1,258 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kendali Pid Penalaan Ziegler-nichols Menggunakan Mikrokontroler

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    PID control has been widely used in industry as well as been implemented in the control of the liquid level . The research objective is to design PID controller base on microcontroller and then apply it on the miniature hopper-conveyor plant to maintain solid levels of raw materials to remain constant . The dimension of hopper is 25 cm long, 20 cm wide and 25 cm high. The design of PID control uses a separate action based on microcontroller and for the tuning uses open-loop Ziegler-Nichols. The design is implemented in miniature hopper-conveyor plant to move the raw material form of green beans to the hopper using a screw conveyor. The screw conveyor is rotated by a three phase induction motor with inverter speed drive. Level in the hopper is measured by using an ultrasonic sensor module build-in the data acquisition program . The experimental results of implementation on the miniature hopper-conveyor plant shows that PID control provides good performance such as overshoot occurs in 1 cm, or 0.05 % of set point and risetime shows 280 seconds

    Pendeteksi Propagasi Menggunakan Metode FM Berbasis Personal Komputer

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    Generally, point to point communication and broadcasting uses VHF band, each function VHF band can use for observes activities at ionosphere. This research designed and realized propagation detection use frequency modulation based personal computer. Results of the research are realization of system and simulation. Simulation results before ionosphere reflection occur is 50 % and after ionosphere reflection occur is 90 %. Frequency modulation method can be implemented earthquake detection with realized measurement stations

    Pendeteksi Gempa Dengan Metode FM Berbasis Personal Computer

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    Generally, earthquake is measured with a seismometer, a device which is also known as seismograph that works based on detection of seismic wave in earth\u27s crust. This research designs and implements an earthquake detection using frequency modulation method based on personal computer. The research results a system and simulation. Simulation shows that in a normal condition the strength carrier is 2,5 % and before the earthquake occurred, the strength carrier is 55%. Frequency modulation method can be implemented to detect earthquake by building some measurement stations at several places

    Analysis of bond-slip between concrete and steel bar in fire

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    This paper presents a robust model for predicting the bond-slip between the concrete and steel reinforced bar at elevated temperatures. The model is established based on a partly cracked thick-wall cylinder theory and the smeared cracking approach is adopted to consider the softening behaviour of concrete in tension. The model is able to consider a number of parameters: such as different concrete properties and covers; different steel bar diameters and geometries. The proposed model has been incorporated into the Vulcan program for 3D analysis of reinforced concrete structures in fire. The model has been validated against previous test results.The first author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research of Iraqi Government for this Ph.D. project

    Development Of Fuzzy Logic Controller For Trainer Kitbased On Microcontroller

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    Informatics and Business Institute Darmajaya Bandar Lampung especially Bachelor of Computer System Program will apply FLC subjects on new curriculum in 2015. To increasing knowledge and motivation of students learning of Fuzzy Logic Controler/FLC is needed a trainer kit. This study aimed to developed FLC module for trainer kit. The membership function use a triangle. The singleton fuzzification use as fuzzifier. FLC module is designed to have three subset with 9 rules. Fuzzy inference machine use max-min operator while defuzzification use the Centre of Average. Fuzzy system implemented on ATmega 32 microcontroller then output converted to analogue using a DAC. Testing is done by providing input voltage variations and measure the outputs and retrieve data from each of the fuzzy operations through data acquisition program. The test show the modules can work in accordance with the fuzzy operation, the output voltage of FLC module in accordance with changes in input voltage. KEY WORDStrainer kit, fuzzy logic controller, microcontrolle


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    There are high demands for animal and human food supply especially protein, which is an important dietary component. Agricultural wastes, cheap carbon sources- which are rich and have high energy, can be used for producing the value added bioprotein. A lab scale study was carried out to optimize the media composition for bioprotein production from a cheaper carbon source - wheat flour using potential strain, which was selected earlier by screening different microorganisms. The performance of the selected strain was enhanced by media optimization with varied substrate concentration, nitrogen sources and nutrient supplementation according to the central composite design from STATISTICA software. Statistical optimization was carried out to evaluate the polynomial regression model through effect of linear, quadratic and interaction of the factors. The maximum biomass produced was 21.89 g/L with optimum fermentation conditions of wheat flour (4 g/L), nitrogen concentration (0.5 g/L), nutrient concentration (0.1 g/L), and four days of fermentation

