31 research outputs found

    Interaction of [Rh2(O2CCH3)4(H2O)2] and [Rh2(O2CCH(OH)Ph)2(phen)2(H2O)2](O2C-CH(OH)Ph)2 With Sulfhydryl Compounds and Ceruloplasmin

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    The interaction of binuclear rhodium(II) complexes [Rh2(OOCCH3)4(H2O)2], [Rh2{OOCCH(OH)Ph}2(phen)2(H2O)2] {OOCCH(OH)Ph}2, [Rh2(OOCCH3)2(bpy)2(H2O)2](OOCCH3)2 and [Rh2Cl2(OOCMe)2(bpy)2](3H2O) with ceruloplasmin, cysteine, glutathione and coenzyme A have been investigated using. UV-Vis and CD spectroscopies. The complexes containing phen or bpy at pH = 7.4 and 4.0 are readily reduced with sulfhydryl compounds, while rhodium(II) acetate is relatively stable in these conditions. Complex [Rh2{OOCCH(OH)Ph}2(phen)2(H2O)2] strongly changes structure of ceruloplasmin leading to the decrease of of α-helix content and loss of oxidase activity

    Balloon-grab technique to bridge steep renal artery during endovascular thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair: technical note

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    The aim of the study is to describe an endovascular manoeuvre that can help in the cannulation and stenting of difficult renal arteries in endovascular thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm exclusion (EVAR) with a branched stent graft. Routinely, dedicated branch and target vessels are cannulated in antegrade fashion through a transaxillary approach. If renal arteries are steep, tortuous, and unfavourable, cannulation failure can preclude a successful endovascular procedure. In that situation, the guidewire slips off the artery. However, another guidewire and balloon can be introduced to the target vessel through femoral access. Expansion of an additional percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) balloon in the target vessel grabs the guidewire or catheter cannulated in typical fashion and prevents it from slipping off. At this point, a stiffer wire can be introduced, and the covered stent easily bridges the target vessel. The rest of the procedure is continued typically. Expansion of an additionally introduced balloon allows the surgeon to grab the guidewire in the renal artery, thus excluding an aneurysm during EVAR. Our early experience shows that this method is effective and durable

    Application of Zenith t-Branch system in symptomatic thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm with unfavourable anatomy — case report

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    Although huge improvement has been observed in endovascular repair of aneurysms involving visceral arteries, in urgent cases open repair remained a method of choice. The aim was to present a patient with symptomatic thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm measuring 11 cm in diameter (Crawford III). Due to concomitant medication and morphology of aorta, there was neither possibility for open repair, nor for standard stent-graft implantation. We decided to apply Zenith t-Branch system, though visceral arteries anatomy haven’t met morphological criteria from instruction for use (IFU) and previous guidelines — patient had critically stenosed coeliac trunk, steep left renal artery, blood to right kidney was supplied through the thick thrombus and two extra kidney arteries to the lower pole were present. At first, balloon was placed into the right renal artery to protect it from embolization. Next, after Zenith Tx2 stent-graft deployment, t-Branch system was implanted. Through branch dedicated to coeliac trunk, left kidney artery was bridged using Advanta stents. Superior mesenteric artery and right kidney artery were bridged by appropriate branches. All bridges were reinforced by Zilver stents. Branch dedicated to left renal artery was occluded using Amplatzer plug. Postoperative recovery and 4-month follow-up was uneventful. In control computed tomography performed at third month shrinking of the sac was observed to 96 mm and low-pressure type II endoleak between coeliac trunk and additional left renal arteries has been left for further observation. Application of Zenith t-Branch is feasible and efficient method of treatment in urgent cases, even if visceral arteries anatomy is outside IFU

