791 research outputs found

    Ultra-short of pico and femtosecond soliton laser pulse using microring resonator for cancer cells treatment

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    A system of microring resonators (MRRs) incorporating with an add/drop filter system is presented in which ultra-short single and multi temporal and spatial optical soliton pulses can be simulated and used to thermalbased killing of abnormal cells, tumor and cancer, applicable in nanomedical treatments. This proposed system uses chaotic signals generated by a bright soliton pulse within a nonlinear MRRs system. Interaction between gold nanoparticles and ultra-short femtosecond and picosecond laser pulses holds great interest in laser nanomedicine. By using the appropriate soliton input power and MRRs parameters, required spatial and temporal signals are generated spreading over the spectrum. Results obtained show that smallest single temporal and spatial soliton pulse with FWHM = 712 fs and FWHM = 17.5 pm could be generated respectively. The add/drop filter system is used to generate high capacity ultra-short soliton pulses in the range of nanometer/second and picometer/second

    Issues In Stock Index Futures Introduction And Trading. Evidence From The Malaysian Index Futures Market.

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    This paper examines several issues related to the introduction and trading of stock index futures contracts in Malaysia. Issues related to volatility, pricing efficiency, systematic patterns and lead-lag relationships are examined. These issues were studied by way of addressing six research questions. We use two data sets. First, daily price data for 4 years and 2 years respectively for stock and futures markets and second, intraday, 15 minute interval data for 43 days (2 months) of futures trading. Based on our results, we find no evidence of any increase in the volatility of the underlying market following futures introduction. If anything, the one year period following futures introduction had lower volatility. Intermarket comparison showed futures volatility to be higher. No evidence of any expiration day effect was found. We find frequent mispricing, with most of it being underpricing. Including transaction costs showed very little mispricing. Analysis of the 15 minute intraday data showed clear evidence of an overall U-shape in futures volume and volatility. However, a minor third peak at reopening following lunch break was also evident. We find no evidence of a lead-lag relationship, rather a contemporaneous one. Both markets appear to react simultaneously to information arrival.Impact of the introduction of Stock Index Futures Contracts on the underlying equity market

    Nd:YAG laser welding of stainless steel 304 for photonics device packaging

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    Although pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding has been widely used in microelectronics and photonics packaging industry, a full understanding of various phenomena involved is still a matter of trials and speculations. In this research, an ultra compact pulsed Nd:YAG laser with wavelength of 1.064 µm has been used to produce a spot weld on stainless steel 304. The principal objective of this research is to examine the effects of laser welding parameters such as laser beam peak powers, pulse durations, incident angles, focus point positions and number of shots on the weld dimensions: penetration depth and bead width. The ratio of the penetration depth to the bead width is considered as one of the most critical parameters to determine the weld quality. It is found that the penetration depth and bead width increase when the laser beam peak power, pulse duration and number of shot increase. In contrast, the penetration depth decreases when the laser beam defocus position and incident angle increase. This is due to the reduction of the laser beam intensity causing by the widening of the laser spot size. These experimental results provide a reference on an optimal laser welding operations for a reliable photonics device packaging. The results obtained shows that stainless steel 304 is suitable to be used as a base material for photonics device packaging employing Nd:YAG laser welding technique

    Evaluation of cast defects in ship propeller of recycled aluminum alloy

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    The material used is recycled aluminum alloy. The ship’s propeller is cast through a steel mold. The macroporosity, misrun, and cold shut defects formed in the cast products of the ship’s propellers were observed for their location, geometric shape, and size. Defects are generally formed at the tip of the blade with various geometries and sizes, and shrinkage cavity defects are observed at the butt of the blade. No defects were found in the product when die mold was preheated

    Les conduites addictives en anesthésie réanimation: à propos d’un cas

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    L’anesthésie et la réanimation sont des métiers difficiles, faits de contraintes et de stress. En milieu anesthésique, des agents toxicomanogènes sont à la disposition des praticiens pour leur usage professionnel. L'exposition quotidienne, la facilité d'acquisition et d'utilisation de ces agents est un danger aux médecins et infirmiers, susceptibles de développer une toxicomanie. L'addiction ou toxicomanie aux agents anesthésiques ne représente qu'une partie du problème des dépendances chimiques qui incluent, les drogues licites que sont le tabac et l'alcool, mais aussi d'autres agents de la pharmacopée comme les antidépresseurs et les sédatifs. Nous rapportons le cas d'un infirmier anesthésiste, ayant des antécédents psychiatriques, toxicomane, admis au service d'accueil des urgences de l’hôpital militaire Moulay Ismail de Meknés dans un tableau de choc hémorragique compliquant un faux anévrysme rompu de l’artère fémorale commune droite.Key words: Addiction, toxicomanie, anesthésie, Maro

    Aplikasi Analisis Faktor dengan Metode Principal Component Analysis dan Maximum Likelihood dalam Faktor-faktor yang Memengaruhi Pemberian Makanan Tambahan pada Bayi Usia 0-6 Bulan di Desa Pematang Panjang Kecamatan Air Putih Kabupaten Batubara Tahu

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    Factor analysis is one of the multivariate statistical analysis techniques.This analysis is included in the interdependence technique with the aim of reconciling data in a grouping or the formation of a new set of variables which is named factor. The parameter estimation that is commonly used in this analysis is the principal component analysis method and the maximum likelihood method. This research aims to know the comparison of suitability of the model by principal component method and maximum likelihood method within the factors that affect the complementary feeding in infants ages 0-6 months in Pematang Panjang Village Air Putih Subdistrict Batubara District 2013. Based on its purpose, this research is implementative research and based on its explanation level it is comparative research. The population of the research was all mothers who have baby in age of 0-6 months which are as many as 52 persons. The sampleis all population made as sample. The result of factor analysis using the principal component analysis method forms factor 1 (education, culture, economy, job, and mother's health) and factor 2 (knowledge, baby's health, and health/medical officer), while the result of factor analysis using maximum likelihood method forms factor 1 (education, culture, economy and job) and factor 2 (knowledge, baby's health, mother's health and health/medical officer). Research results by using analysis of factors suggest that the maximum likelihood method has a better model accuracythan the principal component analysis method, because the RMSE value of maximum likelihood method which is 0,0222 < RMSE value of principal component analysis method which is 0,0409. It is suggested to the next research which uses factor analysis aplication that it is better to firstly see the result of the analysis using principal component analysis and maximum likelihood methods and then using method with less RMSE value

    Effects of first and second trimester vaginal bleeding on pregnancy outcome

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    The effects of vaginal bleeding during first and second trimester on pregnancy outcomes was assessed in a hospital-based population of 268 non-diabetic women. The group of non-bleeders comprised 173 females whereas, there were 71 females with first and 24 with second trimester bleeding. Fetal loss (abortion) occurred in 34% of first trimester and 25% of second trimester bleeders. Low birth weight and preterm delivery were significantly associated with second trimester haemorrhage. The results suggest that first and second trimester vaginal bleeding correlates with adverse infant outcomes