34 research outputs found

    Antecedent Factors Influencing Teacher’s Readiness in Teaching Design and Technology Education

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    Teacher readiness is necessary in the teaching and learning process, especially when a new curriculum is introduced. This study was conducted to identify the factors that influence the readiness of teachers in teaching Design and Technology (RBT) in the new Primary School Standard Curriculum (KSSR). The factors studied included self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, ICT skills, and support training, which were the independent variables, and teacher readiness was the dependent variable. This descriptive quantitative survey involved 368 RBT teachers teaching Year 4 KSSR students in Peninsular Malaysia. Cluster and simple random sampling were used to select the sample of this study. The research instrument consisted of a set of questionnaires that contained 114 items adapted from previous research. A pilot study was conducted with a Cronbach’s Alpha value of 0.95. Study data were analyzed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The results of the study show that the overall mean for teachers’ readiness in teaching RBT is high. The findings showed that the overall mean for the aspect of reasoning knowledge was 3.82 (SP = .57) and SBA skills were 3.92 (SP = .58). Findings give the impression that the respondents have high reasoning knowledge and PBS skills. It was also found that the mean value for the aspect of SBA skills is higher than the reasoning knowledge. The regression analysis results show that all four factors significantly contribute to teacher readiness at 40.4 %. In conclusion, the findings of this study give the impression that the factors influencing teacher readiness are important in the formulation of a new curriculum. This study provides guidance to policy makers and curriculum planners especially for Ministry of Education Malaysia (KPM) on the aspect of teacher readiness when introducing new subjects

    Penerapan nilai kekeluargaan: adakah ianya penting?

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    Kajian kualitatif ini bertujuan untuk meneroka nilai kekeluargaan yang diterapkan oleh guru dalam pengajaran kekeluargaan dan meneliti kepentingan pengajaran kekeluargaan kepada murid sekolah menengah. Responden kajian terdiri daripada tiga orang guru sekolah menengah yang mengajar tiga mata pelajaran yang mencakup tema kekeluargaan. Kajian kes kualitatif menggunakan teknik temu bual separa berstruktur, pemerhatian dan rakaman video dijalankan bagi mengumpul data. Transkripsi temubual dianalisis menggunakan perisian Atlas.ti bagi membina tema dalam kajian ini. Hasil kajian ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa penerapan nilai kekeluargaan dapat meningkatkan kesedaran murid tentang nilai positif yang patut diamalkan dalam kehidupan berkeluarga. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan bahawa penerapan nilai keluarga dengan ketara yang berkaitan dengan aspek alam sekitar yang memberikan implikasi positif kepada pelajar bukan sahaja dapat mengeratkan hubungan keluarga mereka tetapi boleh meningkatkan personaliti pelajar. Kepentingan penerapan nilai kekeluargaan perlu diberi perhatian dan keutamaan oleh semua pihak khususnya guru dan ibu bapa dalam menentukan kemenjadian murid pada masa hadapan

    Teachers' self-efficacy in teaching family life education

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    Although the notion of self-efficacy has been applied to many domains, little is known regarding teacher efficacy in teaching family life. Self-efficacy in this study refers to teachers' beliefs that their efforts can improve students' moral characters and behaviors in relation to family life. In Malaysian secondary schools, aspects of family life are taught through five different subjects. Therefore, there is a need for studying teachers' self-efficacy in teaching family life, which is the main purpose of this research. In this research, the Teachers' Sense of Efficacy Scale, developed by Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001), was used to measure teachers' self-efficacy. Data was collected from 419 secondary school teachers who teach family life. Findings indicated that respondents had moderate self-efficacy for the overall teaching efficacy as well as three sub dimensions of efficacy. The implication of the study is discussed in the last part of the paper. Suggestions offered are hopefully to be considered to enhance and foster teacher efficacy in teaching family life

    The relationship between self-determination motivation and eating behaviour of obese students

