18 research outputs found

    Historisches Lernen immersiv

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    Theorie und Praxis im Lehramtstudium zielführend zu verbinden, gehört zu den vieldiskutierten Spannungsfeldern. Insbesondere das Führen von Unterrichtsgesprächen fällt gleichermassen Studierenden und Lehrpersonen in allen Unterrichtsfächern schwer. Im (Geschichts-)Unterricht nehmen Gespräche empirischen Studien zufolge häufig den grössten Teil der Unterrichtszeit ein, wenngleich ihre Effizienz angezweifelt wird. Denn sie sind oftmals gekennzeichnet von einer wenig reflektierten, allerdings dominanten, suggestiven und engführenden Fragehaltung der Lehrpersonen nach dem I-R-E-Muster (Initiation-Reply-Evaluation; Sinclair und Coulthard 1975). Das Ziel der in diesem Beitrag beschriebenen Pilotierungsstudie bestand darin zu untersuchen, inwiefern ein VR-Klassenzimmer als Trainingsraum geeignet sein könnte, entgegen solchen konventionellen Sprachhandlungsmustern bei den Studierenden Kompetenzen zur Führung dialogischer Unterrichtsgespräche zu fördern. Im VR-Klassenzimmer wird geübt, mithilfe des Impulsverfahrens denkoffene und zum gemeinsamen Reflektieren anregende Auswertungsgespräche zu führen. Den Inhalt bildet das häufig vernachlässigte (gemeinsame) Denken über die Konstruiertheit und Perspektivität von Urteilen im Geschichtsunterricht. In der Studie im Pre-Posttest-Design trainierte die Experimentalgruppe im VR-Klassenzimmer, reflektierte die Arbeitsergebnisse in begleiteten Coachings und erhielt theoretische Inputs. Die Kontrollgruppe hatte die Möglichkeit, in der schulischen Praxis zu üben. Erste Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sich die Impulsanzahl in der Experimentalgruppe stark erhöht, das Fortschreiten der Proband:innen im Gespräch zunimmt (Zahl der Metadenkebenen) und gleichzeitig die benötigte Wortanzahl abnimmt

    Circulating levels of cell adhesion molecule L1 as a prognostic marker in gastrointestinal stromal tumor patients

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>L1 cell adhesion molecule (CD171) is expressed in many malignant tumors and its expression correlates with unfavourable outcome. It thus represents a target for tumor diagnosis and therapy. An earlier study conducted by our group identified L1 expression levels in primary gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) as a prognostic marker. The aim of the current study was to compare L1 serum levels of GIST patients with those of healthy controls and to determine whether levels of soluble L1 in sera could serve as a prognostic marker.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Using a sensitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), soluble L1 was measured in sera of 93 GIST patients und 151 healthy controls. Soluble L1 levels were then correlated with clinicopathological data.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Median levels of soluble L1 were significantly higher (<it>p </it>< 0.001; Mann-Whitney U test) in sera of GIST patients compared to healthy individuals. Median soluble L1 levels were particularly elevated in patients with recurrence and relapse (<it>p </it>< 0.05; Mann Whitney U test).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that high soluble L1 levels predict poor prognosis and may thus be a promising tumor marker that can contribute to individualise therapy.</p

    Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Europe:Clinical Profile and Response to Treatment

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    Background &amp; Aims: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is an immune-mediated disease of the pancreas with distinct pathophysiology and manifestations. Our aims were to characterize type 1 AIP in a large pan-European cohort and study the effectiveness of current treatment regimens. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed adults diagnosed since 2005 with type 1 or not-otherwise-specified AIP in 42 European university hospitals. Type 1 AIP was uniformly diagnosed using specific diagnostic criteria. Patients with type 2 AIP and those who had undergone pancreatic surgery were excluded. The primary end point was complete remission, defined as the absence of clinical symptoms and resolution of the index radiologic pancreatic abnormalities attributed to AIP. Results: We included 735 individuals with AIP (69% male; median age, 57 years; 85% White). Steroid treatment was started in 634 patients, of whom 9 (1%) were lost to follow-up. The remaining 625 had a 79% (496/625) complete, 18% (111/625) partial, and 97% (607/625) cumulative remission rate, whereas 3% (18/625) did not achieve remission. No treatment was given in 95 patients, who had a 61% complete (58/95), 19% partial (18/95), and 80% cumulative (76/95) spontaneous remission rate. Higher (≥0.4 mg/kg/day) corticosteroid doses were no more effective than lower (&lt;0.4 mg/kg/day) doses (odds ratio, 0.428; 95% confidence interval, 0.054–3.387) and neither was a starting dose duration &gt;2 weeks (odds ratio, 0.908; 95% confidence interval, 0.818–1.009). Elevated IgG4 levels were independently associated with a decreased chance of complete remission (odds ratio, 0.639; 95% confidence interval, 0.427–0.955). Relapse occurred in 30% of patients. Relapses within 6 months of remission induction were independent of the steroid-tapering duration, induction treatment duration, and total cumulative dose. Conclusions: Patients with type 1 AIP and elevated IgG4 level may need closer monitoring. For remission induction, a starting dose of 0.4 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by a short taper period seems effective. This study provides no evidence to support more aggressive regimens.</p

    Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Europe:Clinical Profile and Response to Treatment

