156 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Multiple Virtualized Servers

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    Server virtualization is considered as one of the most significant changes in IT operations in the past decade, making it possible to manage groups of servers with a greater degree of reliability at a lower cost. It is driven by the goal of reducing the total number of physical servers in an organization by consolidating multiple applications on shared servers. In this paper we construct several x86_64 servers based on VMware vSphere, and then analyze their performances using open source analyzing tools Pylot and Curl-loader. The results show that despite the enormous potential benefits of virtualization techniques, the efficiency decreased by increasing the number of virtual machines. So, a trade-off is needed between number of virtual machines and expected efficiency of servers

    Fuzzy Depth Based Routing Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks consist of a variable number of sensors and vehicles that are implemented to perform collaborative monitoring tasks over a given area. However, designing energy-efficient routing protocols for this type of networks is essential and challenging because the sensor nodes is powered by batteries, underwater environment is harsh and propagation delay is long. Most of the existing routing protocols used for underwater wireless sensor networks, such as depth based routing (DBR) protocol use a greedy approach to deliver data packets to the destination sink nodes at the water surface. Further, DBR does not require full-dimensional location information of sensor nodes. Instead, it needs only local depth information, which can be easily obtained with an inexpensive depth sensor that can be equipped in every underwater sensor node. DBR uses smaller depth as the only metric for choosing a route. This decision might lead to high energy consumption and long end to end delay which will degrade network performance. This paper proposes an improvement of DBR protocol by making routing decisions depend on fuzzy cost based on the residual energy of receiver node in conjunction with the depth difference of receiver node and previous forwarder node and the number of hops traveled by the received packet. Our simulation was carried out in Aquasim an NS2 based underwater simulator and the evaluation results show that the proposed fuzzy multi metric DBR protocol (FDBR) performs better than the original DBR in terms of average end to end delay, packet delivery ratio and energy savin


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    Perdebatan us}uliyyun terkait diskursus term rukhs}ah sangat menarik untuk dikaji. Karena meskipun di antara mereka terdapat kesamaan dalam memahami rukhs}ah secara umum, tetapi secara spesifik terjadi perbedaan mendasar dalam merumuskan konsep rukhs}ah dari berbagai perspektifnya. Kajian ini akan menjawab fokus masalah berikut: Bagaimana konsep rukhs}ah menurut ulama us}ul fiqh (ushuliyyûn)? Bagaimana hubungan konsep rukhsah dengan maqashid syari’ah dalam hukum Islam? Bagaimana aplikasi rukhs}ah dalam hukum pernikahan?. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif, yaitu penelitian yang berusaha mengungkap keadaan yang bersifat alamiah secara holistik. Masalah dan fakta akan digambarkan secara deskriptif, kemudian dianalisis untuk memperoleh gambaran utuh tentang permasalahan-permasalahan yang akan diteliti. Sesuai dengan obyek kajiannya, penelitian ini juga termasuk jenis penelitian kepustakaan (library research). Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatan filosofis. Pendekatan ini, berfungsi untuk membedah konsep rukhs}ah melalui perspektif us}ul fiqh. Dengan kata lain, teori-teori us}ul fiqh berperan sebagai pisau analisis dalam menjawab masalah-masalah penelitian. Selain itu, digunakan juga pendekatan komparatif. Hal ini penting, untuk membandingkan konsep rukhs}ah berdasarkan perbedaan mazhab. Hasil temuan penelitian ini sebagai berikut: pertama, para ushuliyyun berbeda pendapat dalam menguraikan konsep rukhs}ah. Tetapi, dapat ditarik titik temu bahwa rukhs}ah menurut para pakar ushul yaitu suatu perubahan hukum disebabkan adanya uzur (halangan). Adapun uzur yang menyebabkan adanya rukhsah adalah ad d}aru>rah (keadaan darurat), al-masyaqqah (kondisi sulit), as-safar (kondisi bepergian), al-ikra>h (kondisi dipaksa), al-marad} (kondisi sakit), an-nisya>n (kondisi lupa), al-khata’ (kondisi keliru), al-jahl (kondisi tidak tahu), umu>m al balwa (kesulitan yang umum) dan an-naqs} (kondisi kekurangan). Sementara metode penetapan rukhs}ah, ulama sepakat harus berdasarkan dalil, baik berupa teks Alquran maupun hadis atau berdasarkan metode qiyas. Kedua, relasi antara rukhsah dan maqashid syariah memiliki hubungan yang sangat erat. Hubungan tersebut, nampak dari tujuan utama dari pada rukhs}ah yang diberikan oleh Syari’ kepada umat manusia tidak lain adalah mewujudkan kemaslahatan bagi umat manusia itu sendiri. Selain itu, dengan adanya rukhsah ini manusia dapat terhindar dari segala kesulitan kesulitan yang mungkin dihadapi oleh setiap manusia dalam kondisi-kondisi darurat tertentu. Ketiga, aplikasi hukum yang ditimbulkan dari konsep rukhs}ah di bidang hukum pernikahan adalah di antaranya: (1) rukhs}ah berpoligami, (2) rukhs}ah memandang wanita yang dikhitbah, (3) rukhs}ah nikah mut’ah di zaman Rasulullah. (4) rukhs}ah bagi wanita karir bekerja demi memenuhi kebutuhan keluarga,. (5) rukhs}ah taukil wali nikah, yang berhalangan hadir di majelis akad nikah, (6) rukhs}ah bagi orang tua terhadap pendidikan anak, (7) rukhs}ah suami memukul istri yang nusyu>z. Urgensitas penelitian model kajian ushul fiqh tidak dapat dinafikan dalam kajian ilmu keislaman. Oleh karena itu, kiranya penting untuk dilanjutkan penelitian semacam ini dengan memfokuskan pada implikasi rukhs}ah terhadap bidang kajian bab fikih khususnya pada bab fiqh jina>ya>t dan fiqh muamala>t

