11 research outputs found


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    Purpose of Study: The current study aimed at revealing the integration of information and communications technology (ICT) in EFL/ESL teachers' training and self-efficacy beliefs as perceived by trainers. A group of (64) trainers from different countries (Palestine, UK, USA, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq) completed the two instruments of the study. Methodology: The first instrument was a survey of the actuality of ICT integration in the training; it comprises (47) items distributed into nine domains, i.e.  PowerPoint, Facebook, Wiki, YouTube, Blogs, Email, Google, Mobile, and Platform\E-course. The second instrument was a self-efficacy scale which consists of (14) items. The results of trainers' responses revealed that Emails, Mobile, and Google are often used with relative weights (%78.59, %68.13, and %68.02) respectively, whereas Wikis were never used i.e. relative weight (%28.96). The differences in integrating ICTs between male and female trainers were statistically insignificant. Furthermore, there were no statistically significant differences due to the respondents' period of experience. Results: The results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the respondents' integration of ICT due to country of origin. The trainers' self-efficacy wobbles between 66.88 and 58.13 with a total of 61.70, which is moderate. Based on the study findings, the researchers recommend arousing trainers and trainees' awareness regarding integrating more ICTs in their training courses and encouraging them to try the different ICTs which make it easier for trainees to grasp the training material

    Nutritional assessment of zinc among adolescents in the Gaza Strip-Palestine

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    Zinc deficiency, obesity and stunting can be observed together in some developing countries. Moreover, zinc deficiency may enhance fat deposition and decrease lean body mass. In term of health, adequate absorbable zinc in food is essential for human health and growth. On the other hand, zinc deficiency affects children’s physical growth and deteriorates health status and increases the risk and severity of a variety of infectious diseases. The aim of the study is to assess zinc nutritional status among early adolescents in the Gaza Strip-Palestine. Methods: A cross sectional study had been performed on 296 adolescents aged 12-15 years old. Three areas in the Gaza Strip were chosen randomly. Systematically, pupils of 7th, 8th and 9th grades were selected. Height and weight measures were taken. Questionnaires including dietary habit and physical activities of pupils were collected in addition to serum zinc level measure. Results: The overall prevalence of serum zinc deficiency among adolescents was 42.5%. Zinc deficiency was more prevalent among the females (47.7%) than the males (37.2%). The overall prevalence of high body mass index was 29%. The overall prevalence of stunting was 7.6%. The stunted males (8.8%) were more prevalent than the females (6.4%). Forty-nine percent of the females live in sedentary life style, whereas 55% of the males practiced active and very active leisure physical activity. The females were less consuming of meat, eggs and milk than the males. Serum zinc level is associated positively with consumption of meat, BMI for age, stunting and physical activities. Conclusion: Zinc deficiency is prevalent

    Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Gaza Strip, Palestine: a Case-Control Study

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    Breast cancer (BC) is the main common cause of cancer mortality among women in the world. This study aims at investigating BC epidemiology and identifying the different risk factors associated and the most affecting ones among women in the Gaza Strip, Palestine. This study was a hospital-based case-control (1: 2), as the study was carried out over the period of October 2014 to February 2015. A total of 105 BC patients, chosen from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City and European hospital for the south governorate, were the case and compared to 209 women as a control group who matched the cases in age, residence, and with no history of breast problems. The age of the enrolled cases and controlled ranged between 18 to 60 years. The face-to-face interview was conducted during the patient visit to the oncology department and the control visit in their home. The result illustrated that women who had late pregnancy (> 35 years)(odds ratio [OR], 11.56; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.64–81.35), or high body mass index (BMI;≥ 30 kg/m 2)(OR, 4.70; 95% CI, 1.62–13.69), or first-degree family history of BC (OR, 2.7; 95% CI, 1.04–7.20), or hypertensive patients (OR, 12.13; 95% CI, 1.93–76.10), or diabetic (OR, 6.84; 95% CI, 1.77–26.36) were more likely to have increased BC risk. The findings of the present study suggest that positive family history of BC, high BMI, and some common diseases (hypertension, diabetes mellitus) may be the epigenetic factors promoting the occurrence of BC

    اتجاهات البحث العلمي لطلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية التربية بالجامعة الإسلامية

