6,195 research outputs found

    Two Recent Developments Veterinary Therapeutics

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    In 1902 the term anaphylaxis was coined to describe a condition observed in animals and in 1904 Theobald Smith made the important observation that guinea pigs could be easily sensitized and thus provided a laboratory animal for experimental use. In 1910 Barger & Dale isolated histamine from ergot and Dale was led to believe that the pharmacological effects of histamine in animals resembled those seen in anaphylactic shock

    Supporting 64-bit global indices in Epetra and other Trilinos packages -- Techniques used and lessons learned

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    The Trilinos Project is an effort to facilitate the design, development, integration and ongoing support of mathematical software libraries within an object-oriented framework. It is intended for large-scale, complex multiphysics engineering and scientific applications. Epetra is one of its basic packages. It provides serial and parallel linear algebra capabilities. Before Trilinos version 11.0, released in 2012, Epetra used the C++ int data-type for storing global and local indices for degrees of freedom (DOFs). Since int is typically 32-bit, this limited the largest problem size to be smaller than approximately two billion DOFs. This was true even if a distributed memory machine could handle larger problems. We have added optional support for C++ long long data-type, which is at least 64-bit wide, for global indices. To save memory, maintain the speed of memory-bound operations, and reduce further changes to the code, the local indices are still 32-bit. We document the changes required to achieve this feature and how the new functionality can be used. We also report on the lessons learned in modifying a mature and popular package from various perspectives -- design goals, backward compatibility, engineering decisions, C++ language features, effects on existing users and other packages, and build integration

    A Preliminary Abundance Estimate Of An Atlantic Sturgeon (Acipenser Oxyrinchus Oxyrinchus) Contingent Within An Open Riverine System

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    Abundance estimates are essential for fisheries management, but estimating the abundance of open populations with low recapture rates has historically been unreliable. However, by using mark-recapture data modulated with survivability parameters obtained from analysis of acoustic telemetry data, more accurate abundance estimates can be made for species that exhibit these characteristics. One such species is the Atlantic sturgeon, for which abundance estimates were designated a research priority following precipitous population declines throughout the 20th century. We addressed this research need in the Saco River Estuary (SRE), a system where the Atlantic sturgeon has been extensively studied using mark-recapture and acoustic telemetry methods since 2009. These data were analyzed using Bayesian analysis of a Lincoln-Peterson estimator, constrained with parameters from a Cormack-Jolly-Seber model, to provide an initial abundance estimate for the system. The resulting estimate indicated that approximately 3 299 (95% Credible Interval: 1 462–6 828) Atlantic sturgeon utilize the SRE yearly, suggesting that the SRE provides critical foraging habitat to a large contingent of the species within the Gulf of Maine. The present study demonstrated the method utilized herein was effective in generating a reasonable estimate of abundance in an open system where recapture events are rare, and therefore may provide a valuable technique for supplying initial estimates of fish abundance in additional systems that display similar characteristics

    The Relationship Between Tolerance For Ambiguity And Students Propensity To Cheat On A College Exam

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    Businesses in the United States are being ravaged internally for a total of up to $400 billion yearly by white-collar crime (Martin, 1998).   Fraud, the culprit, is defined as, “deceit; trickery; cheating” (Webster’s New World dictionary, 1978).  This phenomenon knows no bounds, has no feelings, respects no one; and its perpetrators are described as the “greatest threat to businesses of all sizes” by Mark Simmons, a New York-based auditor with 20 years’ experience of fighting fraud (Applegate, 1998).  This exploratory study is aimed at gaining a greater understanding of the psychological consistency of these perpetrators, who remain a constant threat to business education

    Develop a Chesapeake Bay-wide Young-of-the-Year Striped Bass Index : Final report to the Chesapeake Bay Stock Assessment Committee (CBSAC)

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    The objective of this study has been to develop a proportionally weighted Baywide young-of-the-year Chesapeake Bay striped bass index which incorporates data from all major nursery areas of the Chesapeake Bay. In doing so three approaches were used. The first entailed simple computation of both arithmetic and geometric indices. These were computed for historical continuity. The second approach involved a weighting by the commercial landings from each river during the spawning seasons from 1973-1981. The third approach used the area of the spawning grounds and distance of shoreline adjacent to the nursery grounds. Finally, an effort at validation was made using Maryland and Virginia fishery-independent CPUE of three-year old fish
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