3,250 research outputs found

    The impact of spatial fluctuations in the ultra-violet background on intergalactic carbon and silicon

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    Spatial inhomogeneities in the spectral shape of the ultra-violet background (UVB) at the tail-end of HeII reionisation are thought to be the primary cause of the large fluctuations observed in the HeII to HI Ly-a forest optical depth ratio, tau_HeII/tau_HI, at z~2-3. These spectral hardness fluctuations will also influence the ionisation balance of intergalactic metals; we extract realistic quasar absorption spectra from a large hydrodynamical simulation to examine their impact on intergalactic SiIV and CIV absorbers. Using a variety of toy UVB models, we find that while the predicted spatial inhomogeneities in spectral hardness have a significant impact on tau_HeII/tau_HI, the longer mean free path for photons with frequencies above and below the HeII ionisation edge means these fluctuations have less effect on the SiIV and CIV ionisation balance. Furthermore, UVB models which produce the largest fluctuations in specific intensity at the HeII ionisation edge also have the softest ionising spectra, and thus result in photo-ionisation rates which are too low to produce significant fluctuations in the observed tau_SiIV/tau_CIV. Instead, we find spatial variations in the IGM metallicity will dominate any scatter in tau_SiIV/tau_CIV. Our results suggest that observational evidence for homogeneity in the observed tau_SiIV/tau_CIV distribution does not rule out the possibility of significant fluctuations in the UVB spectral shape at z~2-3. On the other hand, the scatter in metallicity inferred from observations of intergalactic CIV and SiIV absorption at z~2-3 using spatially uniform ionisation corrections is likely intrinsic, and therefore provides a valuable constraint on intergalactic metal enrichment scenarios at these redshifts.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, accepted to MNRA

    The nature and evolution of the highly ionized near-zones in the absorption spectra of z~6 quasars

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    We use state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations combined with a 1D radiative transfer code to assess the extent to which the highly ionized regions observed close to z~6 quasars, which we refer to as near-zones, can constrain the ionization state of the surrounding IGM. We find the appearance in Lya absorption of a quasar HII ionization front expanding into a neutral IGM can be very similar to a classical proximity zone, produced by the enhancement in ionizing flux close to a quasar embedded in a highly ionized IGM. The observed sizes of these highly ionized near-zones and their redshift evolution can be reproduced for a wide range of IGM neutral hydrogen fractions for plausible values of the luminosity and lifetime of the quasars. The observed near-zone sizes at the highest observed redshifts are equally consistent with a significantly neutral and a highly ionized surrounding IGM. Stronger constraints on the IGM neutral hydrogen fraction can be obtained by considering the relative size of the near-zones in the Lya and Lyb regions of a quasar spectrum. A large sample of high quality quasar absorption spectra with accurate determinations of near-zone sizes and their redshift evolution in both the Lya and Lyb regions should confirm or exclude the possibility that the Universe is predominantly neutral at the highest observed redshifts. The width of the discrete absorption features in these near-zones will contain important additional information on the ionization state and the previous thermal history of the IGM at these redshifts.Comment: 25 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the rapid demise of Lyman-alpha emitters at z>7 due to the increasing incidence of optically thick absorption systems

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    A variety of independent observational studies have now reported a significant decline in the fraction of Lyman-break galaxies which exhibit Ly-a emission over the redshift interval z=6-7. In combination with the strong damping wing extending redward of Ly-a in the spectrum of the bright z=7.085 quasar ULAS 1120+0641, this has strengthened suggestions that the hydrogen in the intergalactic medium (IGM) is still substantially neutral at z~7. Current theoretical models imply HI fractions as large as 40-90 per cent may be required to explain these data assuming there is no intrinsic evolution in the Ly-a emitter population. We propose that such large neutral fractions are not necessary. Based on a hydrodynamical simulation which reproduces the absorption spectra of high-redshift (z~6-7) quasars, we demonstrate that the opacity of the intervening IGM redward of rest-frame Ly-a can rise rapidly in average regions of the Universe simply because of the increasing incidence of absorption systems which are optically thick to Lyman continuum photons as the tail-end of reionisation is approached. Our simulations suggest these data do not require a large change in the IGM neutral fraction by several tens of per cent from z=6-7, but may instead be indicative of the rapid decrease in the typical mean free path for ionising photons expected during the final stages of reionisation.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted to MNRA

    Radiative transfer through the Intergalactic Medium

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    We use a probabilistic method to compute the propagation of an ionization front corresponding to the re-ionization of the intergalactic medium in a LCDM cosmology, including both hydrogen and helium. The effects of radiative transfer substantially boost the temperature of the ionized gas over the case of uniform re-ionization. The resulting temperature-density relation of the ionized gas is both non-monotonic and multiple-valued, reflecting the non-local character of radiative transfer and suggesting that a single polytropic relation between local gas density and temperatue is a poor description of the thermodynamic state of baryons in the post-reionization universe.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, letter accepted for publication in MNRA