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) (2008) reported that overweight and obesity are the fifth major risk for global deaths. At least 2.8 million adults die every year due to overweight or obesity. This study was performed to examine the relationship between motivation and eating behaviour among obese students. This quantitative study involved 400 form four and form five students with Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.00 and above. This study was conducted in the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. The data of this study were collected based on the Behavioral Regulation in Eating Questionnaire (BREQ) by Mullan, Markland and Ingledew (1997). Whereas the eating behaviour questionnaire was adapted from Child Eating Behavior Qestionnaire (CEBQ) (Santos, Gonzalez, Smalley, & Cataldo, 2011). The findings of this study clearly showed that self-determination motivation of the obese students was at a moderate level (M=3.12, SD=0.59). The results also clearly showed that there was a significant relationship between motivation and eating behaviour of the obese students. Majority of the respondent (76.0%) possessed moderate level of self-determination motivation. Those who possessed high self-determination motivation were around 17.3% (69 respondents) while those who possessed low self-determination motivation were around 68% (27 respondents). The findings indicate that, overweight students and students with obesity possessed moderate internal and external motivation towards healthy eating habit. They do not possessed high internal motivation towards healthy eating habit. They were also found failed to set their objectives towards achieving healthy eating habit. It was alarming since it is common for any individual to have high self-determination motivation in order to achieve their goals, which in this case, achieving a healthy eating habit. They do not require any external factors, such as other people in order to achieve their goals. They themselves should determine their objectives, and later try to achieve those objectives. This study suggests an r correlation coefficient of .114. Since the r correlation coefficient was significant (p<.05), it indicates that there was a significant positive relationship between self-determination motivation and healthy eating habit. The size of r correlation coefficient (r=.114) indicates a weak relationship between those variables

    Fashion and clothing instrument for Malaysian fashion lecturers: an analysis of the instructors’ competency scale

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    A latest fashion and clothing instrument that has high validity and reliability can serve as a predictor in measuring the competency of lecturers in the field of fashion. Indirectly, with this instrument, it is expected to improve the competency content that still needs to be explored and refined. Apart from that, this kind of exploration opens up new opportunities to enrich theories and models in the fashion and clothing field. This study aims to validate the knowledge competency scale of fashion and clothing among lecturers. The questionnaires consisted of 45 items, ranging from multiple choice questions to matching questions, right and wrong questions, and fill-in-blank questions. The validation of the constructs was carried out in two phases, firstly, using the Rasch Measurement Model (RMM), and secondly using the Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). Results from the RMM analysis showed that there were 18 misfit items that needed to be removed. Additionally, through the CFA (convergent and discriminant validity), the instrument recorded a consistent internal validity scales of good, acceptable, and fit to the model. All four sub-constructs were also recorded as having high validity, since the overall model showed a good and acceptable fit. In the regard, the scale was deemed successful in fulfilling the psychometric standard and the instrument was adequately stable and could be used at any given time for samples that possessed the same or almost the same criteria

    Factors Influencing TVET Teacher’s TPACK Competencies

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    Developing competent teachers is one of the main focuses of national TVET's transformation. The teaching profession demands that teachers constantly strive to improve the quality of their professionalism to become competent and quality teachers. In addition, TVET teachers must be prepared to withstand the technological boom in the industrial revolution 4.0 digital era to keep them in line with 21st-century learning. Thus, the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) framework is designed to meet the competencies that TVET teachers need. The primary purpose of this study was to assess the factors that influence the TPACK competency of TVET Teachers. Furthermore, to determine the relationship between mentoring role, school environment, and TVET teacher’s competencies. A total of 400 TVET teachers from two categories of TVET-related institutions under the Malaysian Education TVET division were selected as the study’s sample: vocational education upper secondary stream (PVMA) from National Secondary School (SS) and Vocational College (VC). Data were analyzed using a t-test, correlation, and multiple linear regression.  The findings revealed significant differences in the level of technological knowledge competency between the two school categories. The role of mentoring and the school environment is also significantly related to the TPACK competency of TVET teachers. Meanwhile, the school environment predicts a change in the TPACK teachers' competency for TVET teachers in Peninsular Malaysia. Therefore, the study discovers the role of the mentoring role and the school environment in determining new factors influencing TVET teachers’ TPACK competency. For further research, it is recommended to study the mentoring role in mediating the relationship between the school environment and TVET teachers’ TPACK competency

    The relationship between learning motivation and competency-based learning with fashion designing skills for fashion design programme students at vocational college

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    Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) highlights the mastery of skills as a key element before entering a career field. This study was conducted to identify the relationship between learning motivation and competency-based learning (CBL) and fashion designing skills for students in the Fashion Design Programme at Vocational colleges. This quantitative study with correlational research design involved 200 Diploma in Fashion Design Programme students. Simple random sampling technique was used, and data was collected through questionnaires. Findings of inferential analysis showed that fashion designing skills and learning motivation were at a moderate level with mean = 2.88 (SD = .43) and mean = 4.05 (SD = .30). Meanwhile, Competency-Based Learning recorded a mean of 3.08 with a standard deviation of .35. It was found that learning motivation had a weak relationship (r = .249, p<0.05) while CBL had a strong relationship (r = .542, p<0.05) with fashion designing skills. These findings indicate that motivation and competency-based instruction implemented during Teaching and Learning are related with mastery skill. Following that, lecturers need to ensure that the knowledge and skills imparted can be mastered by the students. It can be concluded that the management of Vocational colleges needs to provide continuous motivation to the students as well as support the lecturer to increase their knowledge on CBL in order to produce students who are highly skilled in Fashion Design