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    The study aimed to discover the educational scientific research trends for high studies students in faculties of education in Islamic university of Gaza. To achieve the study aim a scanning was mad to the master theses which had discussed in 2011-2010 and 2010-2009. Then it made questionnaire distributed to 50 students who finished their high studies, 47 are answered. The researcher followed the bibliometrical method which it used to measure and analyzes the intellectual outputs in a special cognitive field through some indicators. The results findings of study were: - Most of the scientific studies are prepared by males as a result of the economical status of Palestinian woman that hinders her from resuming high study. - The researchers attitudes towards curriculum and methods of education with 46.5% ratio compared with educational origin and psychology. - There is very decreasing in eradication of illiteracy, education of adults, special teaching and difficulties of education. - The questionnaire is the largest tool of education used for informational collection. - The scarce of financial awards encouraging the high study. On the light of these results the recommendations are: • Encouraging the educational researches that deal with social and economical ways for education and special education adult education and eradication of illiteracy. • Making a list of priorities for educational scientific research in Palestine. • Improving relations between faculties of education and other local, regional and international institutions in scientific researches.هدفت الدراسة إلى الكشف عن اتجاهات البحث العلمي التربوي لدى طلبة الدراسات العليا في كلية التربية بالجامعة الإسلامية – غزة ولتحقيق هدف الدراسة تم مسح رسائل الماجستير التي نوقشت في العامين 2009/2010، 2010/2011 حيث تم تصميم استبيان وزع على (50) دارساً أنهوا دراستهم العليا من أصل (200) دارس وصل منها (47) وقد اتبع الباحث المنهج البيلومتري لقياس وتحليل النتاج الفكري في حقل معرفي معين من خلال بعض المؤشرات، وقد توصلت الدراسة لنتائج كان من أبرزها: - غالبية الرسائل العلمية من إعداد الذكور، حيث إن الظروف الاقتصادية التي تعيشها المرأة الفلسطينية وظروف العمل حالت دون إكمال دراستها العليا. - اتجاه الباحثين نحو المناهج وطرق التدريس بنسبة 46.5% مقارنة بقسمي أصول التربية وعلم النفس. - وجود نقص شديد في مجال محو الأمية وتعليم الكبار، والتربية الخاصة، وصعوبات التعلم. - الاستبيان هو الأداة الأكثر استخداماً لجمع المعلومات. - ندرة المكافآت المالية التشجيعية لطلبة الدراسات العليا. وفي ضوء هذه النتائج كان من أهم التوصيات: • تشجيع البحوث التربوية التي تتناول المجالات الاجتماعية والاقتصادية للتربية، والتربية الخاصة، وتعليم الكبار، ومحو الأمية. • وضع قائمة لتحديد أولويات البحث العلمي التربوي في فلسطين. • توطيد العلاقة بين كليات التربية في مجال البحث العلمي والمؤسسات والهيئات المحلية والإقليمية والدولية


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    Abstract The goal of this paper and central objective of this study was to investigate and find out social work students' English language skills target needs at the University College of Applied Sciences (UCAS), through determining and identifying the social work students' lacks, and wants to function effectively in their academic and work domain. The findings in this paper are drawn from a research study on investigating English language target needs of social work students at the university college of applied sciences, Palestine. Following NA model, the respondents of this study are social work students and teachers, and ESP teachers. This study uses a triangulation mixed methods design. Quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques including a questionnaire and interviews are employed to identify the students' lacks, and wants. Generally, the findings show that speaking and writing are the most important for the social work students, as perceived by all the respondents, to function effectively in the academic and job domain. Finally, the study will broaden the scope and archive of data relevant to research on ESP and NA. It is hoped that this study will be an initial step in developing a suitable ESP course at UCAS, as it tries to encourage other researchers to pursue the subject further, as well. Key words: Target Lacks and Wants, Social Work Students, University College, Applied Sciences. Introduction In the era of globalization and technological and industrial progress, countries all over the world are doing their best to escort such development. Hasman (2004) stated that English language has a remarkable spread in various life domains; such as education, science, technology, business, policy etc. Accordingly, educational institutions devote money, time, and efforts to meet the scientific and technological needs and goals, since joining the developed and civilized world is unattainable without distinguished educational systems. In this regard, the University College of Applied Science (UCAS) in the Gaza Strip is a case in point. UCAS is an academic institution which has been established to provide the Palestinian community in Gaza Strip with its needs by graduating highly-qualified and well-trained professionals, besides transferring science and technology to Palestinian society through its all various sectors. The main goal of the present study is to investigate the Social Work students' English Target lacks, and wants at UCAS in relation to their reading and writing skills. Background of the Study Even though Arabic is the official language of Palestine as it is the mother tongue of all Palestinians, teaching English language is considered to be one of the main components of the Palestinian education curriculum. Including obligatory English components in the Palestinian curriculum is a natural reflection to the significance and usefulness of English language that have been recognized by the Palestinian policy makers in the Palestinian educational system. In this respect, Harmer (1991) explained that English was already on its way to become a genuine Lingua-Franca by the end of twentieth century. Moreover, Literature Review In the world of English language teaching (ELT), the last few years have witnessed numerous rapid changes, due to the ELT practitioners' efforts to create and renovate better teaching methods on one hand, and to remove the irrelevance in ELT on the other hand. In this regard


