62 research outputs found


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    Thought of ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ Kiai Sahal Mahfudh is a method to explore and respond to the dynamics of law in society. ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ is a model of fiqh development based maį¹£laįø„ah oriented with a clear manhaj. As an embryo of ā€˜fikih peradabanā€™ (civilizing fiqh), ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ was based on the method of the underlying ideas of Moslem scholars (ā€˜ulamāā€™), not a product of their thoughts. Therefore, to follow the method, may result the same product and the different one as well. The method is to contextualize ā€˜traditional authoritative bookā€™ (al-kutub al-muā€™tabarah) through the undestanding of the applications of rules of uį¹£Å«l al-fiqh or qawāā€™id al-fiqhiyyah. The development of masālik al-'illah theory is also urgent in accordance with producing fikih based maį¹£laįø„ah al-'āmmah. In this position, fikih Kiai Sahal completely answers the problem of the integration of authenticity and modernity which are often contradictory and antagonisti


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    Pemikiran Tasawuf Sosial KH. Bahauddin Nursalim (Gus Bahaā€™)

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    This study aims to determine the thoughts of KH. Bahaudin Nursalim (Gus Baha') on social Sufism. The object of research is Gus Baha's recitation which is disseminated through Youtube. This study is included in qualitative research with a character study approach. The data collection techniques are through printed and digital documentation, especially Gus Baha's recitation on Youtube as well as books or journals related to the research topic. The results of the study found seven ideas of Gus Baha' social mysticism, namely: all Muslims go to heaven, the recommendation to follow the ulama, surrender is the highest logic, the importance of knowledge, eliminating suspicion in worship, respecting the struggles of others, and not speaking against other religions

    Nationalist Pluralism in Fiqh Sosial: Ideas and Actions of KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh

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    This study explores the ideas and actions of KH. MA Sahal Mahfudh's pluralism as a role model for society. This qualitative descriptive research used fiqh sosial as a tool of analysis. The data is derived from the different works of Kiai Sahal and other supporting works are complemented by interviews with figures who understand the thinking of Kiai Sahal. The results of research on the thoughts and practices of Kiai Sahal on pluralism are fiqh ikhtilaf, the basic principle of pluralism that promotes tolerance, and the state does not need to be labeled Islam. Meanwhile, Kiai Sahal's pluralism practices include accepting Pancasila, fighting for non-Muslim burials, allowing non-Muslims to teach in pesantren, engaging in interfaith cooperation, prohibiting hostility to non-Muslims, and differentiating between religious areas and mu'amalah. Kiai Sahal's contribution to the aspect of thinking is to open up the inclusiveness of thought while in fact, it can enhance the diversity of the country. Based on this research, Kiai Sahal Mahfudh's pluralism style is nationalist pluralism

    Moderate Islamic Da'wah in the New Normal Era (KH. Afifuddin Muhajir And KH. Abdul Moqsith Ghazali Online Reading Study)

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    Islamic da'wah through online media is able to provide another form of delivering da'wah in the new normal era. The development of public opinion must be balanced with news that is peaceful, therefore it is necessary to preach about moderate Islam. Among the figures who preach via social media are KH. Afifuddin Muhajir and KH. Abdul Moqsith Ghazali. Moderate Islam has a character based on divinity, based on the instructions of the prophet, compatible with human nature, free from conflict, steady and consistent, universal and comprehensive, wise, balanced and free from excessive actions. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. This study uses a phenomenological approach. Analysis using discourse content analysis. This research takes data from You Tube content. Afifuddin Muhajir and KH. Abdul Moqsith Ghazali. Moderate Islamic da'wah carried by KH. Afifuddin Muhajir and KH. Abdul Moqsith Ghazali provides a high portion of reasoning and is oriented towards human respect. Both of them are experts in ushul fiqh and study Sufism, so that these two disciplines greatly influence their thinking so that they have a rationalist-humanist pattern. rationalist-humanist is da'wah in the way of thinking al-adalah, at-tawazun, at-tawasuth and at-tasamuh which makes human beings an object that should be respected and valued as a creature of God's creation

    Productive Economic Daā€™wah of KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh

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    This study will discuss the thoughts and practices of M.A. Sahal Mahfudh's economic da'wah. Among the economic ideas of KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh is to ground the sharia economy, the urgency of the market as a means of business transactions, encourage people to become productive, bank interest, allocate assets, and economic empowerment. This research is field research with a document study approach. Data collection methods using observation and interviews and technical data analysis using the Miles and Huberman technique. KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh views that humans will achieve happiness in the world and the hereafter if they can unite the main human functions as ibadatulllah and immaratul ard. Thoughts and actions of proselytizing the productive economy of KH. MA. Sahal Mahfudh is, following maqashidus sharia, the objectives of implementing Islamic shari'ah, especially in the context of hifdhu al-mal (safeguarding property). Sufficiency and economic prosperity are the starting point for strengthening faith, developing the quality of education, and maturing the people's national insight. Hifdhu al-mal is the key to the success of other maqashidus sharia, namely protecting religion, soul, mind, and offspring


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    Thought of ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ Kiai Sahal Mahfudh is a method to explore and respond to the dynamics of law in society. ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ is a model of fiqh development based maį¹£laįø„ah oriented with a clear manhaj. As an embryo of ā€˜fikih peradabanā€™ (civilizing fiqh), ā€˜Fikih Sosialā€™ was based on the method of the underlying ideas of Moslem scholars (ā€˜ulamāā€™), not a product of their thoughts. Therefore, to follow the method, may result the same product and the different one as well. The method is to contextualize ā€˜traditional authoritative bookā€™ (al-kutub al-muā€™tabarah) through the undestanding of the applications of rules of uį¹£Å«l al-fiqh or qawāā€™id al-fiqhiyyah. The development of masālik al-'illah theory is also urgent in accordance with producing fikih based maį¹£laįø„ah al-'āmmah. In this position, fikih Kiai Sahal completely answers the problem of the integration of authenticity and modernity which are often contradictory and antagonisti

    Full day school : konsep manajemen & quality control

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