36 research outputs found

    Optimization of star research algorithm for esmo star tracker

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    This paper explains in detail the design and the development of a software research star algorithm, embedded on a star tracker, by the ISAE/SUPAERO team. This research algorithm is inspired by musical techniques. This work will be carried out as part of the ESMO (European Student Moon Orbiter) project by different teams of students and professors from ISAE/SUPAERO (Institut Supe ́rieur de l’Ae ́ronautique et de l’Espace). Till today, the system engineering studies have been completed and the work that will be presented will concern the algorithmic and the embedded software development. The physical architecture of the sensor relies on APS 750 developed by the CIMI laboratory of ISAE/SUPAERO. First, a star research algorithm based on the image acquired in lost-in-space mode (one of the star tracker opera- tional modes) will be presented; it is inspired by techniques of musical recognition with the help of the correlation of digital signature (hash) with those stored in databases. The musical recognition principle is based on finger- printing, i.e. the extraction of points of interest in the studied signal. In the musical context, the signal spectrogram is used to identify these points. Applying this technique in image processing domain requires an equivalent tool to spectrogram. Those points of interest create a hash and are used to efficiently search within the database pre- viously sorted in order to be compared. The main goals of this research algorithm are to minimise the number of steps in the computations in order to deliver information at a higher frequency and to increase the computation robustness against the different possible disturbances

    Copper contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux: spatial risk assessment for the replanting of vines and crops

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    Copper (Cu) is widely and historically used in viticulture as a fungicide against mildew. Cu has a strong affinity for soil organic matter and accumulates in topsoil horizons. Thus, Cu may negatively affect soil organisms and plants, consequently reducing soil fertility and productivity. The Bordeaux vineyards have the largest vineyard surfaces (26%) within French controlled appellation and a great proportion of French wine production (around 5 million hl per year). Considering the local context of vineyard surfaces decreasing (vine uprooting) and possible new crop plantation, the issue of Cu potential toxicity rises. Therefore, the aims of this work are firstly to evaluate the Cu contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux, secondly to produce a risk assessment map for new vine or crop plantation. We used soil analyses from several local studies to build a database with 4496 soil horizon samples. The database was enhanced by means of pedotransfer functions in order to estimate the bioaccessible (EDTA-extractable) Cu in soils of samples without measurements. From this database, 1797 georeferenced samples with CuEDTA concentrations in the topsoil (0-50 cm depth) were used for kriging interpolation in order to produce the spatial distribution map of CuEDTA in vineyard soils. Then, the spatial distribution of Cu was crossed with vine uprooting surfaces and municipality boundaries. CuEDTAconcentrations ranged from 0.52 to 459 mg/kg and showed clear anomalies. Our results from spatial analysis showed that almost 50% of vineyard soil surfaces have CuEDTA concentrations higher than 30 mg/kg (moderate risk for new plantation) and 20% with concentrations higher than 50 mg/kg (high risk for new plantation). A decision-support map based on municipalities was realised to provide a simple tool to stakeholders concerned by land use management

    REMAS: Greenhouse gas emissions risk management in forest fires

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    Trabajo presentado en World Forestry Congress, celebrado en Seúl (Corea del Sur) del 02 al 06 de mayo de 2022.REMAS is an Interreg SUDOE project, an innovative project, both in terms of subject matter and territorial approach. Through transnational cooperation, REMAS addresses the risk management of emitting carbon contained in forest ecosystems into the atmosphere due to forest fires, with a multidisciplinary and integrative character. REMAS proposes prevention and post-fire measures to minimise damage and accelerate the recovery of carbon stocks. The project also works to ensure that this emission risk is included in the design of prevention plans and in taking measures to restore sinks in soil and vegetation at a transnational level. Therefore, through transnational cooperation, REMAS is fostering strong partnerships in which regional and local authorities, academia, NGOs and forest sector companies work together to address the transboundary risk of greenhouse gas emissions from forest fires in the SUDOE territory, whose forest ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change impacts. REMAS is a project co-financed by the Interreg Sudoe Program through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) which involves 8 partners and 9 associated partners

    Inflammatory Potential of Four Different Phases of Calcium Pyrophosphate Relies on NF-κB Activation and MAPK Pathways

