accelerated weathering of limestone, ocean liming, the creation of hydrated carbonates, and the addition of minerals to coastal environments. In each case, the technical aspects of the technologies are considered, and implications for best-practice research are drawn. The environmental and social impacts of OAE will likely depend on the specific technology and the local context in which it is deployed. Therefore, it is essential that the technical feasibility of OAE is undertaken in parallel with, and informed by, wider impact assessments. While OAE shows promise as a potential climate change mitigation strategy, it is essential to acknowledge its limitations and uncertainties. Further research and development are needed to understand the long-term effects, optimize techniques, and address potential unintended consequences. OAE should be viewed as complementary to extensive emission reductions, and its feasibility may be improved if it is operated using energy and supply chains with minimal CO2 emissions

    Striatopallidal dysfunction underlies repetitive behavior in Shank3-deficient model of autism

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    The postsynaptic scaffolding protein SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains 3 (SHANK3) is critical for the development and function of glutamatergic synapses. Disruption of the SHANK3-encoding gene has been strongly implicated as a monogenic cause of autism, and Shank3 mutant mice show repetitive grooming and social interaction deficits. Although basal ganglia dysfunction has been proposed to underlie repetitive behaviors, few studies have provided direct evidence to support this notion and the exact cellular mechanisms remain largely unknown. Here, we utilized the Shank3B mutant mouse model of autism to investigate how Shank3 mutation may differentially affect striatonigral (direct pathway) and striatopallidal (indirect pathway) medium spiny neurons (MSNs) and its relevance to repetitive grooming behavior in Shank3B mutant mice. We found that Shank3 deletion preferentially affects synapses onto striatopallidal MSNs. Striatopallidal MSNs showed profound defects, including alterations in synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and spine density. Importantly, the repetitive grooming behavior was rescued by selectively enhancing the striatopallidal MSN activity via a Gq-coupled human M3 muscarinic receptor (hM3Dq), a type of designer receptors exclusively activated by designer drugs (DREADD). Our findings directly demonstrate the existence of distinct changes between 2 striatal pathways in a mouse model of autism and indicate that the indirect striatal pathway disruption might play a causative role in repetitive behavior of Shank3B mutant mice.National Institute of Mental Health (U.S.) (Grant 5R01MH097104

    Long-term hiPSC-derived motor neuron culture conditions

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    Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), which is also referred to as Charcot disease or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a fatal and incurable neuromuscular disorder that affects motor neurons. Developing a long-term hiPSC-derived motor neuron culture system helps analyze and visualize age-related phenomenon that would not be apparent in typical shorter-term culture systems. Ren-VM Cells were used prior to hiPSCs to demonstrate that protein localization and mislocalization associated with ALS can be analyzed. A novel hiPSC-derived motor neuron maintenance protocol was developed to generate ideal conditions for imaging and analyzing protein localization and mislocalization. Ultimately, a novel replating protocol was developed, which generates hiPSC-derived motor neuronal cultures that are mature and can be analyzed effectively.2021-10-07T00:00:00

    Geochemical Negative Emission Technologies

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    Assessing the technical aspects of ocean-alkalinity-enhancement approaches

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    Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is an emerging strategy that aims to mitigate climate change by increasing the alkalinity of seawater. This approach involves increasing the alkalinity of the ocean to enhance its capacity to absorb and store carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere. This chapter presents an overview of the technical aspects associated with the full range of OAE methods being pursued and discusses implications for undertaking research on these approaches. Various methods have been developed to implement OAE, including the direct injection of alkaline liquid into the surface ocean; dispersal of alkaline particles from ships, platforms, or pipes; the addition of minerals to coastal environments; and the electrochemical removal of acid from seawater. Each method has its advantages and challenges, such as scalability, cost effectiveness, and potential environmental impacts. The choice of technique may depend on factors such as regional oceanographic conditions, alkalinity source availability, and engineering feasibility. This chapter considers electrochemical methods, the accelerated weathering of limestone, ocean liming, the creation of hydrated carbonates, and the addition of minerals to coastal environments. In each case, the technical aspects of the technologies are considered, and implications for best-practice research are drawn. The environmental and social impacts of OAE will likely depend on the specific technology and the local context in which it is deployed. Therefore, it is essential that the technical feasibility of OAE is undertaken in parallel with, and informed by, wider impact assessments. While OAE shows promise as a potential climate change mitigation strategy, it is essential to acknowledge its limitations and uncertainties. Further research and development are needed to understand the long-term effects, optimize techniques, and address potential unintended consequences. OAE should be viewed as complementary to extensive emission reductions, and its feasibility may be improved if it is operated using energy and supply chains with minimal CO2 emissions

    Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies:Part I. Review

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    Over the previous two decades, a diverse array of geochemical negative emissions technologies (NETs) have been proposed, which use alkaline minerals for removing and permanently storing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Geochemical NETs include CO2 mineralization (methods which react alkaline minerals with CO2, producing solid carbonate minerals), enhanced weathering (dispersing alkaline minerals in the environment for CO2 drawdown) and ocean alkalinity enhancement (manipulation of ocean chemistry to remove CO2 from air as dissolved inorganic carbon). CO2 mineralization approaches include in situ (CO2 reacts with alkaline minerals in the Earth's subsurface), surficial (high surface area alkaline minerals found at the Earth's surface are reacted with air or CO2-bearing fluids), and ex situ (high surface area alkaline minerals are transported to sites of concentrated CO2 production). Geochemical NETS may also include an approach to direct air capture (DAC) that harnesses surficial mineralization reactions to remove CO2 from air, and produce concentrated CO2. Overall, these technologies are at an early stage of development with just a few subjected to field trials. In Part I of this work we have reviewed the current state of geochemical NETs, highlighting key features (mineral resources; processes; kinetics; storage durability; synergies with other NETs such as DAC, risks; limitations; co-benefits, environmental impacts and life-cycle assessment). The role of organisms and biological mechanisms in enhancing geochemical NETs is also explored. In Part II, a roadmap is presented to help catalyze the research, development, and deployment of geochemical NETs at the gigaton scale over the coming decades

    Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies:Part II. Roadmap

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    Geochemical negative emissions technologies (NETs) comprise a set of approaches to climate change mitigation that make use of alkaline minerals to remove and/or permanently store carbon dioxide (CO2) as solid carbonate minerals or dissolved ocean bicarbonate ions. This roadmap accompanies the comprehensive review of geochemical NETs by the same authors and offers guidance for the development and deployment of geochemical NETs at gigaton per year (Gt yr.−1) scale. We lay out needs and high-priority initiatives across six key elements required for the responsible and effective deployment of geochemical NETs: (i) technical readiness, (ii) social license, (iii) demand, (iv) supply chains, (v) human capital, and (vi) infrastructure. We put forward proposals for: specific initiatives to be undertaken; their approximate costs and timelines; and the roles that various actors could play in undertaking them. Our intent is to progress toward a working consensus among researchers, practitioners, and key players about initiatives that merit resourcing and action, primarily focusing on the near-term