6,101 research outputs found

    Magnetically suspended miniature fluid pump and method of designing the same

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    A rotary pump for pumping fluids through a patient having a housing with an internal region, a stator member and an impeller positioned within the housing and having impeller blades, wherein the impeller is magnetically suspended and rotated, and wherein the geometric configuration of the rotary pump is sized and proportioned to minimize stagnant and traumatic fluid flow within the rotary pump. The plurality of magnetic impeller blades are preferably rare earth, high-energy-density magnets selected from the group consisting of samarium cobalt and neodymium-iron-boron alloy

    Spacecraft ceramic protective shield

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    A low areal density protective shield apparatus, and method for making same, for protecting spacecraft structures from impact with hypervelocity objects, including a bumper member comprising a bumper ceramic layer, a bumper shock attenuator layer, and a bumper confining layer. The bumper ceramic layer can be SiC or B.sub.4 C; the bumper shock attenuator layer can be zirconia felt; and the bumper confining layer can be aluminum. A base armor member can be spaced from the bumper member and a ceramic fiber-based curtain can be positioned between the bumper and base armor members

    Structure prediction of stable sodium germanides at 0 and 10 GPa

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    In this work we used ab-initio random structure searching (AIRSS) to carry out a systematic search for crystalline Na-Ge materials at both 0 and 10 GPa. The high-throughput structural relaxations were accelerated using a machine-learned interatomic potential (MLIP) fit to density-functional theory (DFT) reference data, allowing ∼1.5 million structures to be relaxed. At ambient conditions we predict three new Zintl phases, Na3Ge2, Na2Ge and Na9Ge4, to be stable and a number of Ge-rich layered structures to lie in close proximity to the convex hull. The known NaδGe34 clathrate and Na4Ge13 host-guest structures are found to be relatively stabilized at higher temperature by vibrational contributions to the free energy. Overall, the low energy phases exhibit exceptional structural diversity, with the expected mixture of covalent and ionic bonding confirmed using the electron-localisation function (ELF). The local Ge structural motifs present at each composition were determined using Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) descriptors and the Ge-K edge was simulated for representatives of each motif, providing a direct link to experimental x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Two Ge-rich phases are predicted to be stable at 10 GPa; NaGe3 and NaGe2 have simple kagome and simple hexagonal Ge lattices respectively with Na contained in the pores. NaGe3 is isostructural with the MgB3 and MgSi3 family of kagome superconductors and remains dynamically stable at 0 GPa. Removing the Na from NaGe2 results in the hexagonal lonsdalite Ge allotrope, which has a direct band gap

    Structure prediction of stable sodium germanides at 0 and 10 GPa

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    In this work we used ab-initio\textit{ab-initio} random structure searching (AIRSS) to carry out a systematic search for crystalline Na-Ge materials at both 0 and 10 GPa. The high-throughput structural relaxations were accelerated using a machine-learned interatomic potential (MLIP) fit to density-functional theory (DFT) reference data, allowing \sim1.5 million structures to be relaxed. At ambient conditions we predict three new Zintl phases, Na3_3Ge2_2, Na2_2Ge and Na9_9Ge4_4, to be stable and a number of Ge-rich layered structures to lie in close proximity to the convex hull. The known Naδ_\deltaGe34_{34} clathrate and Na4_4Ge13_{13} host-guest structures are found to be relatively stabilized at higher temperature by vibrational contributions to the free energy. Overall, the low energy phases exhibit exceptional structural diversity, with the expected mixture of covalent and ionic bonding confirmed using the electron-localisation function (ELF). The local Ge structural motifs present at each composition were determined using Smooth Overlap of Atomic Positions (SOAP) descriptors and the Ge-K edge was simulated for representatives of each motif, providing a direct link to experimental x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Two Ge-rich phases are predicted to be stable at 10 GPa; NaGe3_3 and NaGe2_2 have simple kagome and simple hexagonal Ge lattices respectively with Na contained in the pores. NaGe3_3 is isostructural with the MgB3_3 and MgSi3_3 family of kagome superconductors and remains dynamically stable at 0 GPa. Removing the Na from NaGe2_2 results in the hexagonal lonsdalite Ge allotrope, which has a direct band gap.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Experimental Study on Delamination Migration in Composite Laminates