    Испытание голодом 1946–1947 годов в памяти жителей Восточной Галиции

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    Famine is always an extreme, tragic and destructive experience for both the individual and the community. In the years 1946–1947 a wave of famine hit Soviet Ukraine, affecting more than four million people (in the pre-war and post-war territory of the USSR) and led to over one hundred thousand deaths. The post-war famine, like the Great Famine in 1932–1933, was not only the result of drought or the recently-ended war, but also caused by the collectivisation actions of the Soviet authorities, among others. The article is based on biographical narratives collected during field research in Eastern Galicia. The text presents the memory of respondents about the wave of post-war famine: ways of survival, drawing attention to the importance of the family and neighbourly community, but also the injustice and ruthlessness of Soviet power. Eastern Galicia in the interwar period belonged to the territories of the Second Polish Republic. However, often the narratives associated a wave of post-war famine with the Holodomor of 1932–1933, which is one of the most tragic historical events for the Ukrainian nation. The post-war famine for respondents thus became one of the many waves of famine — the most important and tragic experience in the history of Ukraine.Famine is always an extreme, tragic and destructive experience for both the individual and the community. In the years 1946–1947 a wave of famine hit Soviet Ukraine, affecting more than four million people (in the pre-war and post-war territory of the USSR) and led to over one hundred thousand deaths. The post-war famine, like the Great Famine in 1932–1933, was not only the result of drought or the recently-ended war, but also caused by the collectivisation actions of the Soviet authorities, among others. The article is based on biographical narratives collected during field research in Eastern Galicia. The text presents the memory of respondents about the wave of post-war famine: ways of survival, drawing attention to the importance of the family and neighbourly community, but also the injustice and ruthlessness of Soviet power. Eastern Galicia in the interwar period belonged to the territories of the Second Polish Republic. However, often the narratives associated a wave of post-war famine with the Holodomor of 1932–1933, which is one of the most tragic historical events for the Ukrainian nation. The post-war famine for respondents thus became one of the many waves of famine — the most important and tragic experience in the history of Ukraine.Массовый голод — это экстремальное, трагическое и разрушительное испытание для человека и общества. В 1946–1947 годах волна голода хлынула на Советскую Украину, она затронула более четырех миллионов человек (на довоенных и послевоенных территориях УССР) и привела к гибели более ста тысяч человек. Послевоенный голод, как и Голодомор 1932–1933 годов, был не только результатом засухи или недавно завершившейся войны, но главным образом коллективизации и борьбы против владельцев аграрных хозяйств. В статье, основанной на биографических рассказах, собранных в ходе полевых исследований в Восточной Галиции, представлены воспоминания жителей о волне послевоенного голода. Собеседники рассказывали о путях выживания, обращали внимание на важность семьи и соседского сообщества, а также приводили примеры несправедливости и беспощадности советской власти. Восточная Галиция в межвоенный период принадлежала территориям Второй Польской Республики, однако рассказчики часто связывали волну послевоенного голода с Голодомором 1932–1933 годов, который является одним из самых трагических исторических событий в истории украинской нации. Послевоенный голод, таким образом, в воспоминаниях респондентов предстал как одна из многих волн голода — самого важного испытания в истории украинской нации

    Aorto-renal bifurcation stenting in a juvenile non-specific aorto-arteritis: case report

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    Takayasu Arteritis (TA) is a granulomatous inflammation of unknown aetiology affecting the aorta and its majorbranches with usual affliction among patients younger than 50 years and rarely among children. We presenta 7-years old boy referred for evaluation of hypertension. He had a significant blood pressure difference betweenright arm, left arm and lower limbs. Computed tomography imaging of thorax and abdomen showed stenosis ofleft subclavian artery, left renal artery and juxtarenal aorta which was subsequently confirmed on aortogram.He underwent percutaneous endovascular therapy with aorto-renal bifurcation stenting with reduction of bloodpressure and gradient. Renal angioplasty with stenting remains a challenging procedure in patients with tight ostiallesion, and juxtarenal aortic involvement in lieu of precise stent placement and avoiding side branch occlusion

    Wewnątrznaczyniowe leczenie tętniaka piersiowo-brzusznego aorty w zespole Loeysa-Dietza - opis przypadku

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    Zespół Loeys-Dietz jest dziedziczną chorobą tkanki łącznej objawiającą się podobnie jak zespół Marfana, jednak jej powikłania sercowonaczyniowe są znaczniej bardziej nieprzewidywalne i zagrażające życiu.Opisano przypadek wewnątrznaczyniowego leczenia piersiowo-brzusznego tętniaka (TAAA) u 37-letniej chorej z zespółem Loeysa-Dietza po wcześniejszym wewnątrznaczyniowym zaopatrzeniu rozwarstwienia aorty piersiowej i wymianie łuku aorty. Pacjentkę skierowano do naszego ośrodka z powodu 52mm rozwarstwiającego TAAA. Zakwalifikowano ją do leczenia wewnątrznaczyniowego. Jednakże, ze względu na wczesniejsze interwencje, lewy dostęp poprzez tętnicę ramienną był zamknięty, a prawy znacznie utrudniony. Stąd, zaprojektowano i wyprodukowano stentgraft z trzema dedykowanami otworami dla: pnia trzewnego, tętnicy krezkowej górnej, prawej tętnicy nerkowej oraz skierowany ku górze rękawek dla lewej tętnicy nerkowej. Z obustronnych dostępów poprzez tętnice udowe wspólne, stentgraft został wprowadzony i otwarty, a następnie naczynia trzewne zostały połączone za pomocą stentów z zasadniczą częścią stentgraftu. Okres pooperacyjny oraz 3 miesięczna obserwacja były niepowikłane. W kontrolnej tomografii komputerowej obserwowano zmniejszenie średnicy tętniaka.Podsumowanie. Wewnątrznaczyniowe leczenie rozwarstwiającego, piersiowo-brzusznego tętniaka aorty u chorego z zespołem Loeysa-Dietza jest możliwa i skuteczna nawet w przypadku utrudnionego dostępu poprzez tętnice ramienne. W krótkiej obserwacji wynik jest zadowalający, jednakże dalsza obserwacja jest konieczna celem oceny roli w dziedzicznych chorobach tkanki łącznej takich, jak zespół Loeysa-Dietza