175 research outputs found

    Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase-mediated tailoring of triterpenoids and steroids in plants

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    The cytochrome P450 monooxygenase (CYP) superfamily comprises hemethiolate enzymes that perform remarkable regio- and stereospecific oxidative chemistry. As such, CYPs are key agents for the structural and functional tailoring of triterpenoids, one of the largest classes of plant natural products with widespread applications in pharmaceuticals, food, cosmetics, and agricultural industries. In this review, we provide a full overview of 149 functionally characterised CYPs involved in the biosynthesis of triterpenoids and steroids in primary as well as in specialised metabolism. We describe the phylogenetic distribution of triterpenoid- and steroid-modifying CYPs across the plant CYPome, present a structure-based summary of their reactions, and highlight recent examples of particular interest to the field. Our review therefore provides a comprehensive up-to-date picture of CYPs involved in the biosynthesis of triterpenoids and steroids in plants as a starting point for future research

    Post-Cyclization Skeletal Rearrangements in Plant Triterpenoid Biosynthesis by a Pair of Branchpoint Isomerases

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    Triterpenoids possess potent biological activities, but their polycyclic skeletons are challenging to synthesize. The skeletal diversity of triterpenoids in plants is generated by oxidosqualene cyclases based on epoxide-triggered cationic rearrangement cascades. Normally, triterpenoid skeletons then remain unaltered during subsequent tailoring steps. In contrast, the highly modified triterpenoids found in Sapindales plants imply the existence of post-cyclization skeletal rearrangement enzymes that have not yet been found. We report here a biosynthetic pathway in Sapindales plants for the modification of already cyclized tirucallane triterpenoids, controlling the pathway bifurcation between different plant triterpenoid classes. Using a combination of bioinformatics, heterologous expression in plants and chemical analyses, we identified a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase and two isomerases which harness the epoxidation-rearrangement biosynthetic logic of triterpene cyclizations for modifying the tirucallane scaffold. The two isomerases share the same epoxide substrate made by the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP88A154, but generate two different rearrangement products, one containing a cyclopropane ring. Our findings reveal a process for skeletal rearrangements of triterpenoids in nature that expands their scaffold diversity after the initial cyclization. In addition, the enzymes described here are crucial for the biotechnological production of limonoid, quassinoid, apoprotolimonoid, and glabretane triterpenoids

    Quassinoide – wie invasive Pflanzen Abwehrstoffe bilden

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    The tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) is a widespread invasive plant. It secretes specialized metabolites, so called quassinoids, into the soil to inhibit competing plants. Quassinoids therefore bear biotechnological potential for plant protection as well as medicinal applications. Here, I describe how reconstitution of biochemical pathways in the model plant Nicotiana benthamiana enables the discovery of genes for quassinoid biosynthesis as a prerequisite for biotechnological applications

    Identification of early quassinoid biosynthesis in the invasive tree of heaven (Ailanthus altissima) confirms evolutionary origin from protolimonoids

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    The tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima (MILL.) SWINGLE, is a globally invasive plant known to secrete allelopathic metabolites called quassinoids. Quassinoids are highly modified triterpenoids. So far, nothing has been known about the biochemical basis of quassinoid biosynthesis. Here, based on transcriptome and metabolome data of Ailanthus altissima, we present the first three steps of quassinoid biosynthesis, which are catalysed by an oxidosqualene cyclase and two cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, resulting in the formation of the protolimonoid melianol. Strikingly, these steps are identical to the first steps of the biosynthesis of limonoids, structurally different triterpenoids from sister plant families within the same order Sapindales. Our results are therefore not only important to fully understand the biosynthesis of complex triterpenoids in plants, but also confirm the long-standing hypothesis that quassinoids and limonoids share an evolutionary origin. In addition, our transcriptome data for Ailanthus altissima will be beneficial to other researchers investigating the physiology and ecology of this invasive tree

    3D‐printed autoclavable plant holders to facilitate large‐scale protein production in plants

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    The Australian tobacco plant Nicotiana benthamiana is becoming increasingly popular as a platform for protein production and metabolic engineering. In this system, gene expression is achieved transiently by infiltrating N. benthamiana plants with suspensions of Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying vectors with the target genes. To infiltrate larger numbers of plants, vacuum infiltration is the most efficient approach known, which is already used on industrial scale. Current laboratory‐scale solutions for vacuum infiltration, however, either require expensive custom‐tailored equipment or produce large amounts of biologically contaminated waste. To overcome these problems and lower the burden to establish vacuum infiltration in new laboratories, we present here 3D‐printed plant holders for vacuum infiltration. We demonstrate that our plant holders are simple to use and enable a throughput of around 40 plants per hour. In addition, our 3D‐printed plant holders are made from autoclavable material, which tolerate at least 12 autoclave cycles, helping to limit the production of contaminated waste and thus contributing to increased sustainability in research. In conclusion, our plant holders provide a simple, robust, safe and transparent platform for laboratory‐scale vacuum infiltration that can be readily adopted by new laboratories interested in protein and metabolite production in Nicotiana benthamiana. Practical application Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana provides a popular and rapid system for producing proteins in a plant host. To infiltrate larger numbers of plants (typically >20), vacuum infiltration is the method of choice. However, no system has been described so far which is robust to use and can be used without expensive and complex equipment. Our autoclavable 3D‐printed plant holders presented here will greatly reduce the efforts required to adopt the vacuum infiltration technique in new laboratories. They are easy to use and can be autoclaved at least 12 times, which contributes to waste reduction and sustainability in research laboratories. We anticipate that the 3D printing design provided here will drastically lower the bar for new groups to employ vacuum infiltration for producing proteins and metabolites in Nicotiana benthamiana

