7 research outputs found

    Cancerpatients’ experience of the time between diagnosis and treatment – a literature review

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    Ungefär var tredje person i Sverige kommer under sin livstid få diagnosen cancer. Det innebär att sjuksköterskor oavsett arbetsplats behöver ha kunskap om dessa patienter. Att få en cancerdiagnos innebär att känna ett hot mot existensen och vanliga reaktioner är känslor som ångest och stress. Tillsammans med fruktan för döden uppkommer också känslor av chock, sorg, vrede och förtvivlan men också rädsla och oro inför framtiden och behandlingen. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vuxna cancerpatienters upplevelse av tiden mellan primärdiagnos och behandling. Fördjupningsarbetet är en litteraturstudie som baserades på tolv vetenskapliga artiklar sökta via Cinahl och genom manuell sökning i tidskrifter. Artiklarna var publicerade mellan 2002-2006. Resultatet presenteras i elva kategorier; De första reaktionerna, Emotionellt kaos, Existentiella funderingar, Bemötande, Information, Familjen, Stöd, Vänta på behandling, Aktivitet, Hopp och Framtiden. Cancern uppfattades som en fiende som inkräktat på kroppen. För att överleva cancern tvingades patienterna genomgå en känslomässig kamp. Det var viktigt att återfå kontrollen, det gjordes genom att delta i vårdprocessen och samla information. Positivt bemötande från sjukvårdspersonalen kunde också öka patienternas känsla av kontroll. Att ha ett positivt tanke- och synsätt och ha hopp trots sjukdom ansågs ha stor betydelse då synen på sjukdomen påverkade upplevelsen av den. I diskussionen fördes fram att sjuksköterskan har en unik roll i vårdteamet genom att hjälpa patienten att få ökad känsla av kontroll, trygghet och hopp. Hoppet måste inte alltid betyda att man hoppas på att bli frisk utan man kan hoppas på att tiden man har kvar blir så bra som möjlig

    The inclusion of Shool-age educare centres in the work to promote mental health and prevent mental illness

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    School-age educare centers have an important environment where children spend a significant part of their time. The school-age educare center’s preventive work is based on different methods and strategies.An integrated and inclusive pedagogy promotes positive relationships between children and increases their sense of belonging. Trained educators and staff play a key role in creating safe and supportive environments where children can develop their social skills.The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at how schools and their student health services include after-school centers in health promotion work. The method that we have chosen to collect data is based on a qualitative method, consisting of questionnaires with open-ended questions in which principals, student health services and school-age educare centers answered questions about inclusion, prevention,and skills development. We have based our work on previous research on prevention and health promotion in the school as a whole and the contribution of after-school centers to health promotion. The theory chosen for the study is KASAM and the intercultural perspective and its concepts are mental illness and mental health. Results and analyses show that principals and student health services have a holistic approach to health promotion and prevention work aimed at schools, but after-school centers educators are not included in this work on the same terms as schoolteachers. The research in our final discussion shows that everyone / all involved including the after-school centers needs to work together in the prevention of mental health problems.Fritidshemmet utgör en viktig miljö där barn tillbringar en betydande del av sin tid.Fritidshemmets förebyggande arbete bygger på olika metoder och strategier.En integrerad och inkluderande pedagogik främjar positiva relationer mellan barn och ökar deras känsla av samhörighet. Utbildade pedagoger och personal spelar en nyckelroll genom att skapa trygga och stödjande miljöer där barn kan utveckla sina sociala färdigheter.Syftet med studien är att tittat närmare på hur skolan och skolornas elevhälsa inkluderar fritidshemmen i ett hälsofrämjande arbete. Metoden som vi har valt för att samla in data bygger på en kvalitativ metod, bestående av enkäter med öppna frågor som i ett led där rektorer, elevhälsan och fritidshemmen besvarat frågor som berör inkludering, förebyggande arbete samt kompetensutveckling. Vi har utgått från tidigare forskning inom förebyggande och hälsofrämjande insatser i skolan som helhet och vad tillförande avfritidshemmen ger i de hälsofrämjande arbetet. Teorin som har valts för studien är utifrån KASAM och det interkulturella perspektivet och dess begrepp är lärmiljö, psykisk ohälsa och psykisk hälsa. Resultat och analys visar att rektorer och elevhälsan har en helhetssyn men deras insatser riktas mot skolan och lärare, fritidshemmen inkluderas inte på lika villkor som pedagoger i skolan. Forskningen i vår slutdiskussion visar att alla behöver arbeta tillsammans i förebyggandet mot psykisk ohälsa