    New Measurements of the Ionizing Ultraviolet Background over 2 < z < 5 and Implications for Hydrogen Reionization

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    We present new measurements of the intensity of the ionizing ultraviolet background and the global emissivity of ionizing photons over 2 < z < 5. Our results are based on a suite of updated measurements of physical properties of the high-redshift intergalactic medium (IGM), including gas temperatures and the opacity of the IGM to Ly-alpha and ionizing photons. Consistent with previous works, we find a relatively flat hydrogen photoionization rate over 2 < z < 5, although our measurements are roughly a factor of two higher than the 2008 values of Faucher-Giguere et al., due primarily to our lower gas temperatures. The ionizing emissivity we derive is also generally higher than other recent estimates due to a combination of lower gas temperatures, higher ionizing opacity, and an accounting of cosmological radiative transfer effects. We find evidence that the emissivity increases from z~3 to 5, reaching ~5 ionizing photons per atom per gigayear at z=4.75 for realistic galaxy spectra. We further find that galaxies must dominate the emissivity near 1 Ryd at z > 4, and possibly at all redshifts z > 2.4. Our results suggest that the globally-averaged ionizing "efficiency" of star-forming galaxies increases substantially with redshift over 3.2 < z < 4.75. This trend is consistent with the conclusion often drawn from reionization models that the ionizing efficiency of galaxies must be higher during reionization in order for galaxies to reionize the IGM by z=6. Our emissivity values at z~5 suggest that ionizing photons may have been a factor of two more abundant during the final stages of reionization than previously indicated. The evolution of the ionizing emissivity over 2 < z < 5 suggests, moreover, that the steep decline in the photoionization rate from z~5 to 6 may indicate a rapid evolution in the mean free path at z > 5.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, MNRAS, in pres

    The observed ionization rate of the intergalactic medium and the ionizing emissivity at z >5: Evidence for a photon starved and extended epoch of reionization

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    We use a large set of hydrodynamical simulations, combined with measurements of the Lyman alpha opacity of the IGM taken from the literature, to obtain robust estimates for the photoionization rate per hydrogen atom at z=5 and 6. We find the photoionization rate drops by a factor of two and four, respectively, compared to our recent measurements at z = 2 - 4. The number of ionizing photons emitted by known sources at z=5 and 6, based on an extrapolation of source numbers below the detection limit and standard assumptions for the relationship between the ionizing emissivity and observed luminosity density at 1500 Angstroms, are in reasonable agreement with the photoionization rates inferred from the Lyman alpha forest if the escape fraction of ionizing photons from galaxies is large (>= 20 per cent). Claims to the contrary may be attributed to the adoption of an unduly high value for the clumping factor of ionized hydrogen. Using physically motivated assumptions for the mean free path of ionizing photons our measurements of the photoionization rate can be turned into an estimate of the ionizing emissivity. In comoving units the inferred ionizing emissivity is nearly constant over the redshift range 2-6 and corresponds to 1.5-3 photons emitted per hydrogen atom over a time interval corresponding to the age of the Universe at z=6. This strongly suggests that the epoch of reionization was photon-starved and extended. [Abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A closer look at using quasar near-zones as a probe of neutral hydrogen in the intergalactic medium

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    We examine a large set of synthetic quasar spectra to realistically assess the potential of using the relative sizes of highly ionized near-zones in the Lya and Lyb forest as a probe of the neutral hydrogen content of the intergalactic medium (IGM) at z>6. The scatter in the relative near-zone size distribution, induced by underlying fluctuations in the baryonic density field and the filtering of ionizing radiation, is considerable even for fixed assumptions about the IGM neutral fraction. As a consequence, the current observational data cannot distinguish between an IGM which is significantly neutral or highly ionized just above z=6. Under standard assumptions for quasar ages and ionizing luminosities, a future sample of several tens of high resolution Lya and Lyb near-zone spectra should be capable of distinguishing between a volume weighted neutral hydrogen fraction in the IGM which is greater or less than 10 per cent.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS letter

    Control of Blown Pack Spoilage in Vacuum Packaged Meat

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    End of project reportBlown pack spoilage (BPS) represents a significant commercial loss to Irish meat processors. This research discovered that the organisms causing BPS are ubiquitous in the abattoir environment, making eradication very difficult. The risk of BPS is best managed through a process of regular treatment of plant and equipment with a sporicidal agent such as peroxyacetic acid, good hygiene to minimise carcass contamination and removal of the heat shrinkage stage during vacuum packaging as this activates the spores and reduces the time to spoilage.National Development Plan 2007-201

    Photo-heating and the fate of hard photons during the reionisation of HeII by quasars