    Implementation and Comparison of Lattice-based Identification Protocols on Smart Cards and Microcontrollers

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    Most lattice-based cryptographic schemes which enjoy a security proof suffer from huge key sizes and heavy computations. This is also true for the simpler case of identification protocols. Recent progress on ideal lattices has significantly improved the efficiency, and made it possible to implement practical lattice-based cryptography on constrained devices like FPGAs and smart phones. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous attempts were made to implement lattice-based schemes on smart cards. In this paper, we report the results of our implementation of several state-of-the-art and highly-secure lattice-based identification protocols on smart cards and microcontrollers. Our results show that only a few of such protocols fit into the limitations of these devices. We also discuss the implementation challenges and techniques to perform lattice-based cryptography on constrained devices, which may be of independent interest

    Short Term and Long-Term Efficacy of Calcipotriene/ Betamethasone Dipropionate Foam Combination

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    Psoriasis is a well-known chronic disease characterized by the development of erythematous, indurated, scaly, pruritic plaques on the skin with cycles of remission and symptom flare-ups. The management of patients with chronic plaque psoriasis has been more challenging since the Covid-19 pandemic as health care professionals have had to adapt to remote consultations for some patients, and patients have had to adapt to the changing health landscape. The rapid resolution of psoriasis symptoms especially those with a substantial impact on quality of life can improve patient satisfaction and adherence, making it an important factor in successful treatment. Cal/BD foam contributes to improved patient adherence and treatment outcome through its rapid action and superior efficacy versus Cal or BD monotherapy, Cal/BD ointment and gel and clobetasol cream in the short-term flare treatment of psoriasis. Moreover, the benefits of proactive long-term management of psoriasis compared to reactive management and its favourable safety profile are higher efficacy and a better health-related quality of life. Cal/BD foam should be considered an effective topical treatment for short-term flare treatment and long-term control of adult psoriatic patients

    Pendampingan Pengukuran Arah Kiblat Untuk Santri Pondok Pesantren Idris Bintan

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    Pada tahun 2019 dilakukan 20 kalibrasi kiblat masjid di Bintan, dan pada tahun 2020 dilakukan 10 kalibrasi kiblat di Bintan. Kalibrasi arah kiblat terjadi karena kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang arah kiblat serta minimnya para ahli Ilmu Falak di suatu daerah. Dibutuhkan kaderisasi ahli falak agar kemelencengan arah kiblat tidak terjadi lagi. Kebanyakan ahli falak lahir dari rahim pesantren, akan tetapi tidak semua pondok pesantren yang memasukkan mata pelajaran Ilmu Falak ke dalam kurikulum pendidikan mereka, termasuk pondok pesantren Idris Bintan. Pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatan kemampuan pengukuran arah kiblat untuk santri pondok pesantren Idris Bintan. Pengabdian ini menggunakan metode Participatory Action Research (PAR) yang merupakan metode riset yang dilaksanakan secara partisipatif oleh santri pondok pesantren Idris Bintan. Pengabdi beserta santri berpartisipasi aktif dalam meningkatkan kemampuan santri pondok pesantren Idris Bintan dalam teori dan praktik pengukuran arah kiblat. Kegiatan ini berhasil meningkatkan kemampuan dan pengetahuan santri pondok pesantren Idris Bintan tentang Ilmu Falak terutama mengenai arah kiblat. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari nilai rata-rata Post Test mereka yang mendapatkan 92,42 poin. Sedangkan pada awalnya nilai rata-rata Pre Test mereka hanya 45,15 poin. Terjadi peningkatan 47,27 poin setelah dilaksanakan pendampingan pengukuran arah kiblat untuk santri pondok pesantren Idris Bintan

    Proactive Management with Cal/BD Foam in Patients with Plaque Psoriasis prolongs Time with improved health-related Quality of Life when compared with reactive Management