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    In today's digital era and the revolution of online education, students move from face-to-face interaction to digital one. They have fewer opportunities to cooperate and do real interactions with each other. There comes the need to integrate technology tools to assist students to build their own digital community. Speaking is the basis for communication, and different reasons make speaking a difficult task to master, such as; limited time and other internal elements. Padlet can be an alternate solution for these issues. Accordingly, this study aims at investigating the impact of using the Padlet application among the 7th graders to improve their English speaking and deductive thinking skills. The study sample was 30 students who were randomly chosen from Deer Al Balah Prep Boys C school in the middle area of the Gaza Strip, Palestine. The quantitative approach was used, as the students had to set for a pre and post-application of the speaking test as well as the deductive skills test to collect the needed data, and the SPSS was implemented to provide detailed findings. Based on the data analysis and comparing the results of the experimental and controlled group, it is shown that the Padlet is effective in teaching English speaking skills besides improving the deductive skills and abilities of school students in the English classes. The researchers recommend emerging technologies in teaching speaking and consider deductive thinking skills while using such technologies to upgrade the students' 21st-century skills.  Article visualizations

    Capacity-building training to develop short story writing skills, social values, and gender fairness at the IUG, Palestine: A case study

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    This study reflects on an intensive fiction-writing training course conducted at the Islamic University of Gaza (IUG) in Palestine. The trainees were divided into two language-specific groups. The immediate outcome of this training course was 87 short stories. The study assessed the participants' satisfaction levels regarding the quality and content of training, besides it conducted thematic analyses of the short stories produced by the trainees. The Feedback collected indicate that the participants voluntarily shared and fictionalized intimate moments from their lives, as well as experiences learned during the training. (IUG) تسلط هذه الدراسة الضوء على برنامج تدريبي مكثف في كتابة القصة القصيرة، و الذي تم تنفيذه في الجامعة الإسلامية بغزة في فلسطين. تم تقسيم المتدربين إلى مجموعتين تتميزان باللغة (عربي-أنجليزي). وكانت المخرجات الملموسة المباشرة لهذا البرنامج التدريبي عبارة عن 87 قصة قصيرة. قامت الدراسة بتقييم مستويات رضا المتدربين بشأن جودة ومحتوى التدريب، بالإضافة إلى إجراء تحليلات ثيماتية للقصص القصيرة التي أنتجها المتدربون. وتشير التغذية الراجعة التي تم الحصول عليها بعد انتهاء التدريب إلى أن المشاركين شاركوا بشكل طوعي وخيالي لحظات حميمة من حياتهم، فضلاً عن التجارب التي تعلموها خلال التدريب.

    Dietary and Lifestyles assessment among Obese Women in Gaza City, Palestine

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    Background: The fundamental cause of obesity and overweight is an energy imbalance between calories consumed and calories expended. Aim: To clarify and figure out food habits and different lifestyle pattern among a sample of Palestinian women attending the nutrition center in the Gaza Strip. Methods: A cross-sectional study involved 116 women were randomly chosen by purposive census sampling. They aged 25 to 60 years with a diagnosis of obesity. The data collected by interview questionnaire that included social factors, lifestyle habits, and health/disease history. Results: Age group variable has distributed significantly (p=0.024), (31.0%) of morbid obese were ≥35 years group compared to (13.5%) of morbid obese amongst the younger group. The higher intakes of legumes (OR: 2.134, P=0.003), nuts (OR: 3.917, P=0.019), eggs (OR: 6.840, P=0.009), fast foods (OR: 4.461, P=0.005), and soda drinks (OR: 2.230, P=0.004) were the risk factors linked to the increased risk of morbid obesity. Moreover, the higher intakes of legumes (OR: 8.439, P=0.011), eggs (OR: 6.900, P=0.041), chips (OR: 5.049, P=0.012), sugar (OR: 2.068, P=0.011), and fast foods (OR: 3.029, P=0.025) are risk factors of chronic diseases. Conclusion: The study identified several lifestyle factors and improper dietary habits associated with obesity among women in Gaza city. There is a great need to change these habits to avoid the increased risk of obesity. Gene-environment interaction can explain the high incidence of obesity. A national plan of action to overcome obesity is urgently needed to reduce its economic and health burde