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    We use a combination of analytic and numerical arguments to consider the impact of quasar photo-heating during HeII reionisation on the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We demonstrate that rapid (\Delta z 10^4 K) photo-heating is difficult to achieve across the entire IGM unless quasar spectra are significantly harder than implied by current observational constraints. Although filtering of intrinsic quasar radiation through dense regions in the IGM does increase the mean excess energy per HeII photo-ionisation, it also weakens the radiation intensity and lowers the photo-ionisation rate, preventing rapid heating over time intervals shorter than the local photo-ionisation timescale. Moreover, the hard photons responsible for the strongest heating are more likely to deposit their energy inside dense clumps. The abundance of such clumps is, however, uncertain and model-dependent, leading to a fairly large uncertainty in the photo-heating rates. Nevertheless, although some of the IGM may be exposed to a hardened and weakened ionising background for long periods, most of the IGM must instead be reionised by the more abundant, softer photons and with accordingly modest heating rates (\Delta T < 10^4 K). The repeated ionisation of fossil quasar HeIII regions does not increase the net heating because the recombination times in these regions typically exceed the IGM cooling times and the average time lag between successive rounds of quasar activity. Detailed line-of-sight radiative transfer simulations confirm these expectations and predict a rich thermal structure in the IGM during HeII reionisation. [Abridged]Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted by MNRA

    Sensory and chemical evaluation of flavor in ground beef from grass- and grain-fed steers

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    A total of 48 yearling Angus, Hereford, and Charolais breeds were divided into two groups of 24 steers, and during the 1985 spring and summer, each group grazed a different pasture (PType): fescue- orchardgrass-clover or ryegrass. When each pasture no longer could sustain grazing in the summer, each group of steers was divided into 3 sub-groups of 8 steers each. One sub-group from each PType was killed directly off-pasture and represented the 0 days on feed (DOF) group. The other sub-groups were accustomed to a whole-shell com diet over a two-week period and were fed the com diet up to 112-DOF in a drylot at the University of Tennessee Plateau Experiment Station, Crossville, TN. At 0-, 56-, and 112-DOF, the sub-groups from each PType was transported to and slaughtered at Lay\u27s Packing Co. Knoxville, TN. Before slaughter, fat thickness at the 12th-13th rib and steer weight were recorded along with hot carcass weight at the plant for each animal. After the carcass of each steer was chilled at 6°C for a 48-hr period, a hindquarter from each was transported to The University of Tennessee Meats Laboratory. Ground beef containing approximately 20% fat was formulated from the biceps femoris muscle and external fat from the round of each carcass. Ground beef from each steer was analyzed for total lipid content. From each steer, cooked ground beef patties held at an internal temperature of 55 °C, were evaluated for aroma and flavor by Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA). The headspace volatiles of cooked ground beef from 6 steers in each sub-group were also analyzed. Volatile compounds from cooked ground beef held at 55 °C were trapped on a Tenax GC trap, and then analyzed on a 30-m, 0.25 mm i.d. fuzed silica SPB-35 capillary column by gas chromotography and mass spectrometry. The relative percentage of abundance (RPA) of each volatile, intensity of each QDA flavor descriptor, total lipid content and animal measurements were statistically analyzed as a function of PType, DOF and their interaction. Factor analysis was also applied separately to the volatiles and the QDA descriptors to reduce these analyses to the lowest number of factors. The chemical volatiles were also correlated with QDA flavor analysis and the ground beef samples classified into sources by statistical procedures. Levels of the undesirable milky-oily aroma and flavor were significantly reduced and the desirable beef fat aroma and flavor intensities increased by feeding a com diet to beef cattle after they had grazed on pasture. Although the QDA panel used 6 different descriptors to evaluate beef flavor, factor analysis reduced all 6 to a single factor which was called Beefy . Differences found in the flavor descriptor intensities allowed the panel to correctly classify approximately 94% of the samples into their sources of PType and DOF groups. Forty volatile compounds, of which 29 were positively identified, were found in the headspace of the ground beef samples. Changes in the RPA of 22 volatile compounds of ground beef were found with increasing DOF. Levels of 11 volatiles (toluene, ethyl-benzene, propyl-benzene, l-ethyl-2-methyl-benzene, pentanal, nonane, 4-methyl-3-penten-2-one, 3-penten-2-one, and 3 unknown compounds) were found to be important in describing DOF affects for ground beef. Six of these compounds (toluene, pentanal, l-ethyl-2-methyl-benzene, 4-methyl-3-penten-2-one, and 2 unknowns) were able to correctly classify approximately 94% of the feeding groups into the correct days on feed classification, RPA of 16 volatile compounds were correlated with the intensities of QDA descriptors (P \u3c.05). Toluene was the only compound found to be positively correlated with milky-oily flavor in ground beef. Seven compounds were positively correlated with beef fat flavor with octane having the highest correlation coefficient (r=0.62). Five compounds (pentanal, ethyl-benzene, toluene, l-ethyl-2-methyl-benzene, and an unknown) were found to account for 51% of the variation for beef fat flavor thus indicating that any of these compounds may be suitable as indicators for Beefy flavor