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    Hintergrund: Die Phase-III-Studie PSO-LONG (NCT02899962) zeigte, dass ein proaktives Management (PM) mit Cal/BD-Schaum (Calcipotriol 0,005 %/Betamethason Dipropionat 0,064 %) gegenüber einem reaktiven (RM) über bis zu 52 Wochen bei Erwachsenen mit Psoriasis zu einer überlegenen Wirksamkeit führt. [1] Der von Patienten angegebene DLQI [2] bewertet deren Wahrnehmung der Psoriasis hinsichtlich der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität (HRQoL). Diese Post-hoc-Analyse von PSO-LONG untersucht, ob das initiale DLQI-Ansprechen nach Cal/BD-Schaumbehandlung in der Open-Label-Phase besser durch anschließendes PM oder RM gehalten werden konnte. Ziele: 1) Hervorheben, dass eine 1x tgl. offene Behandlung mit Cal/BD-Schaum über 4 Wo. die HRQoL von Plaque-Psoriasis-Patienten verbessert 2) Zeigen, dass ein PM mit Cal/BD-Schaum über bis zu 52 Wo. die anfängliche HRQoL-Response, die nach einer 4-wöch. offenen Cal/BD-Schaum-Behandlung erreicht wurde, im Vergleich zum RM bei Plaque-Psoriasis-Patienten signifikant verlängert Methoden: PSO-LONG beinhaltete eine initiale 4-wöchige Open-Label-Phase (OLP) (1x tgl. Cal/BD-Schaum) und eine 52-wöchige doppelblinde Erhaltungsphase (EP), in der Patienten randomisiert zweimal wöchentlich Cal/BD- oder Vehikel-Schaum (PM bzw. RM) anwendeten. Bei Rezidiven (Physician’s Global Assessment [PGA] ≥2) wurde über 4 Wo. 1x tgl. Cal/BD-Schaum gegeben. Der Anteil der Patienten mit einem DLQI = 0/1 nach der OLP wurde während der EP weiter beobachtet, um festzustellen, wie lange anfänglich erzielte Ergebnisse anhielten. Pro Gruppe wurden Kaplan-Meier-Kurven und Hazard Ratios (HR) für die Zeit mit Ansprechen ausgewertet. Ergebnisse: Die Analyse umfasste 521 Patienten mit überwiegend PGA-moderater Psoriasis (85,2 %). Während der OLP erreichten 49 % der Patienten einen DLQI = 0/1. Während der EP war das RM versus PM mit fast doppelt so hohem Risiko assoziiert, den DLQI = 0/1 zu verlieren (HR: 1,92; p\u3c0,001), und die mediane Zeit bis zum Ansprechverlust war fast 3,5x kürzer (57 bzw. 197 Tage). Fazit: Bei einer Untergruppe von Patienten, die nach initialer Behandlung mit Cal/BD-Sprühschaum ein DLQI = 0/1 HRQoL-Ansprechen erreichten, verlängerte das anschließende PM mit Cal/BD-Schaum die Zeit mit DLQI-Ansprechen signifikant gegenüber RM

    Adversarial Graph Embeddings for Fair Influence Maximization over Social Networks

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    Influence maximization is a widely studied topic in network science, where the aim is to reach the maximum possible number of nodes, while only targeting a small initial set of individuals. It has critical applications in many fields, including viral marketing, information propagation, news dissemination, and vaccinations. However, the objective does not usually take into account whether the final set of influenced nodes is fair with respect to sensitive attributes, such as race or gender. Here we address fair influence maximization, aiming to reach minorities more equitably. We introduce Adversarial Graph Embeddings: we co-train an auto-encoder for graph embedding and a discriminator to discern sensitive attributes. This leads to embeddings which are similarly distributed across sensitive attributes. We then find a good initial set by clustering the embeddings. We believe we are the first to use embeddings for the task of fair influence maximization. While there are typically trade-offs between fairness and influence maximization objectives, our experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show that our approach dramatically reduces disparity while remaining competitive with state-of-the-art influence maximization methods.Comment: In Proc. of the 29th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI'20), 202

    Efficient Lattice-based Authenticated Encryption: A Practice-Oriented Provable Security Approach

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    Lattice-based cryptography has been received significant attention in the past decade. It has attractive properties such as being a major post-quantum cryptography candidate, enjoying worst-case to average-case security reductions, and being supported by efficient implementations.In recent years, lattice-based schemes have achieved enough maturity to become interesting also for the industry. Additionally, authenticated encryption (AE) is another important topic in the community of cryptography. In this paper, considering two above-mentioned subjects, we propose three lattice-based AEs with an acceptable practical efficiency. These schemes are provably secure assuming the hardness of elementary lattice problems. That is in contrast to the other practical provably-secure AEs, which are based on the hardness assumption of another cryptographic primitive, such as AES. Moreover, we analyze the exact security of these schemes in the paradigm of practice-oriented provable security, while the security proofs of almost all previous lattice-based schemes are asymptotic. The implementation results show that one of the proposed schemes becomes even faster than an AES-256-GCM implementation to encrypt messages of length 64 bytes or longer. Particularly, for a 1500-byte message, this scheme is 34% faster than AES-256-GCM