242 research outputs found

    A carotis-vertebralis rendszer color Doppler ultrahangvizsgálata

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    Establishing an Internet Based Paediatric Cancer Registration and Communication System for the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network

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    Cancer registration has developed in Europe over the last 50 years, and in the last decade intensive joint activities between the European Cancer Registries, in response to the need of pan-European harmonization of registration practices, have taken place. The Hungarian Paediatric Cancer Registry has been functioning as the database of the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network since 1971, aiming to follow the incidence and the treatment efficacy of malignant diseases.The goals of this globally unique open source information system are the following: 1) to raise the quality of the registration system to the European level by developing an Internet-based registration and communication system, modernizing the database, establishing automatic statistical analyses and adding an Internet website, 2) to support clinical epidemiological studies that we conduct with international collaborators on detailed analyses of the characteristics of patients and their diseases, evaluation of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, prevention programs, and long-term quality of life and side effects.The benefits of the development of the Internet-based registration and communication system are as follows: a) introduction of an Internet-based case reporting system, b) modernization of the registry database according to international recommendations, c) automatic statistical summaries, encrypted mail systems, document repository, d) application of data security and privacy standards, e) establishment of a website and compilation of educational materials.The overall objective of this scientific project is to contribute towards the improvement of cancer prevention and cancer care for the benefit of the public in general and of cancer patients in particular

    Health 2020 – achieving health and development in today’s Europe

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    Health and well-being are universal human goals that are currently considered to be vital human rights; major components of equitable human, economic and social development; and a resource for everyday life. These goals are increasingly seen as central to human development and security. Health is no longer seen as simply items of consumption to be financed but is considered an asset that needs to be nurtured and equitably improved and also as a positive concept, emphasizing social and personal resources as well as physical capacity

    Az Országos Gyermektumor Regiszter jelentősége a gyermekonkológiai ellátásban.

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    National Childhood Cancer Registry has been operated since 1971 by the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network. This Registry collects data on epidemiology, treatment modalities and effectiveness, as well as late follow-up of childhood cancers. An internet-based paediatric cancer registration and communication system for the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network has been introduced in April, 2010. The National Childhood Cancer Registry contains data of all paediatric cancer patients (0-18 yrs) who have insurance covered by the Hungarian Social Security Card. Creation (1971) and operation of the National Childhood Cancer Registry have been very important steps in the field of childhood oncology to evaluate the efficiency of paediatric oncology treatments as well as maximize return on medical investment. Orv. Hetil., 2014, 155(19), 732-739

    Pyrolysis of wood – PVC mixtures. Formation of chloromethane from lignocellulosic materials in the presence of PVC

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    Thermal decomposition of polyvinylchloride (PVC) – wood and wood component mixtures were examined under slow and fast heating by pyrolysis-gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (Py-GC/MS) and thermogravimetry/mass spectrometry(TG/MS) techniques in order to clarify the chemical interaction of biomass materials and PVC during thermal decomposition. A hardwood and a softwood (beech and pine), their lignin and two types of cellulose (Avicel and Whatman) were chosen as natural polymer components. Comparing the gaseous and liquid pyrolysis products of pure samples to those of mixtures it was found that considerably lower amount of several reactive compounds have been produced when the biomass sample was mixed with PVC. On the other hand significant amount of chloromethane appeared in the pyrolysate of wood and lignin samples mixed with PVC under fast and slow pyrolysis conditions as well, but only in traces of chlorinated organic compounds were detected from cellulose mixtures. It was concluded that the methoxy groups at phenolic rings in lignin are the methyl source of chloromethane formation, and this reaction consumed most of the HCl evolved from PVC

    Környezetszennyező komponensek eltávolítása műanyaghulladékok pirolízistermékéből = Elimination of polluting components from pyrolysis oils of plastics wastes