    3D-printed autoclavable plant holders to facilitate large-scale protein production in plants

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    The Australian tobacco plant Nicotiana benthamiana is becoming increasingly popular as a platform for protein production and metabolic engineering. In this system, gene expression is achieved transiently by infiltrating N. benthamiana plants with suspensions of Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying vectors with the target genes. To infiltrate larger numbers of plants, vacuum infiltration is the most efficient approach known, which is already used on industrial scale. Current laboratory-scale solutions for vacuum infiltration, however, either require expensive custom-tailored equipment or produce large amounts of biologically contaminated waste. To overcome these problems and lower the burden to establish vacuum infiltration in new laboratories, we present here 3D-printed plant holders for vacuum infiltration. We demonstrate that our plant holders are simple to use and enable a throughput of around 40 plants per hour. In addition, our 3D-printed plant holders are made from autoclavable material, which tolerate at least 12 autoclave cycles, helping to limit the production of contaminated waste and thus contributing to increased sustainability in research. In conclusion, our plant holders provide a simple, robust, safe and transparent platform for laboratory-scale vacuum infiltration that can be readily adopted by new laboratories interested in protein and metabolite production in Nicotiana benthamiana. Practical application. Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana provides a popular and rapid system for producing proteins in a plant host. To infiltrate larger numbers of plants (typically >20), vacuum infiltration is the method of choice. However, no system has been described so far which is robust to use and can be used without expensive and complex equipment. Our autoclavable 3D-printed plant holders presented here will greatly reduce the efforts required to adopt the vacuum infiltration technique in new laboratories. They are easy to use and can be autoclaved at least 12 times, which contributes to waste reduction and sustainability in research laboratories. We anticipate that the 3D printing design provided here will drastically lower the bar for new groups to employ vacuum infiltration for producing proteins and metabolites in Nicotiana benthamiana

    Isolation and characterisation of irinans, androstane-type withanolides from Physalis peruviana L.

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    Withanolides are steroidal lactones widespread in Nightshade plants with often potent antiproliferative activities. Additionally, the structural diversity of this compound class holds much potential for the discovery of novel biological activity. Here, we report two newly characterised withanolides, named irinans, from Physalis peruviana with highly unusual truncated backbones that resemble mammalian androstane sex hormones. Based on biomimetic chemical reactions, we propose a model that links these compounds to withanolide biosynthesis. Irinans have potent antiproliferative activities, that are however lower than those of 4ß-hydroxywithanolide E. Our work establishes androwithanolides as a new subclass of withanolides

    Sulfonium Acids Loaded onto an Unusual Thiotemplate Assembly Line Construct the Cyclopropanol Warhead of a Burkholderia Virulence Factor

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    Pathogenic bacteria of the Burkholderia pseudomallei group cause severe infectious diseases such as glanders and melioidosis. Malleicyprols were identified as important bacterial virulence factors, yet the biosynthetic origin of their cyclopropanol warhead has remained enigmatic. By a combination of mutational analysis and metabolomics we found that sulfonium acids, dimethylsulfoniumpropionate (DMSP) and gonyol, known as osmolytes and as crucial components in the global organosulfur cycle, are key intermediates en route to the cyclopropanol unit. Functional genetics and in vitro analyses uncover a specialized pathway to DMSP involving a rare prokaryotic SET-domain methyltransferase for a cryptic methylation, and show that DMSP is loaded onto the NRPS-PKS hybrid assembly line by an adenylation domain dedicated to zwitterionic starter units. Then, the megasynthase transforms DMSP into gonyol, as demonstrated by heterologous pathway reconstitution in E. coli. © 2020 The Authors. Published by Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

    Isotope-Guided Metabolomics Reveals Divergent Incorporation of Valine into Different Flavor Precursor Classes in Chives

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    Plants of the genus Allium such as chives, onions or garlic produce S-alk(en)yl cysteine sulfoxides as flavor precursors. Two major representatives are S-propenyl cysteine sulfoxide (isoalliin) and S-propyl cysteine sulfoxide (propiin), which only differ by a double bond in the C3 side chain. The propenyl group of isoalliin is derived from the amino acid valine, but the source of the propyl group of propiin remains unclear. Here, we present an untargeted metabolomics approach in seedlings of chives (Allium schoenoprasum) to track mass features containing sulfur and/or 13C from labeling experiments with valine-13C5 guided by their isotope signatures. Our data show that propiin and related propyl-bearing metabolites incorporate carbon derived from valine-13C5, but to a much lesser extent than isoalliin and related propenyl compounds. Our findings provide new insights into the biosynthetic pathways of flavor precursors in Allium species and open new avenues for future untargeted labeling experiments