697 research outputs found

    Conflicts of Jurisdiction in the Antitrust Field: The Example of Export Cartels

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    Förbehandling av bioslam för ökad biogasproduktion Eftersom bioslam från aktivslamsteget i reningsprocessen ger en lägre metanproduktion än primärslam bör förbehandlingen ske på bioslam. Effekten av olika förbehandlingsmetoder är dock svårbedömd och ofta erhålls inget positivt energiutbyte då energin av ökad produktion av biogas kan vara mindre än tillförd energi vid behandlingen. Vissa förbehandlingsmetoder som ozonering kan vid överdosering oxidera substrat och ge minskad biogasproduktion   Litteraturstudien kompletterades med mätning av biometanpotential efter förbehandling av bioslam (Khayi, 2014). Som förbehandlingsmetoder valdes frysning (djupfryst och lättfryst) och uppvärmning. Vid 35 dagars rötning producerade djupfryst slam 221 Nml CH4/g VS, lättfryst 115 Nml CH4/g VS, det uppvärmt 181 Nml CH4/g VS och det obehandlade (referens) 148 Nml CH4/g VS (Nml, normalmilliliter är gasvolym omräknad till en atmosfärs tryck). Djupfrysning och uppvärmning ökade biogasproduktionen medan lättfrysning gav minskad biogasproduktion.   Uppgradering av biogas Vid uppgradering separeras koldioxid från biogasen varvid metangas erhålles.  Uppgradering kan ske genom att koldioxiden absorberas av ett fast (PSA-teknik med zeoliter eller aktivt kol) eller flytande medium (vattenskrubber, polyetylenglykol eller monoetanolamin) eller med membranteknik. Investeringskostnaden för uppgradering är starkt beroende av storleken på anläggningen snarare än av vilken teknik som används, men vid små är investeringskostnaden för membranteknik något lägre.   Genom intern metananrikning i rötkammaren kan metanhalten i den producerade biogasen ökas. Detta åstadkommes genom att koldioxid avdrivs från slam som sedan återförs till rötkammaren.QC 20140902</p


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    Blastoids are ideal model organisms with which to study evolutionary processes because nearly all of the skeletal elements are shared among all taxa, there have been recent advances in the understanding of blastoid homology, and they are more commonly preserved fully inflated than any other blastozoan. Because of this homology and preservation, blastoids are the perfect candidate for studies involving geometric morphometrics and systematics. But the potential of blastoids to be a model clade has been extremely hampered by the lack of a modern phylogenetics and classification. The focus of this dissertation is to increase our understanding of blastoid species delineation, ontogeny, and systematics. The first chapter examines the blastoid population at one locality. Geometric morphometrics was used to show that four closely related blastoid species could be delineated statistically with very little error. Chapter two uses geometric morphometrics to examine the ontogenies of six different Pentremites species that were collected at four different localities in Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Tennessee. It was possible using these techniques to describe similarities in their ontogenies and well as how individual plates develop. The final chapter of this dissertation focuses on systematics of blastoids. For this study, blastoids were examined from all over the world and were used to conduct a maximum parsimony analysis. These robust results were then compared to earlier work

    The Role of National Antitrust Laws in the Promotion of International Competition

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    Professor Rahl\u27s international antitrust challenge is a first-class, pocket-sized introduction to a debate that has run for decades and yet shows no signs of exhaustion. The piece echoes many of the themes of Professor Rahl\u27s important 1974 Cornell article, while bringing new freshness and vigor to the problem. His challenge demonstrates, in a few simple pages, that the scores of books and hundreds of articles of the last fifteen years have still not resolved key policy questions on the role of national antitrust laws in international commerce

    The Role of National Antitrust Laws in the Promotion of International Competition

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    Professor Rahl\u27s international antitrust challenge is a first-class, pocket-sized introduction to a debate that has run for decades and yet shows no signs of exhaustion. The piece echoes many of the themes of Professor Rahl\u27s important 1974 Cornell article, while bringing new freshness and vigor to the problem. His challenge demonstrates, in a few simple pages, that the scores of books and hundreds of articles of the last fifteen years have still not resolved key policy questions on the role of national antitrust laws in international commerce

    Flow of polymer melt blends through porous media

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    The flow of molten polystyrene, poly(methyl methacrylate) and three blends of these polymers has been studied in a rheogoniometer and in packed beds of unconsolidated spherical glass beads. One primary purpose of the study was to determine the behavior of polymer melt blends in porous media flow. The second major purpose of the work was to develop and test a new and powerful model for packed bed flow based upon the Huang generalized rheological constitutive equations. Rheological characterization of the pure polymers and blends was obtained using a Roberts-Weissenberg rheogoniometer. Shear and normal stresses were measured at shear rates from .002 to 20 sec-1 and temperatures from 180 to 220 °C. Both the four parameter Huang and three parameter Ellis equations of state provided excellent representations of the viscometric data. The Huang rheological equation was combined with an hydraulic radius capillary model for a porous medium leading to a generalized Darcy\u27s law. This expression defined an effective non-Newtonian viscosity applicable to packed bed fluid flow. A packed bed friction factor and Reynolds number were developed to correlate experimental data. Pressure drop of the pure polymers and blends was measured over a range of flow rates through packed beds of various bead sizes and packing depths. Temperature was maintained at 204°C. Data for each pure polymer and blend was successfully correlated using a friction factor-Reynolds number relationship, which specifies that the product of these dimensionless quantities is constant. The value of this constant for pure poly(methyl methacrylate) was approximately one half the value for pure polystyrene and the three blends. No significant differences in the behavior of the pure polymers and blends was observed. The Huang equation of state provided excellent representation of molten polymer viscometric data and successfully correlated packed bed flow data. The difference in packed bed flow behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate) and the other materials was tentatively ascribed to unidentified surface interaction effects between the fluids and the packed beds. Using the defined expressions, pressure drop for packed bed flow can be estimated from the rheological properties of the fluid and the physical properties of the packed bed


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    A sequential decision-making model was developed, and data from farm-raised catfish production were used to demonstrate its use. Outcomes of sequences of decisions which satisfied chance constraints on ending cash balances were traced through a specified time period. Discrete choice variables were specified due to the fixed nature of pond facilities. Recourse actions specified were sale of production in excess of endogenously determined transfer levels or purchase of inputs to supplement needs of the next production stage. Production activities cannot be changed during the planning period. Only yield variability was considered due to its impact on relative competitiveness among growth stages. Deviations were calculated from endogenously determined target levels based on goal and probability limits.Farm Management,