2 research outputs found

    Incongruence Between Learning Style and Written Corrective Feedback Type: Mediating Effect of Implicit Theory of Learning Style

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    Implicit theory (Dweck, 2000) suggests that learnersā€™ theories about the malleability of their individual traits (learning style, here) determine the extent to which they can stretch their learning style (Gregersen & MacIntyre, 2014; Young, 2010) and benefit from the instruction that mismatches their preferred styles. The present study aimed at investigating the extent to which Iranian EFL learners with inductive vs. deductive learning styles would benefit from the written corrective feedback (WCF) that does not match their learning styles (i.e., implicit vs. explicit WCF). The study also examined if their success (or lack of) in style stretching and improving their written accuracy is due to the implicit theory (entity vs. incremental) they hold about their learning style. The result showed that students with an incremental theory significantly improved their written accuracy more than those with an entity theory. Also, the findings revealed that inductive learners were more successful in adapting to the mismatched WCF (explicit) and made greater improvement in their written accuracy than deductive students who received implicit WCF.La theĢorie implicite dā€™un apprenant (Dweck, 2000) sur la malleĢabiliteĢ de ses traits individuels (styles dā€™apprentissage, ici) deĢtermine dans quelle mesure il peut eĢtirer son style dā€™apprentissage (Gregersen et MacIntyre, 2014; Young, 2010) et profiter de lā€™instruction qui ne correspond pas aĢ€ leurs styles preĢfeĢreĢs. Cette eĢtude vise aĢ€ deĢterminer dans quelle mesure les apprenants iraniens de lā€™anglais langue eĢtrangeĢ€re ayant des styles dā€™apprentissage inductifs ou deĢductifs beĢneĢficient de la reĢtroaction corrective eĢcrite qui ne correspond pas aĢ€ leurs styles dā€™apprentissage (c.-aĢ€-d. implicite ou explicite). Cette eĢtude examine eĢgalement si leur succeĢ€s (ou leur manque) dans lā€™eĢtirement de style et lā€™ameĢlioration de leur preĢcision eĢcrite est duĢ‚ aux theĢories implicites (entiteĢ vs increĢmentales) quā€™ils deĢtiennent sur leur style dā€™apprentissage. Les reĢsultats ont montreĢ que les eĢtudiants avec une theĢorie increĢmentale ont consideĢrablement ameĢlioreĢ leur preĢcision eĢcrite beaucoup plus que ceux qui ont eu une theĢorie dā€™entiteĢ. De plus, les reĢsultats ont reĢveĢleĢ que les apprenants inductifs ont reĢussi mieux aĢ€ sā€™adapter aĢ€ la reĢtroaction corrective explicite (qui ne correspond pas aĢ€ leur style dā€™apprentissage) et ont ameĢlioreĢ davantage leur preĢcision eĢcrite que les eĢleĢ€ves deĢductifs qui ont recĢ§u la reĢtroaction corrective implicite

    3D Printing for 21st Century Medical Learners: Opportunities for Innovative Research and Collaboration

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    Abstract With the commercialization of accessible 3D printers, using 3D printing for creation of personalized medical interventions has become a rapidly expanding area of research. In keeping with these developments, the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Ottawa has purchased 3D printers (Makerbot Replicator 2X and Ultimaker 2 Extended +) and launched a collaboration with Makerspace and the Health Sciences Library to investigate local opportunities to incorporate 3D printing into education, simulations and research. This article aims to summarize some of the recent developments in 3D printing and introduce readers to how one could use 3D printing for personalized medicine.Ā  RĆ©sumĆ© Avec la venue de la commercialisation dā€™imprimantes 3D accessibles, lā€™emploi de lā€™impression 3D pour la creĢation dā€™interventions meĢdicales personnaliseĢes est un domaine de recherche en deĢveloppement rapide. Afin de rester aĢ€ jour avec ces deĢveloppements, la FaculteĢ de MeĢdecine de lā€™UniversiteĢ dā€™Ottawa sā€™est procureĢ des imprimantes 3D (Makerbot Replicator 2X et Ultimaker 2 Extended +) et a entameĢ une collaboration avec Makerspace et la BibliotheĢ€que des Sciences de la SanteĢ, pour examiner des opportuniteĢs locales visant aĢ€ incorporer lā€™impression 3D aĢ€ lā€™eĢducation, aux simulations et aĢ€ la recherche. Cet article vise aĢ€ reĢsumer certains des deĢveloppe- ments reĢcents en impression 3D et aĢ€ preĢsenter aux lecteurs la manieĢ€re dont celle-ci peut eĢ‚tre utiliseĢe pour la meĢdecine personnaliseĢe.