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    Background: Calcium pyrophosphate (CPP) microcrystal deposition is associated with wide clinical phenotypes, including acute and chronic arthritis, that are interleukin 1β (IL-1β)-driven. Two CPP microcrystals, namely monoclinic and triclinic CPP dihydrates (m- and t-CPPD), have been identified in human tissues in different proportions according to clinical features. m-CPP tetrahydrate beta (m-CPPTβ) and amorphous CPP (a-CPP) phases are considered as m- and t-CPPD crystal precursors in vitro.Objectives: We aimed to decipher the inflammatory properties of the three crystalline phases and one amorphous CPP phase and the intracellular pathways involved.Methods: The four synthesized CPP phases and monosodium urate crystals (MSU, as a control) were used in vitro to stimulate the human monocytic leukemia THP-1 cell line or bone marrow-derived macrophages (BMDM) isolated from WT or NLRP3 KO mice. The gene expression of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines was evaluated by quantitative PCR; IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-8 production by ELISA; and mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) activation by immunoblot analysis. NF-κB activation was determined in THP-1 cells containing a reporter plasmid. In vivo, the inflammatory potential of CPP phases was assessed with the murine air pouch model via cell analysis and production of IL-1β and CXCL1 in the exudate. The role of NF-κB was determined by a pharmacological approach, both in vivo and in vitro.Results:In vitro, IL-1β production induced by m- and t-CPPD and m-CPPTβ crystals was NLRP3 inflammasome dependent. m-CPPD crystals were the most inflammatory by inducing a faster and higher production and gene expression of IL-1β, IL-6, and IL-8 than t-CPPD, m-CPPTβ and MSU crystals. The a-CPP phase did not show an inflammatory property. Accordingly, m-CPPD crystals led to stronger activation of NF-κB, p38, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) MAPKs. Inhibition of NF-κB completely abrogated IL-1β and IL-8 synthesis and secretion induced by all CPP crystals. Also, inhibition of JNK and ERK1/2 MAPKs decreased both IL-1β secretion and NF-κB activation induced by CPP crystals. In vivo, IL-1β and CXCL1 production and neutrophil infiltration induced by m-CPPD crystals were greatly decreased by NF-κB inhibitor treatment.Conclusion: Our results suggest that the inflammatory potential of different CPP crystals relies on their ability to activate the MAPK-dependent NF-κB pathway. Studies are ongoing to investigate the underlying mechanisms

    Projeto REMAS: Gestão do risco de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa em incêndios florestais

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    Trabajo presentado en el 9º Congresso Florestal Nacional Portugal, celebrado en Funchal (Portugal) del 10 al 14 de Octubre de 2022.O fogo é uma parte essencial na formação da paisagem mediterrânica e de alguns processos ecológicos que aí ocorrem. Dependendo das características do fogo, as características da vegetação e as propriedades do solo podem alterar-se significativamente. Os efeitos do fogo a longo prazo ainda não são bem compreendidos, principalmente na região mediterrânica. O SUDOE, espaço que compreende o Sudoeste da Europa, necessita de florestas saudáveis e funcionais que garantam o fornecimento de bens e serviços para as sociedades rurais. O projeto REMAS-SUDOE, cujos parceiros são a Universidade Politécnica de Valência (UPV, ES), Universidade de Valência (UV-CIDE, ES), Diputación de Valencia (DIVAL, ES), Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA, ES), Município de Loulé (CML, PT), Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA/Ulisboa, PT), Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agronomiques de Bordeaux Aquitaine (Bordeaux Sciences Agro, FR), e coordenação da AMUFOR - Asociación de Municipios Forestales de la Comunidad Valenciana (ES), visa melhorar a ligação e a eficácia dos planos de prevenção e recuperação de incêndio, incluindo a gestão de risco de emissões de gases com efeito estufa resultantes de incêndios florestais nas regiões do espaço SUDOE, que são as mais vulneráveis aos impactes das alterações climáticas. O projeto tem como objetivo (i) quantificar orisco de emissão de gases com efeito de estufa (GEE) em áreas sujeitas a incêndios florestais; (ii) quantificar e desenvolver cartografia de armazenamento de carbono; (iii) propor medidas de recuperação pós incêndio, com vista à minimização do dano e à aceleração da recuperação dos stocks de carbono; e (iv) contribuir para incluir a gestão do risco de emissões de GEE por incêndios florestais no planeamento nacional, e das regiões SUDOE. As áreas de estudo do projeto estão situadas em Chelva (Comunidade Valenciana, Espanha), Parque Natural do Alto TajoTejo (Guadalajara, Espanha), e em Landes de Gascogne (Aquitânia, França). Em Portugal, a área de estudo é a Serra do Caldeirão no Algarve, onde domina o sobreiral. No âmbito do projeto, a estimativa do risco de emissão de GEE tem sido feita com deteção remota, sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) e com base em informação recolhida em campo dos stocks de carbono na vegetação e solos, tanto em áreas ardidas como não ardidas, com e sem gestão, para analisar os efeitos do fogo e da gestão na dinâmica do carbono. Os principais resultados apontam para uma perda instantânea de carbono de 0 a 89% após o fogo, sendo mais elevada na área de estudo francesa (dominada por pinheiro-bravo). A perda de carbono no tempo é entre 200 e 530 kg C ha-1 ano-1, sendo maior em Chelva. A recuperação total da capacidade de sequestro de carbono foi avaliada em 3 anos após o fogo na Serra do Caldeirão, sendo a recuperação mais rápida de todas as áreas de estudo, o que mostra uma elevada resiliência das florestas de sobreiro ao fogo. Os resultados preliminares para a Serra do Caldeirão indicam que o stock de carbono na vegetação é de cerca de 16 ton C ha-1 e mostram uma boa recuperação das propriedades físicas e químicas dos solos, 8 e 16 anos após os incêndios. Estes resultados irão permitir identificar as melhores práticas para diminuir o risco de emissão de GEE e para ações de restauro de áreas ardidas.Estudo desenvolvido no âmbito do projeto REMAS-SUDOE “Gestão do risco de emissões de gases com efeito de estufa por incêndios florestais”, financiado pelo Programa INTERREG SUDOE, FEDER (UE), referência REMAS – SOE3/P4/E0954