    The inclusion of Shool-age educare centres in the work to promote mental health and prevent mental illness

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    School-age educare centers have an important environment where children spend a significant part of their time. The school-age educare center’s preventive work is based on different methods and strategies.An integrated and inclusive pedagogy promotes positive relationships between children and increases their sense of belonging. Trained educators and staff play a key role in creating safe and supportive environments where children can develop their social skills.The purpose of the study is to take a closer look at how schools and their student health services include after-school centers in health promotion work. The method that we have chosen to collect data is based on a qualitative method, consisting of questionnaires with open-ended questions in which principals, student health services and school-age educare centers answered questions about inclusion, prevention,and skills development. We have based our work on previous research on prevention and health promotion in the school as a whole and the contribution of after-school centers to health promotion. The theory chosen for the study is KASAM and the intercultural perspective and its concepts are mental illness and mental health. Results and analyses show that principals and student health services have a holistic approach to health promotion and prevention work aimed at schools, but after-school centers educators are not included in this work on the same terms as schoolteachers. The research in our final discussion shows that everyone / all involved including the after-school centers needs to work together in the prevention of mental health problems.Fritidshemmet utgör en viktig miljö där barn tillbringar en betydande del av sin tid.Fritidshemmets förebyggande arbete bygger på olika metoder och strategier.En integrerad och inkluderande pedagogik främjar positiva relationer mellan barn och ökar deras känsla av samhörighet. Utbildade pedagoger och personal spelar en nyckelroll genom att skapa trygga och stödjande miljöer där barn kan utveckla sina sociala färdigheter.Syftet med studien är att tittat närmare på hur skolan och skolornas elevhälsa inkluderar fritidshemmen i ett hälsofrämjande arbete. Metoden som vi har valt för att samla in data bygger på en kvalitativ metod, bestående av enkäter med öppna frågor som i ett led där rektorer, elevhälsan och fritidshemmen besvarat frågor som berör inkludering, förebyggande arbete samt kompetensutveckling. Vi har utgått från tidigare forskning inom förebyggande och hälsofrämjande insatser i skolan som helhet och vad tillförande avfritidshemmen ger i de hälsofrämjande arbetet. Teorin som har valts för studien är utifrån KASAM och det interkulturella perspektivet och dess begrepp är lärmiljö, psykisk ohälsa och psykisk hälsa. Resultat och analys visar att rektorer och elevhälsan har en helhetssyn men deras insatser riktas mot skolan och lärare, fritidshemmen inkluderas inte på lika villkor som pedagoger i skolan. Forskningen i vår slutdiskussion visar att alla behöver arbeta tillsammans i förebyggandet mot psykisk ohälsa

    Minskad variation i tjänsteprocesser för effektivare processflöde : En studie på Folksam