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    A pályázat céljának megfelelően műanyaghulladékokból nyert pirolízisolajokat módosítottunk szilárd fázisú katalizátorok segítségével a nitrogén- és a halogéntartalom csökkentése érdekében. Megállapítottuk, hogy az Y és ß zeolitok többnyire megváltoztatják a polimerek hőbomlástermék vegyületeit, magát a hőbomlás reakcióját azonban kevéssé befolyásolják. Gyengén savas zeolit katalizátorágyon a pirolízistermék molekulák heteroatomot (nitrogént és oxigént) tartalmazó csoportjai leszakadnak, így a pirolizátum nitrogéntartalma a gázfázisba kerül, míg a szénhidrogén szegmensek egy- és kétgyűrűs aromás szénhidrogén vegyületekké alakulnak. A nátrium-zeolit kisebb molekulákra tördeli, és gyűrűbe zárja a hőbomlás termékeit, de nem bontja a szén-nitrogén kötéseket; így ez a katalizátor alig csökkenti a pirolízisolaj nitrogéntartalmát. A foszfortartalmú gyengén savas szervetlen égésgátlók jelentős hatással vannak a polimerek hőbomlási folyamataira és azok termékeire, azonban a pirolízisolaj nitrogéntartalmát nem befolyásolják. A nátriumionos Y és ß zeolitok általában alkalmasak a klór- és brómtartalmú pirolízisolajok halogéntartalmának mérséklésére, de halogénmentesítő aktivitásuk jelentősen eltérő a különböző típusú szerves klór- és brómvegyületek esetében. Tanulmányoztuk a deaktiválódott zeolitok regenerálhatóságát is. A katalitikus aktivitás elvesztését okozó szenes lerakódás minősége eltérőnek bizonyult a protonos és a nátriumion tartalmú zeolitoknál. | In accordance with the goals of the project pyrolysis oils of plastics waste have been converted over solid catalysts in order to decrease their nitrogen and halogen content. Our observations showed that the thermal decomposition reactions of polymers are hardly altered, but their products are mostly modified by Y and ß zeolite. The heteroatom (N and O) containing groups of the pyrolysis product molecules are cleaved over zeolites of weak acidity, thus the nitrogen content of the pyrolysate is moved to the gas phase, while the hydrocarbon parts are converted to aromatic hydrocarbons of one and two rings. Over sodium-zeolites the pyrolysis product molecules are either split at C-C bonds or cyclised. But the C-N bonds are not cleaved, so the nitrogen content of the pyrolysis oil has hardly decreased over these zeolites. The inorganic phosphor containing flame retardants of weak acidity proved to influence the thermal decomposition process of the polymers, however, the nitrogen content of the pyrolysis oil has not been changed by them. Our experiments revealed that Na-Y and Na-ß zeolite can be applied for dehalogenating pyrolysis oils of chlorine and bromine containing polymers, nevertheless their catalytic activity considerably differ for various types of organic chloro-and bromo-compounds. The regeneration of the deactivated zeolites has been also studied. The quality of the deposited coke proved to be different on the surface of protonated and sodium forms of zeolite

    A közlekedési morál helyreállításának lehetőségei Magyarországon

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    After presenting the current situation, which is known for everyone, by statistical data, the present study intends to consider the possibilities of solutions, taking into account some international regulatory solutions and looking back to the past. In addition to all this, it also tries to reveal the causes of the high number of road traffic accidents. It is given as a social problem that affects all citizens, it is extremely important to examine the general behaviour, habits and occasional behaviour of traffic participants in order to prevent road traffic accidents. For the present the authors approach this extremely complex phenomenon only on a theoretical level, but the article describes some technical possibilities and ideas serving for prevention in the future.Jelen tanulmány a fennálló, mindenki számára ismert helyzet – statisztikai adatokkal történő – bemutatását követően a megoldások lehetőségét kívánja számba venni, miután néhány nemzetközi szabályozási megoldást is számba vesz és a múltba is visszatekint. Mindezek mellett a közúti közlekedési balesetek magas számának okait is megpróbálja feltárni. Tekintettel arra, hogy olyan társadalmi  problémáról van szó, amely valamennyi állampolgárt érint, kiemelkedően fontos a közúti közlekedési balesetek megelőzése érdekében a közlekedés szereplőinek általános viselkedését, szokásait, esetenkénti magatartását vizsgálat tárgyává tenni. A szerzők egyelőre csak elméleti szinten közelítenek e rendkívül összetett jelenséghez, de a cikkben leírásra kerül néhány jövőbe mutató, a megelőzést szolgáló technikai lehetőség, elképzelés

