49 research outputs found

    Optimization of the Induction Heating Process in Order to Achieve Uniform Surface Temperature

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    AbstractThe physics of the induction heating is based on coupling of the electromagnetism and heat transfer. The main heat source during induction heating is resistive heating caused by eddy currents in the heated specimen. The geometrical position of the inductors influences the final surface temperature distribution. There are many technological processes which require uniform surface temperature like process of induction hardening. The scope of the article is to show the numerical approach to optimize geometrical dimensions of the induction heating process in order to reach uniform surface temperature on heated specimen

    Localization of delamination in composite test specimen

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    The main purpose of paper is presented an innovative approach in the field of infrared thermal imaging and its integration into the area of engineering applications. As the test specimen was selected composite rod with lengthwise composite fibers to each bonded. They have been excitated with ultrasound. For obtain the results was used Lock-in method. Last part of the paper is a description of the results and most appropriate settings of measurement technique for applications with chosen material

    Volunteering in the security system of the chosen region

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    Předmětem této práce je analýza vývoje a stavu dobrovolnictví v požární ochraně v Pardubickém kraji. Analýza je provedena s využitím údajů z registru ekonomických subjektů i Statistických ročenek subjektů požární ochrany Pardubického kraje z období let 2000-2015. Analýza nastínila možný vývoj dobrovolnictví v požární ochraně s ohledem na trend snižujícího se počtu osob v požární ochraně a stárnutí obyvatelstva České republiky.The master thesis deals with a development and state of volunteering in fire protection in Pardubice region. The development, the situation of volunteering, is done by using data from business register and Statistical Yearbooks from the period 2000-2015. The analysis outlined the possible development of volunteering in fire protection considering the trend of declining number of members of fire protection and the aging population in the Czech republic.Fakulta ekonomicko-správn

    Safety problems associated with solar power engineering

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na bezpečnostní rizika související se solární energetikou. V první části jsou shrnuty poznatky o základních pojmech souvisejících s bezpečností a solární energetikou, obnovitelných zdrojích a energetické situaci jak ve světě, tak v České republice. Druhá část bakalářské práce se zabývá charakteristikou podmínek pro solární energetiku v České republice a konkrétních bezpečnostních problémů souvisejících s fotovoltaikou. Na základě analýzy je v závěru provedeno zhodnocení a návrhy opatření pro zlepšení současné situace.This bachelor´s thesis is focused on safety risks associated with solar power engineering. The knowledge of basic concepts associated with safety, solar power engineering, renewable sources of energy and global energy situation, so situation in the Czech Republic too, are summarized in the first part of this thesis. The second part is dealing with characteristic of conditions for solar power engineering in the Czech Republic and chosen safety problems associated with photovoltaics. The summary and improvement proposals are provided in the conclusion.Ústav regionálních a bezpečnostních vědStudentka zodpověděla otázku položenou vedoucí práce, která zněla: Jaké jsou dle Vašeho názoru předpoklady vývoje obnovitelných zdrojů energie v ČR, především solární energetiky? V rozpravě byla studentka dotazována na funkcionalitu solárních panelů - z hlediska možnosti zásahu složek IZS. Dále byla dotázána na funkci tzv. dálkového odpojovače. Další otázky se týkaly životnosti a rentability solárních panelů

    Monitoring the fatigue crack on the test specimen during the cyclic loading

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    The main purpose of this paper is monitoring propagation of plastic area of fatigue crack. There were made notch on specimens and they were cyclically loaded with three-point bending. The record was evaluated after a certain number of loading cycles. The loading force is still constant throughout the measurement time for all specimens. The whole process was recorded using an infrared camera

    Numerical analysis of stiffener for hybrid drive unite

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    The matter of this article is a stress-strain analysis of hybrid drive prototype unit connected directly to convention Concrete Transit Mixer Gearbox. The unite was developed with intention to do field test on existing convection machines with possibility to use existing interfaces. The hybrid drive unit consists from electric and hydrostatic motor connected through addition mechanical transmission gearbox. The question is if today standard interface is good enough or need additional support a “stiffener”. Two engineering design were analysed. The first one includes using the stiffener to fixate the construction of hybrid drive unite connected to the planetary gear. The second one is without the stiffener. For strain-stress analysis, a finite element software ANSYS Workbench was used

    Static analysis of transmission tower beam structure

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    The main topic of this paper is a static analysis of transmission tower beam structure fixed to the earth. It contains facts necessary for a need to create and apply tower beam structures. Beam elements were used to design a model and a static analysis was performed in finite element program Ansys Workbench. Three types of analyses were applied. The modal analysis was applied to verify the model compatibility. The static analysis was applied to find maximal deformations and the bending moment caused by overhead conductors and self-weight. Eigenvalue buckling was applied to state a loss of stability. Finally, stability and suitability of the whole construction was considered

    Comparation of the impact of selected technical gases on properties of a pneumatic flexible coupling

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    An important part of the oscillating mechanical drives are flexible shaft couplings. The special use of the pneumatic flexible coupling is possibility to serve as mechanical drives tuners. Being examined in tuners mechanical drives there is also a research focus on the impact of industrial gases on the change of dynamic characteristics of pneumatic couplings. The paper investigates five different industrial gases, namely: air, helium (He-4.6), a mixture of propane and butane gas (C3H8+C4H10), argon (Ar) and nitrogen (N2) to see how these gases affect the dynamic characteristics of pneumatic flexible shaft coupling with marking 4-2/70 T-C

    Use of the BOINC system for distributed data collection in the “Internet of Things”

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    The BOINC software package allows the creation of massive computational systems for distributed computing. The system is designed to use heterogeneous computing devices that are differing in hardware architecture and operating systems. The variability and versatility of the BOINC system allows its use to create a distributed system for measurement and data collection. This is done through the standard HTTP and HTTPS web communication protocol that is used on the Internet in connected devices, so called “Internet of things”

    Static analysis of transmission tower beam structure

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    The main topic of this paper is a static analysis of transmission tower beam structure fixed to the earth. It contains facts necessary for a need to create and apply tower beam structures. Beam elements were used to design a model and a static analysis was performed in finite element program Ansys Workbench. Three types of analyses were applied. The modal analysis was applied to verify the model compatibility. The static analysis was applied to find maximal deformations and the bending moment caused by overhead conductors and self-weight. Eigenvalue buckling was applied to state a loss of stability. Finally, stability and suitability of the whole construction was considered