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Quantum Teaching Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas Vc Sdn 76 Pekanbaru

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    The problem this research is the student achievement of social studies fifth graderes SDN 76 Pekanbaru still low with an average value of 55,25 and minimum completenness criteria (KKM) social studies is 75. Between students, amounting to 36 people only 15 students who achieve classical KKM with 42%. This research is Classroom action Research (CAR), wich aims to improve the learning process in the classroom. Formulation of the problem : is the implementation of Quantum Teaching can improve students achievment of social studies at SDN 76 Pekanbaru. The research was conducted on march 9, 2014 to april 25, 2015 by 2 cyclees. Subjects were students of SDN 76 Pekanbaru, totalling 36 people who use the data source. The data collection instruments in this research is a teacher and students activities sheets and students achievement. Based on the conduct of research with the implementation of learning models Quantum Teaching type of activity the teacher in the lerning process in cycle I frist meeting was 62,5% and at the second meeting of teacher activity increased by 8,3% to 70,8%. cycle II firs meeting and the second meeting of activity increased by 8,4% to 79,2% and the second meeting of activity increased by 12,5% to 95,8%. Result of data analysis of students activities in the first meeting cycle with the first meeting of an avarage of 54,2% and at second meeting of activity increased 8,3% to 62,5%% and a second meeting of activity increased 16,7% improve to 79,2%. At the firs meeting of the second meeting of activity increased 12,5% to91,7%%.This research presents the results obtained each before the implementation an improve in base score sycle with the average being, 56,3%. In the first cycle improve an average of 66,7% with increase as 75,0% and an impove in the second with an average of 83,3% with increase as 9,5%. Result in the research that the implementation of cooperative learning model of Quantum Teaching) can improve students achievement of social Studies at fifth graderes SDN 76 Pekanbaru

    Experiments on the dynamics of density currents

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    Density currents occur when fluid of one density propagates along a horizontal boundary into fluid of a different density. In dam reservoirs, density currents are the main transport mechanism for the incoming sediments and they play an important role in redistribution of existing sediments. This paper aims to investigate velocity structure in the body of density currents. To this end, laboratory experiments were performed on density currents having various initial conditions and bottom slopes. Then, vertical velocity profiles were recorded in the body of density currents. The velocity structure of the currents was investigated by fitting equations to the wall and jet regions of the measured profiles, and the constants of the equations were yielded with R2 more than 0.80. Temporal and spatial evolution of density currents were also analysed to study the dynamics of the frontal region of the currents. It was observed that the currents having more bottom slope travel at a further distance. It was also found that 400% increase in the initial concentration of the currents can increase their frontal velocity up to 97%

    Tributyltin stimulates synthesis of interferon gamma and tumor necrosis factor alpha in human lymphocytes

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    Tributyltin (TBT) is found in human blood and other tissues and thus is of considerable concern as to its effects on human health. Previous studies have demonstrated that TBT has detrimental effects on immune function. Recently, we found that exposures to TBT caused increased secretion of two important proinflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) and interferon gamma (IFNγ). Elevation of either of these cytokines has the potential to cause chronic inflammation, which is an important factor in a number of diseases including cancer. The current study examined the mechanism of TBT-induced elevations of TNFα and IFNγ secretion and found that the p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway was essential to the ability of TBT to stimulate secretion. Additionally, this study demonstrated that increased secretion of these cytokines was due to TBT-induced increases in their overall synthesis, rather than simply being due to an increase in the release of already formed proteins. The TBT-induced increases in synthesis were evident within 6 hours of exposure. The p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is also necessary for the TBT-induced increases in both TNFα and IFNγ synthesis. The role of increased transcription of TNFα and IFNγ mRNA in response to TBT exposures as a possible explanation for the increased synthesis of these cytokines was also examined. It was found that increased mRNA levels did not appear to explain fully the increases in either TNFα or IFNγ synthesis. Thus, TBT is able to increase secretion of two important proinflammatory cytokines by increasing their synthesis