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    AbstractThe transition of delamination growth between different ply interfaces in composite tape laminates, known as migration, was investigated experimentally. The test method used promotes delamination growth initially along a 0/θ ply interface, which eventually migrates to a neighbouring θ/0 ply interface. Specimens with θ=60° and 75° were tested. Migration occurs in two main stages: (1) the initial 0/θ interface delamination turns, transforming into intraply cracks that grow through the θ plies; this process occurs at multiple locations across the width of a specimen, (2) one or more of these cracks growing through the θ plies reaches and turns into the θ/0 ply interface, where it continues to grow as a delamination. A correlation was established between these experimental observations and the shear stress sign at the delamination front, obtained by finite element analyses.Overall, the experiments provide insight into the key mechanisms that govern delamination growth and migration

    Radial Age and Metal Abundance Gradients in the Stellar Content of M32

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    We present long-slit spectroscopy of the elliptical galaxy M32, obtained with the 8-m Subaru telescope at Mauna Kea, the 1.5-m Tillinghast telescope at the F. L. Whipple Observatory, and the 4-m Mayall telescope at the Kitt Peak National Observatory. The spectra cover the Lick index red spectral region as well as higher order Balmer lines in the blue. Spectra have been taken with the slit off-set from the nucleus to avoid scattered light contamination from the bright nucleus of M32. An analysis of numerous absorption features, particularly involving the Hγ\gamma and Hβ\beta Balmer lines, reveals that systematic radial trends are evident in the integrated spectrum of M32. Population synthesis models indicate a radial change in both the age and chemical composition of the light-weighted mean stellar population in M32, from the nucleus out to 33", i.e., approximately 1.0 effective radius, R_e. Specifically, the light-weighted mean stellar population at 1 R_e is older, by \~3 Gyr, and more metal-poor, by ~-0.25 dex in [Fe/H], t han the central value of ~4 Gyr and [Fe/H]~0.0. We show that this apparent population trend cannot be attributed to a varying contribution from either hot stars or emission line contamination. The increase in age and decrease in metal-abundance with radius are sufficiently well-matched to explain the flat radial color profiles previously observed in M32. In addition, the ratio of Mg to Fe abundance, [Mg/Fe], increases from ~-0.25 in the nucleus to ~-0.08 at 1 R_e. Finally, we find spuriously pronounced line strength gradients in the Mayall data that are an artifact of scattered light from the bright nucleus. Scattered light issues may explain the lack of consistency among previously published studies of radial line strength gradients in M32.Comment: 25 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Influence of coral and algal exudates on microbially mediated reef metabolism.

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    Benthic primary producers in tropical reef ecosystems can alter biogeochemical cycling and microbial processes in the surrounding seawater. In order to quantify these influences, we measured rates of photosynthesis, respiration, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) exudate release by the dominant benthic primary producers (calcifying and non-calcifying macroalgae, turf-algae and corals) on reefs of Mo'orea French Polynesia. Subsequently, we examined planktonic and benthic microbial community response to these dissolved exudates by measuring bacterial growth rates and oxygen and DOC fluxes in dark and daylight incubation experiments. All benthic primary producers exuded significant quantities of DOC (roughly 10% of their daily fixed carbon) into the surrounding water over a diurnal cycle. The microbial community responses were dependent upon the source of the exudates and whether the inoculum of microbes included planktonic or planktonic plus benthic communities. The planktonic and benthic microbial communities in the unamended control treatments exhibited opposing influences on DO concentration where respiration dominated in treatments comprised solely of plankton and autotrophy dominated in treatments with benthic plus plankon microbial communities. Coral exudates (and associated inorganic nutrients) caused a shift towards a net autotrophic microbial metabolism by increasing the net production of oxygen by the benthic and decreasing the net consumption of oxygen by the planktonic microbial community. In contrast, the addition of algal exudates decreased the net primary production by the benthic communities and increased the net consumption of oxygen by the planktonic microbial community thereby resulting in a shift towards net heterotrophic community metabolism. When scaled up to the reef habitat, exudate-induced effects on microbial respiration did not outweigh the high oxygen production rates of benthic algae, such that reef areas dominated with benthic primary producers were always estimated to be net autotrophic. However, estimates of microbial consumption of DOC at the reef scale surpassed the DOC exudation rates suggesting net consumption of DOC at the reef-scale. In situ mesocosm experiments using custom-made benthic chambers placed over different types of benthic communities exhibited identical trends to those found in incubation experiments. Here we provide the first comprehensive dataset examining direct primary producer-induced, and indirect microbially mediated alterations of elemental cycling in both benthic and planktonic reef environments over diurnal cycles. Our results highlight the variability of the influence of different benthic primary producers on microbial metabolism in reef ecosystems and the potential implications for energy transfer to higher trophic levels during shifts from coral to algal dominance on reefs