    Enjeux patrimoniaux, usages et notoriété des vins

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    Liquoreux d’Aquitaine et d’ailleurs propose un éclairage neuf sur les vignobles qui produisent des vins blancs doux et liquoreux, avec une mise en perspective sur le temps long.Cet ouvrage vise en montrer l’originalité de ces vignobles mais aussi leur diversité et leur insertion dans l’économie, l’histoire et la culture des espaces ruraux d’un large Sud- Ouest. À partir d’études de cas, d’analyses ciblées mais aussi de perspectives synthétiques, ce livre est le premier à offrir une somme complète sur les vignobles et vins blancs liquoreux dont la réputation et celle des espaces qui les produisent sont intrinsèquement liées. Cet ouvrage est issu d’un programme de recherche sur les vins liquoreux de l’université Bordeaux Montaigne et de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour ayant bénéficié d’un soutien de la région Nouvelle Aquitaine

    Enjeux patrimoniaux, usages et notoriété des vins

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    Liquoreux d’Aquitaine et d’ailleurs propose un éclairage neuf sur les vignobles qui produisent des vins blancs doux et liquoreux, avec une mise en perspective sur le temps long.Cet ouvrage vise en montrer l’originalité de ces vignobles mais aussi leur diversité et leur insertion dans l’économie, l’histoire et la culture des espaces ruraux d’un large Sud- Ouest. À partir d’études de cas, d’analyses ciblées mais aussi de perspectives synthétiques, ce livre est le premier à offrir une somme complète sur les vignobles et vins blancs liquoreux dont la réputation et celle des espaces qui les produisent sont intrinsèquement liées. Cet ouvrage est issu d’un programme de recherche sur les vins liquoreux de l’université Bordeaux Montaigne et de l’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour ayant bénéficié d’un soutien de la région Nouvelle Aquitaine

    Copper contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux: spatial risk assessment for the replanting of vines and crops

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    International audienceCopper (Cu) is widely and historically used in viticulture as a fungicide against mildew. Cu has a strong affinity for soil organic matter and accumulates in topsoil horizons. Thus, Cu may negatively affect soil organisms and plants, consequently reducing soil fertility and productivity. The Bordeaux vineyards have the largest vineyard surfaces (26%) within French controlled appellation and a great proportion of French wine production (around 5 million hl per year). Considering the local context of vineyard surfaces decreasing (vine uprooting) and possible new crop plantation, the issue of Cu potential toxicity rises. Therefore, the aims of this work are firstly to evaluate the Cu contamination in vineyard soils of Bordeaux, secondly to produce a risk assessment map for new vine or crop plantation. We used soil analyses from several local studies to build a database with 4496 soil horizon samples. The database was enhanced by means of pedotransfer functions in order to estimate the bioaccessible (EDTA-extractable) Cu in soils of samples without measurements. From this database, 1797 georeferenced samples with CuEDTA concentrations in the topsoil (0-50 cm depth) were used for kriging interpolation in order to produce the spatial distribution map of CuEDTA in vineyard soils. Then, the spatial distribution of Cu was crossed with vine uprooting surfaces and municipality boundaries. CuEDTAconcentrations ranged from 0.52 to 459 mg/kg and showed clear anomalies. Our results from spatial analysis showed that almost 50% of vineyard soil surfaces have CuEDTA concentrations higher than 30 mg/kg (moderate risk for new plantation) and 20% with concentrations higher than 50 mg/kg (high risk for new plantation). A decision-support map based on municipalities was realised to provide a simple tool to stakeholders concerned by land use management