    WHO Takes Action to Promote the Health of Refugees and Migrants

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    Migration is a defining issue of our time, with 1 billion migrants globally, of whom 258 million have crossed borders. Climate change and political instability propel ever-greater displacement, with major detriments to health. Policies that fail to prevent human trafficking or guarantee essential services undermine Universal Health Coverage (UHC) and the global pledge to “leave no one behind.” The World Health Assembly should robustly implement WHO’s Global Action Plan (GAP) on the Health of Refugees and Migrants.ugees and Migrants

    Improper Supplementation Habits of Folic Acid Intake by Hungarian Pregnant Women: Improper Recommendations

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    Background: Neural tube defects (NTDs) are some of the most common congenital anomalies. Proper folic acid supplementation is a dominant risk factor, which has been shown to decrease the incidence of NTDs. In Canada, the incidence of neuroblastoma has presented a considerable decrease of 60% as a result of enrichment cereal grain flours with synthetic folic acid. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of folic acid intake by pregnant women on the incidence of NTDs and neuroblastoma. Methods: Regular folic acid intake has been recommended to pregnant women in Hungary since the eighties of the last century by health visitors eventually raking effect as an official protocol which had been released in 1997. During 2001, 2002 and 2003. folic acid intake habits of pregnant women were evaluated by health visitors, proving to be successful in collecting data front 95.06% of the pregnant women. The incidence of NTDs has been registered by the Hungarian National Centre of Epidemiology, Department of Human Genetics and Teratology. The Pediatric Cancer Registry provided the incidence of neuroblastoma in children. Results: Consistent findings revealed a regular intake of supplementary folic acid products by 68.71% of the pregnant women. Out of these. 93.13% of pregnant women who were taking folic acid, started the supplementation after their 7 weeks of pregnancies, a time designated as the completion period of the development of the neural tube. The dose of folic acid supplementation was evaluated as less than 5 mg/day in 84.75% of the pregnant women. In Hungary, the incidence of NTDs has remained constant, while the incidence of neuroblastoma has shown constant slight increase in spite of the introduction of folic acid supplementation in 1997. Conclusions: Based on our experience, folic acid supplementation was initiated after the recognition of pregnancy and its application in a dose of lower than 5 mg/day neither decreased the incidence of NTDs nor did it have an effect on the neuroblastoma incidence. It is implicated that proper folic acid supplementation, which is started front the conception. can be achieved only with the enrichment of cereal grain flours

    Use of alternative protein sources in the bakery industry

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    Through the production of gluten free products, stakeholders of the food industry are striving to serve the needs of celiac patients as widely as possible with a continuously increasing product range, and to ensure the right nutrient intake. Our working group would like to contribute to this goal by developing bakery products that provide the body with a valuable source of protein and essential amino acids in addition to the required amount of carbohydrates. Our goal was to create a flour mixture that is gluten free, has a higher protein content than bread cereals, and is also suitable for use in the bakery industry, primarily for making wafers. Millet flour was chosen as the basis of the flour mixture, to which hemp, alfalfa and lupine flour were mixed as additional sources of protein. After performing analytical studies regarding the amino acid composition, protein qualification values (Amino Acid Score – AAS, Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score – PDCAAS) were determined, and these were used to optimize the flour mixtures. Rheological measurements were carried out to examine the crunchiness of the wafers. Compared to the control samples, hardness data were not significantly altered by the addition of lupine or hemp flour, however, the addition of alfalfa softened the dough. In addition to achieving a more favorable protein content, naturally, it was also our goal to manufacture a product with the right organoleptic properties for consumers. Compared to the control sample, the bitter taste of millet-based doughs was reduced and the hardness of the wafers improved by the addition of lupine. Mixing 35% of hemp seed flour with the millet flour also resulted in a bakery product with the right texture and and taste. Despite its good amino acid profile, the addition of alfalfa resulted in the deterioration of the rheological and organoleptic properties of the wafers