125 research outputs found


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    Ruang lalu lintas merupakan sarana yang digunakan sebagai gerak pindah orang, kendaraan, dan barang yang berupa jalan dan fasilitas pendukung. Informasi kepadatan jalan merupakan informasi yang sangat penting untuk mendeteksi kepadatan dan menghitung lalu lintas. Pengolahan citra diperlukan untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai kepadatan jalan baik menggunakan citra maupun video kondisi jalan. Penelitian ini mengimplementasikan metode deteksi tepi Canny dengan menentukan koordinat Region of Interest (ROI) dan menghitung persentase kepadatan pada data video sesuai area ROI yang sudah ditentukan. Hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat mendeteksi kendaraan di jalan dan menentukan tingkat kepadatan jalan dari hasil deteksi menggunakan metode Canny. Setelah dilakukan uji coba sistem didapat hasil yaitu penentuan ROI di jalan menggunakan 4 buah titik koordinat, metode Canny berhasil mendeteksi kendaraan yang berada di jalan, dan dapat menentukan persentase kepadatan untuk menghasilkan status kepadatan lalu lintas

    Application Inventory Data Collection with CV Arta Boga Visual Basic 6.0 Programming

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    Inventory data collection using Visual Basic 6.0 application program, will accelerate in the data collection process on the part of administration and can assist in preparing reports. by changing the files in the form of the worksheet into an organized fields will facilitate the process of data search

    Fire Control System Storey Buildings

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    Tool works in accordance with the desired. Temperature sensors will provide logic low if exposed to heat above 50 degrees Celsius and provides logic high if the normal temperature. Relay logic would work if it gets high (for sensor and electrical fires) are assumed to be connected to the pump relay, so the pump working and the temperature drops, the pump will stop automatically

    Service Goods Delivery System Design Information On Widracipta Lestari CV Using Visual Basic6.0

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    With existence of computerized system is expected that the existing service system at this time can be much faster to handle the problem of customer data and customer data searches, compared with manual service system.These enterprises can be run well, it is necessary to more important information such as customer lists, delivery destination list, price lists and other lists that are used for such business entity.With the existence of the necessary design in enterprise activities "Widracipta Lestari CV" will be shown a good impact at this time include, for making the next customer data stored in computer storage, shipping orders already in the customer data file data about shipping charges , So the cost is included in these efforts can be known through the Visual Basic 6.0 software

    Fund Loan Payment System P2kp In Sub West Kuningan

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    In this paper the author explores the heading "Payment Systems in The Village Fund Loan P2KP West Brass." Principal of the matters to be discussed is a loan payment in installments that in computerization. In this writing consists of understanding the system, data flow diagram which consists of the concept of ERD, and the concept of normalization. Then the design of systems composed of context diagram, diagram of zero, entity relationship diagrams, ERD transformation into relational databases and normalization. Payment systems used to accelerate the authors point out the payment process and delivery of reports in order to create efficiencies and save time working UPK (Financial Management Unit)

    Programmable the Interface 8251a

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    Communication is the process of sending information from one place to another, howthe delivery of information have their own modes and methods. With the computerthe way of sending information is also adjusted to the principles and workings of thecomputer.But computers can not perform data transmission without a tool that can make it ableto carry out the process of data transfer. One of these tools is the IC is an IC 8251AUSART (Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) is IC that isused to implement the information delivery process using serial synchronous /asynchronous.The advantage of using this chip is its ability to be programmed (programmable) inaccordance with the procedures contained in IC programming this 8251A

    Acceptance and Return System Administration Services in Laundry Chemical Laundry Surya

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    In a small and large companies require the admissions process really accurate than thedata of each consumer begins receiving means until the return of consumeracceptance in the demand for services that it is definitely different every receiptobtained from the consumer.Therefore acceptance conducted in a computer system it is helpful to process thefinancial administration in this case a "Surya Chemicals Laundry Laundry" need touse a computer from a manual to computerized processes because consumers willrequire more effective and efficient
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