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    Productivity and variation is strongly connected. There are a number of reasons why variation occurs and it is present in both arrivals and processes. In common for all types of variation is that it will reduce the ability to achieve productivity and therefore is a main reason for long throughput times in production flows. In the service industry humans are the main producers, which contributes to a higher overall variation compared to the production industry. The variations are therefore important to manage. A service process that will gain from short throughput times is the insurance claim process, since throughput times in these processes are important for both economic and customer satisfaction related reasons. The purpose of this study is to explore how insurance claim service processes can be organised in order to minimize variation and gain shorter throughput times. The study is performed as a case study at the Swedish insurance company Folksam’s flow of insurance claims regarding injury in accidents. In a production flow, measurements are important for gaining a perception of the reality and how well it is performing regarding to expectations. The insurance claim process flow was found to be of high complexity and therefore this study has used computer simulations combined with numeric calculations. This has shown that variations in arrivals together with variations in process times create a situation where some processes will have an ever-increasing queue, while others are starving. The process variation is mainly natural, since it’s dependent on personal circumstances of the administrator. The insurance claims nature and complexity also strongly influence the service time of the processes. It could be said that the service times of processes is not constant nor the same between administrators. Waste in the process flow mainly occurs because of set rules for distribution of cases between administrators, which is inflexible. This is the main reason for an uneven distribution regarding capacity. This variation is an example of artificial variation, which could be eliminated. Every administrator got a unique queue that it serves. The waiting time is highly fluctuating depending on the mentioned variation in both arrivals and processes. The principle first come - first served is therefore non-existent for this particular flow, which is the reason for highly fluctuating throughput times. An imbalanced flow is therefore created. In addition the process flow are divided between two offices where variations in capacity between these offices highly influence waiting and throughput times. The conclusion from this study is that an increase of flexibility in the process flow is needed in order to be able to respond to variations. The study has shown that the number of queues is effecting the throughput times. A smaller number of queues are connected to faster throughput times. This can be linked to gained flexibility since the oldest case will be served first. An organisation along minimal number of queues is therefore desirable. Administrators can also be more flexible, which will better respond to the variations in arrivals. The number of steps in the process can therefore also be said to have an effect on throughput times. The conclusion indicates that an effective process flow in the service industry is dependent on continuous measurements and follow-ups of inflow, queue-status and throughput times. For an effective flow Folksam are in need of new measurements. To measure the inflow is a condition for production planning. Queue-status facilitates prioritizing and indicates under or over capacity, which is a condition for a proactive process flow. Throughput time is the measurement that will tell most about the total function of the process and is therefore a critical measure to continuously evaluate.Validerat; 20140606 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Undervalued essential work and lacking health literacy as determinants of COVID-19 infection risks: a qualitative interview study among foreign-born workers in Sweden

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    Objectives To investigate work and living conditions as determinants of COVID-19 infection risks in foreign-born workers in non-healthcare occupations.Design Data were collected according to a qualitative design, using semistructured interviews. Verbatim transcripts of these interviews were analysed according to systematic text condensation.Participants We recruited foreign-born workers (n=15) and union representatives (n=6) among taxi drivers, bus and tram drivers, pizza bakers, cleaners and property caretakers, all indicated as risk occupations during COVID-19 in Sweden.Results Four overarching themes were found: ‘virus exposure at work’, ‘aspects of low status and undervalued work’, ‘lack of access to information’ and ‘foreign-born persons’ position’. Virus exposure was frequent due to many social interactions over a workday, out of which several were physically close, sometimes to the point of touching. The respondents fulfilled important societal functions, but their work was undervalued due to low job status, and they had little influence on improving safety at work. Lack of health literacy limited foreign-born workers to access information about COVID-19 infection risks and protection, since most information from health organisations and employers was only available in Swedish and not adapted to their living conditions or disseminated through unknown channels. Instead, many turned to personal contacts or social media, through which a lot of misinformation was spread. Foreign-born persons were also subjected to exploitation since a Swedish residency permit could depend on maintaining employment, making it almost impossible to make demands for improved safety at work.Conclusions Structural factors and a lack of adapted information manifested themselves as fewer possibilities for protection against COVID-19. In a globalised world, new widespread diseases are likely to occur, and more knowledge is needed to protect all workers equally. Our results are transferable to similar contexts and bring forth aspects that can be tried in quantitative studies or public health interventions.Cite No