294 research outputs found


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    Sandhigatavata is a disease in which Vata affects the Joints and cause pain, swelling and pain on Joint movements. It has many causes including Dhathukshaya and injury. The contemporary treatment for this condition includes analgesics and calcium supplements. But it proves to be of little effect. In Ayurvedic science there is a very detailed explanation regarding the medical management of Sandhigatavata which in turn proves to be very effective in its treatment. We hereby report a case of 60yr old female patient complaining of Pain, swelling and restricted movements of Knee, ankle and shoulder joint. She was being diagnosed as a case of osteoarthritis (Sandhigata vata) and was screened on the basis of Kellgrens radiological scale. Treatment was planned as Snehana both internally and externally as Matra vasthi and Abhyanga respectively along with Brihatpanchamoola bala siddha ksheera internally. Visual Analogue Scale for Pain, Swelling score, Womac Scale for assessing daily routine work ability were used to evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. There was a significant improvement in the Visual analogue scale of pain, Range of movements and daily routine work ability. The Quality of life of patient improved significantly by the proper application of internal and external Snehana in this patient. This finding has great relevance in present scenario as a remedy of a very common degenerative disease prevailing in our society


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    Disease is the outcome of combination of vitiated Dosha and Dooshya which happens when Vyadhikshamatwa (immunity) is decreased. Because of the lifestyle and changing environment, the immunity of people is decreasing day by day making them prone for getting afflicted with infectious diseases. The present day infectious diseases like Dengue, H1N1, AIDS, TB etc. are only due to lowered immunity. Rasayana is believed to promote the process of Dhatuposhana and enrich Ojas leading to Vyadhikshamatva. The concept of Rasayana therapy is a comprehensive and specialized regimen capable of producing healthful longevity and improved mental faculties by acting at the level of Rasa, Agni and the Srotas, thus enabling the organism to procure the best qualities of different Dhatus. Guduchi is considered one of the best Rasayanas and is unusual in its potent versatility. The significant actions of Guduchi include promoting Bala (cellular and humoral immunity), Agnideepana, cures fever, eliminates Ama (metabolic wastes and toxins), skin diseases, Upper respiratory tract infections, gout etc. It can be used as Swarasa, Kashaya, Satwa for internal use or as paste for external application in skin diseases to get the desirable effect. Guduchi is known to be a rich source of trace elements which act as antioxidants. It is apt to get the name Amrita because it itself can regenerate and can bring back the diseased cells to normalcy. So this article aims at making a public awareness of the use of Guduchi as a Rasayana in maintaining health and in the treatment of infectious diseases


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    Stroke is undoubtedly a medical emergency, which even if properly managed can leave a person either physically or mentally crippled. Ischemic stroke is the most common form, where etiology of atherosclerosis had proven its link. The clinical features of stroke stands close to the disease Pakshaghata in Ayurveda and all Acaryas had given a detailed description regarding the Nidana (cause) Samprapti (pathogenesis) Bheda (types) & Chikitsa (treatment). Ischemic stroke may be related to Vata-kaphaja type of Pakshaghata as there is involvement of Srotorodha (obstruction). Hence the treatment aims include Vata-kapha samana (pacifying) measures, removing Srotorodha (obstruction), selecting drug having Katu rasa (pungent), Usna virya (hot potency) etc. Without provocation Pitta, Rasonadi kashaya explained for Vatavikaras (musculoskeletal, nervous disorders etc) contains Rasona (Allium sativum Linn), Pippali (Piper longum Linn.), Karavi (Carum carvi Linn.) and Sthira (Desmodium gangeticum) that satisfies the above properties. The drugs also possess Rasayana (nourishing /immunity /prevents recurrence) which is a good choice here as there is Dhatukshaya (catabolism of basic elements). Ayurvedic as well as modern analysis of the pharmacological properties of the drugs stands together with properties like anti-inflammatory, anti lipidemic, antiglycemic, antioxidant, anti microbial actions, thus proving beneficiary in both therapeutic and preventive aspects of ischemic stroke

