517 research outputs found

    Sub-mm clues to elliptical galaxy formation

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    There is growing evidence that, at the S(850) < 1 mJy level, the sub-mm galaxy population (and hence a potentially significant fraction of the sub-mm background) is associated with the star-forming Lyman-break population already detected at optical wavelengths. However, the implied star-formation rates in such objects (typically 3-30 solar masses per year) fall one or two orders of magnitude short of the level of star-forming activity required to produce the most massive elliptical galaxies on a timescale ~ 1 Gyr. If a significant fraction of massive ellipticals did form the bulk of their stars in short-lived massive starbursts at high redshift, then they should presumably be found among the brighter, S(850) ~ 10 mJy sub-mm sources which are undoubtedly not part of the Lyman-break population. A first powerful clue that this is indeed the case comes from our major SCUBA survey of radio galaxies, which indicates that massive dust-enshrouded star-formation in at least this subset of massive ellipticals is largely confined to z > 2.5, with a mean redshift z = 3.5. While radio selection raises concerns about bias, I argue that our current knowledge of the brightest (S(850) ~ 10 mJy) sub-mm sources detected in unbiased SCUBA imaging surveys indicates that they are also largely confined to this same high-z regime. Consequently, while the most recent number counts imply such extreme sources can contribute only 5-10% of the sub-mm background, their comoving number density (in the redshift band 3 < z < 5) is 1-2 x 10^{-5} per cubic megaparsec, sufficient to account for the formation of all ellipticals of comparable mass to radio galaxies (~4L-star) in the present-day universe.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, UMass/INAOE conference proceedings on `Deep millimeter surveys', eds. J. Lowenthal and D. Hughes, World Scientifi

    The Sun, stellar-population models, and the age estimation of high-redshift galaxies

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    Given sufficiently deep optical spectroscopy, the age estimation of high-redshif t (z>1z > 1) galaxies has been claimed to be a relatively robust process (e.g. Dunlop et al. 1996) due to the fact that, for ages <5< 5Gyr, the near-ultraviolet light of a stellar population is expected to be dominated by `well-understood' main-sequence (MS) stars. Recently, however, the reliability of this process has been called into question by Yi et al (2000), who claim to have developed models in which the spectrum produced by the main sequence reddens much more rapidly than in the models of Jimenez et al (2000a), leading to much younger age estimates for the reddest known high-redshift ellipticals. In support of their revised age estimates, Yi et al cite the fact that their models can reproduce the spectrum of the Sun at an age of 5 Gyr, whereas the solar spectrum is not reproduced by the Jimenez et al models until ≃10\simeq 10 Gyr. Here we confirm this discrepancy, but point out that this is in fact a {\it strength} of the Jimenez et al models and indicative of some flaw in the models of Yi et al (which, in effect, imply that the Sun will turn into a red giant any minute now). We have also explored the models of Worthey (1994) (which are known to differ greatly from those of Jimenez et al in the treatment of post-MS evolution) and find that the main-sequence component of Worthey's models also cannot reproduce the solar spectrum until an age of 9-10 Gyr. We conclude that either the models of Yi et al are not as main-sequence dominated at 4-5 Gyr as claimed, or that the stellar evolutionary timescale in these models is in error by a factor possibly as high as two. (abridged)Comment: Submitted to MNRAS, final versio

    Simulating the assembly of galaxies at redshifts z = 6 - 12

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    We use state-of-the-art simulations to explore the physical evolution of galaxies in the first billion years of cosmic time. First, we demonstrate that our model reproduces the basic statistical properties of the observed Lyman-break galaxy (LBG) population at z = 6 - 8, including the evolving ultra-violet (UV) luminosity function (LF), the stellar-mass density (SMD), and the average specific star-formation rates (sSFR) of LBGs with M_{UV} < -18 (AB mag). Encouraged by this success we present predictions for the behaviour of fainter LBGs extending down to M_{UV} <= -15 (as will be probed with the James Webb Space Telescope) and have interrogated our simulations to try to gain insight into the physical drivers of the observed population evolution. We find that mass growth due to star formation in the mass-dominant progenitor builds up about 90% of the total z ~ 6 LBG stellar mass, dominating over the mass contributed by merging throughout this era. Our simulation suggests that the apparent "luminosity evolution" depends on the luminosity range probed: the steady brightening of the bright end of the LF is driven primarily by genuine physical luminosity evolution and arises due to a fairly steady increase in the UV luminosity (and hence star-formation rates) in the most massive LBGs. However, at fainter luminosities the situation is more complex, due in part to the more stochastic star-formation histories of lower-mass objects; at this end, the evolution of the UV LF involves a mix of positive and negative luminosity evolution (as low-mass galaxies temporarily brighten then fade) coupled with both positive and negative density evolution (as new low-mass galaxies form, and other low-mass galaxies are consumed by merging). We also predict the average sSFR of LBGs should rise from sSFR = 4.5 Gyr^-1 at z = 6 to about 11 Gyr^-1 by z = 9.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Optical off-nuclear spectra of quasar hosts and radio galaxies

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    We present optical (~3200A to ~9000A) off-nuclear spectra of 26 powerful active galaxies in the redshift range 0.1 < z < 0.3, obtained with the Mayall and William Herschel 4-meter class telescopes. The sample consists of radio-quiet quasars, radio-loud quasars (all with -23 > M_V > -26) and radio galaxies of Fanaroff & Riley Type II (with extended radio luminosities and spectral indices comparable to those of the radio-loud quasars). The spectra were all taken approximately 5 arcseconds off-nucleus, with offsets carefully selected so as to maximise the amount of galaxy light falling into the slit, whilst simultaneously minimising the amount of scattered nuclear light. The majority of the resulting spectra appear to be dominated by the integrated stellar continuum of the underlying galaxies rather than by light from the non-stellar processes occurring in the active nuclei, and in many cases a 4000A break feature can be identified. The individual spectra are described in detail, and the importance of the various spectral components is discussed. Stellar population synthesis modelling of the spectra will follow in a subsequent paper (Nolan et al. 2000).Comment: 23 pages, LaTeX, uses MNRAS style file, incorporates 71 postscript figures, to be published in MNRAS. Contact author: [email protected]

    Coherent control and feedback cooling in a remotely-coupled hybrid atom-optomechanical system

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    Cooling to the motional ground state is an important first step in the preparation of nonclassical states of mesoscopic mechanical oscillators. Light-mediated coupling to a remote atomic ensemble has been proposed as a method to reach the ground state for low frequency oscillators. The ground state can also be reached using optical measurement followed by feedback control. Here we investigate the possibility of enhanced cooling by combining these two approaches. The combination, in general, outperforms either individual technique, though atomic ensemble-based cooling and feedback cooling each individually dominate over large regions of parameter space.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables. Updated to include exemplary experimental parameters and expanded discussion of noise source