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    Background &amp; Aims: Autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is an immune-mediated disease of the pancreas with distinct pathophysiology and manifestations. Our aims were to characterize type 1 AIP in a large pan-European cohort and study the effectiveness of current treatment regimens. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed adults diagnosed since 2005 with type 1 or not-otherwise-specified AIP in 42 European university hospitals. Type 1 AIP was uniformly diagnosed using specific diagnostic criteria. Patients with type 2 AIP and those who had undergone pancreatic surgery were excluded. The primary end point was complete remission, defined as the absence of clinical symptoms and resolution of the index radiologic pancreatic abnormalities attributed to AIP. Results: We included 735 individuals with AIP (69% male; median age, 57 years; 85% White). Steroid treatment was started in 634 patients, of whom 9 (1%) were lost to follow-up. The remaining 625 had a 79% (496/625) complete, 18% (111/625) partial, and 97% (607/625) cumulative remission rate, whereas 3% (18/625) did not achieve remission. No treatment was given in 95 patients, who had a 61% complete (58/95), 19% partial (18/95), and 80% cumulative (76/95) spontaneous remission rate. Higher (≥0.4 mg/kg/day) corticosteroid doses were no more effective than lower (&lt;0.4 mg/kg/day) doses (odds ratio, 0.428; 95% confidence interval, 0.054–3.387) and neither was a starting dose duration &gt;2 weeks (odds ratio, 0.908; 95% confidence interval, 0.818–1.009). Elevated IgG4 levels were independently associated with a decreased chance of complete remission (odds ratio, 0.639; 95% confidence interval, 0.427–0.955). Relapse occurred in 30% of patients. Relapses within 6 months of remission induction were independent of the steroid-tapering duration, induction treatment duration, and total cumulative dose. Conclusions: Patients with type 1 AIP and elevated IgG4 level may need closer monitoring. For remission induction, a starting dose of 0.4 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by a short taper period seems effective. This study provides no evidence to support more aggressive regimens.</p

    Type 1 Autoimmune Pancreatitis in Europe: Clinical Profile and Response to Treatment.

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    Background and aimsAutoimmune pancreatitis (AIP) is an immune-mediated disease of the pancreas with distinct pathophysiology and manifestations. Our aims were to characterize type 1 AIP in a large pan-European cohort and study the effectiveness of current treatment regimens.MethodsWe retrospectively analyzed adults diagnosed since 2005 with type 1 or not-otherwise-specified AIP in 42 European university hospitals. Type 1 AIP was uniformly diagnosed using specific diagnostic criteria. Patients with type 2 AIP and those who had undergone pancreatic surgery were excluded. The primary endpoint was complete remission, defined as the absence of clinical symptoms and resolution of the index radiological pancreatic abnormalities attributed to AIP.ResultsWe included 735 individuals with AIP (69% male; median age 57 years; 85% White). Steroid treatment was started in 634 patients, of whom 9 (1%) were lost to follow-up. The remaining 625 had a 79% (496/625) complete, 18% (111/625) partial, and 97% (607/625) cumulative remission rate, while 3% (18/625) did not achieve remission. No treatment was given in 95 patients, who had a 61% complete (58/95), 19% partial (18/95), and 80% cumulative (76/95) spontaneous remission rate. Higher (≥0.4 mg/kg/day) corticosteroid doses were no more effective than lower ( 2 weeks (OR 0.908; 95%CI 0.818-1.009). Elevated IgG4 levels were independently associated with a decreased chance of complete remission (OR 0.639; 95%CI 0.427-0.955). Relapse occurred in 30% of patients. Relapses within 6 months of remission induction were independent of the steroid tapering duration, induction treatment duration, and total cumulative dose.ConclusionPatients with type 1 AIP and elevated IgG4 level may need closer monitoring. For remission induction, a starting dose of 0.4 mg/kg/day for 2 weeks followed by a short taper period seems effective. This study provides no evidence to support more aggressive regimens

    Amyloid-beta Precursor Protein Modulates the Sorting of Testican-1 and Contributes to Its Accumulation in Brain Tissue and Cerebrospinal Fluid from Patients with Alzheimer Disease

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    The mechanisms leading to amyloid-beta (A beta) accumulation in sporadic Alzheimer disease (AD) are unknown but both increased production or impaired clearance likely contribute to aggregation. To understand the potential roles of the extracellular matrix proteoglycan Testican-1 in the pathophysiology of AD, we used samples from AD patients and controls and an in vitro approach. Protein expression analysis showed increased levels of Testican-1 in frontal and temporal cortex of AD patients; histological analysis showed that Testican-1 accumulates and co-aggregates with A beta plaques in the frontal, temporal and entorhinal cortices of AD patients. Proteomic analysis identified 10 fragments of Testican-1 in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from AD patients. HEK293T cells expressing human wild type or mutant A beta precursor protein (APP) were transfected with Testican-1. The co-expression of both proteins modified the sorting of Testican-1 into the endocytic pathway leading to its transient accumulation in Golgi, which seemed to affect APP processing, as indicated by reduced A beta 40 and A beta 42 levels in APP mutant cells. In conclusion, patient data reflect a clearance impairment that may favor A beta accumulation in AD brains and our in vitro model supports the notion that the interaction between APP and Testican-1 may be a key step in the production and aggregation of A beta species

    Nachhaltige Verkehrsentwicklung

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    Diskussionspapier zur Nachhaltigen Verkehrsentwicklung: Definition nachhaltigen Verkehrs, Bestandsaufnahme fĂĽr Deutschland 2000, Ziele, Randbedingungen, Strategien