    First simulation study of trackless events in the INO-ICAL detector to probe the sensitivity to atmospheric neutrinos oscillation parameters

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    The proposed India-based Neutrino Observatory will host a 50 kton magnetized iron calorimeter (ICAL) with resistive plate chambers as its active detector element. Its primary focus is to study charged-current interactions of atmospheric muon neutrinos via the reconstruction of muons in the detector. We present the first study of the energy and direction reconstruction of the final state lepton and hadrons produced in charged current interactions of atmospheric electron neutrinos at ICAL and the sensitivity of these events to neutrino oscillation parameters θ23\theta_{23} and Δm322\Delta m_{32}^2. However, the signatures of these events are similar to those from neutral-current interactions and charged-current muon neutrino events in which the muon track is not reconstructed. On including the entire set of events that do not produce a muon track, we find that reasonably good sensitivity to θ23\theta_{23} is obtained, with a relative 1σ1\sigma precision of 15% on the mixing parameter sin2θ23\sin^2\theta_{23}, which decreases to 21%, when systematic uncertainties are considered

    Abelian D-terms and the superpartner spectrum of anomaly-mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    We address the tachyonic slepton problem of anomaly mediated supersymmetry breaking using abelian D-terms. We demonstrate that the most general extra U(1) symmetry that does not disrupt gauge coupling unification has a large set of possible charges that solves the problem. It is shown that previous studies in this direction that added both an extra hypercharge D-term and another D-term induced by B-L symmetry (or similar) can be mapped into a single D-term of the general ancillary U(1)_a. The U(1)_a formalism enables identifying the sign of squark mass corrections which leads to an upper bound of the entire superpartner spectrum given knowledge of just one superpartner mass.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, [v2] reference added, [v3] Eq. (9) corrected, results unaffected, [v4] version to be published in Phys. Rev. D, expanded parameter space for figures to match tex

    The Radion in the Karch-Randall Braneworld

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    In a braneworld context, the radion is a massless mode coupling to the trace of the matter stress tensor. Since the radion also governs the separation between branes, it is expected to decouple from the physical spectrum in single brane scenarios, such as the one-brane Randall-Sundrum model. However, contrary to expectations, we demonstrate that the Karch-Randall radion always remains as a physical excitation, even in the single brane case. Here, the radion measures the distance not between branes, but rather between the brane and the anti-de Sitter boundary on the other side of the bulk.Comment: 19 pages, Plain Te

    Pre and post test clinical study to assess the combined effect of Brahmigritha-Nasya, Ksheerabalataila-Abhyanga and Saraswatha-Churna in reducing the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder on Hamilton anxiety rating scale

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    Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) is the most frequently occurring anxiety disorder. It is characterized by tension, persistent worry about a variety of everyday problems and other anxiety symptoms for at least 6 months. Although there have been significant improvements over the years in its treatment, GAD remains the least successfully treated among anxiety disorders. This paper aims to explore the efficacy of Ayurvedic treatment protocol in providing a remedy for GAD. A clinical trial was conducted with 20 patients in the proposed age group of 20 years to 60 years, diagnosed with GAD according to ICD 10 F 41.1 Criteria, and having a score between 17-24 (mild to moderate) on Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale. The patients were administered 7 days of Sarvanga-Abhyanga (full body massage) with Ksheerabalataila and Brahmigritha-Nasya, followed by internal intake of Saraswatha-Churna for 21 days. The assessment was done using Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale at baseline and after treatment. Patients ranged in the age from 27 to 60 years. Maximum incidence of the disease was seen in the age-wise classification group 20-29 years. There were 8 male subjects and 12 female subjects. After 28 days of treatment, the mean scores of Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale, which was 21 before treatment, reduced to 9.8 with a mean difference of 11.2 and a statistically significant p-value of 0.01. Thus the present protocol was effective in reducing the symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder within a short time-span and without producing any side effects.

    Measuring M2 values for on-wafer vertical cavity surface emitting lasers

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    We report on M2 measurements taken for on-wafer vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs). We measured M2 for oxide-confined VCSELs and photonic crystal (PhC) VCSELs of similar lasing aperture sizes