    Impact of fashion entrepreneurship programme on entrepreneurial interests, intention and competencies

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    Entrepreneurship education has traditionally focused on formal education, but many initiatives have been taken parallel with the 21st century teaching and learning strategies to engage student experience through learning by doing. The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of entrepreneurship education on students’ entrepreneurship interest, intentions and competencies by implementing fashion entrepreneurship program. This study was held at Universiti Putra Malaysia for a period of five months. Samples were selected among undergraduate students who enrolled in Entrepreneurship Courses in First Semester 2016/2017. Screening process comprises interviews and basic sewing test were conducted to select 40 students as the respondents of the program. This program emphasized mentor-mentees system which involved 10 fashion entrepreneurs from the community. Respondents were exposed to entrepreneurship seminars, business and skills trainings, e-marketing workshops, sewing classes as well as evaluation sessions. Qualitative data were gathered through questionnaires adapted from Mc Clellandand Mc Ber & Co (1985) as well as questionnaires by Hisyamudin Hassan (2007). Meanwhile qualitative data were collected through continuous observations and the output of the fashion products. The findings indicated that there is a significant positive correlation between entrepreneurship interests with entrepreneurship intentions. Although the findings showed no significant relationship between fashion entrepreneurship program with entrepreneurship intentions and competencies, respondents’ perceptions towards their interest, intentions and competencies at the end of the program are high. Due to time constraints, it was suggested that future entrepreneurship program should be scheduled more structured and in a timely manner to ensure that student can gain benefit throughout the program and the objective of the program can be achieved

    Clothing fashion design competency instrument: an application of rasch measurement model

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    Clothing Fashion Design Competency (CFaDC) instrument has been developed to measure the knowledge of instructors in order to become an educator who can implement effective teaching processes, as well as master various competencies to deliver the teachings according to the academic standards. This study aims to determine item/respondent reliability index, item/respondent separation index, item polarity, item difficulty level and respondents’ ability, as well as unidimensionality. A total of 330 instructors in the field of fashion and clothing have answered the CFaDC instrument. The instrument consists of 5 constructs, namely design knowledge, clothing construction, clothing selection, clothing care and textiles. The validation of the instrument applied psychometric characteristics of assessment procedures using Rasch measurement model. The findings showed that the item reliability index was high and acceptable. Meanwhile, respondents’ ability level could be divided into two levels in this study. Moreover, it was found that there was no second dimension in measuring the constructs in CFaDC instrument. The results revealed that out of 85 items, 54 items were retained, whereas 31 items were detected as misfits and should be dropped so that this instrument is fair and reliable to all respondents. The results of this study will be pointing towards the stability of standard of competencies for Clothing Fashion (CFaD) program in order for the program to always be updated and in tandem with the needs of today’s clothing and apparel industry

    Issues and trends in fashion education sustainability

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    United Nations (UN) has declared Sustainable Development Education (ESD) as an effort to achieve sustainable development goals (SDGs). Hence, it is encouraged that all parties globally, the government, the industry and education to implement a holistic and creative ESD approach to realize the goals of SDGs. ESD issues are also discussed in fashion education because the fashion industry is a contributor to environmental pollution. Thus, the values of sustainability in fashion education should be applied to students at an early stage so that students can understand different perspectives when faced with sustainability issues. In addition, students' attitudes and behaviour towards environmental issues are also at a moderate level. Students have been influenced by various influences such as mass media, ideologies and other social aspects. Thus, the objective of this study was to provide more information on issues in sustainable fashion education. The researcher also tried to channel some initiatives and the mechanism that can be used for the ESD practice approach in fashion education. The methodology used in this article was through the information review of previous studies. The information collected consists of articles of study and existing reports. The general and specific keywords were also used in the information search. Besides, the researcher also modified previous research results and combined various previous research findings to identify issues and trends of ESD in fashion education. From the findings, several parties play important roles in practising ESD in fashion education. The parties involved are educators, educational institutions, the government and the industry. In addition, various approaches can be done to promote ESD practices to students such as the application of mixed technology, the use of conceptual models in the fashion curriculum, the development of sustainable fashion courses, innovation in curriculum and pedagogy as well as collaborative activities between institutions and the industry. The findings also showed that several theories and models of previous studies discussed the significant relationship of factors influencing ESD practices. Those theories are Theory of Planned Behavior-TPB, Norm Activation Theory - NAT, Predictors of Environmental Behavior: PEB model and KAP Model