71 research outputs found

    The effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat

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    We investigated the effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat in the crop-year 2016/2017. The experiment was set up in three replications on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd. in Hódmezővásárhely. The soil was meadow soil. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer treatments were used besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0 and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. Experimental results were processed using single factor ANOVA. The number of spikes/m2 was 564.67 in the control treatment. In the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments we measured significantly higher values of 567.67 and 677.33 spikes/m2. The number of kernels per spike was 36.5 in the non-fertilized parcels. We reached the highest value of 43.77 kernels in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not significant. The thousand kernel weight changed slightly due to the fertilization. We measured 31.08 g in the control treatment. We got the maximum value of 32.71 g in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not statistically justified. Our scientific results showed, that the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer level was the optimum for the winter wheat in 2016/2017

    Effects of different fertilizer doses on the yield and some quality parameters of winter wheat

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    The influence of different fertilizer doses on the yield and quality of winter wheat was studied on meadow soil in the crop-year 2016-2017 in Hódmezővásárhely. The experiment was set up on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd, in three replications. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer setups were applied besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0, and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. The year 2016-2017 was unfavourable for winter wheat production. The amount of precipitation in the vegetative period of winter wheat was lower than the average. The obtained data were processed by single factor ANOVA. In the control treatment, the yield was 4.20 t/ha. The maximum yield of 5.60 t/ha was reached with N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer treatment. The yield difference between the two treatments was statistically justified. The nutrient doses higher than N130PK30 did not increase the yield of wheat. A crude protein content of 17.60% was measured in the N0PK0 treatment. The highest content of crude protein (18.70%) was in the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments. The Zeleny number was 70.40 ml in the control treatment. In the N130PK30 treatment, it reached the maximum value of 76.0 ml. In our experiment, the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer dose was the most favourable concerning the yield and quality parameters of the examined winter wheat variety

    The effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat

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    We investigated the effect of fertilization on the yield components of winter wheat in the crop-year 2016/2017. The experiment was set up in three replications on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd. in Hódmezővásárhely. The soil was meadow soil. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer treatments were used besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0 and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. Experimental results were processed using single factor ANOVA. The number of spikes/m2 was 564.67 in the control treatment. In the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments we measured significantly higher values of 567.67 and 677.33 spikes/m2 . The number of kernels per spike was 36.5 in the non-fertilized parcels. We reached the highest value of 43.77 kernels in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not significant. The thousand kernel weight changed slightly due to the fertilization. We measured 31.08 g in the control treatment. We got the maximum value of 32.71 g in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not statistically justified. Our scientific results showed, that the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer level was the optimum for the winter wheat in 2016/2017. The number of spikes/m2 was 564.67 in the control treatment. In the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments we measured significantly higher values of 567.67 and 677.33 spikes/m2. The number of kernels per spike was 36.5 in the non-fertilized parcels. We reached the highest value of 43.77 kernels in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not significant. The thousand kernel weight changed slightly due to the fertilization. We measured 31.08 g in the control treatment. We got the maximum value of 32.71 g in the N130PK30 treatment. The difference was not statistically justified. Our scientific results showed, that the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer level was the optimum for the winter wheat in 2016/2017

    Effects of different fertilizer doses on the yield and some quality parameters of winter wheat

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    The influence of different fertilizer doses on the yield and quality of winter wheat was studied on meadow soil in the crop-year 2016-2017 in Hódmezővásárhely. The experiment was set up on the area of the SZTE Tangazdaság Ltd, in three replications. The forecrop was sunflower. Six fertilizer setups were applied besides the control: N80PK30, N100PK30, N130PK30, N150PK30, N170PK0, and N170PK50 kg/ha active ingredients. The year 2016-2017 was unfavourable for winter wheat production. The amount of precipitation in the vegetative period of winter wheat was lower than the average. The obtained data were processed by single factor ANOVA. In the control treatment, the yield was 4.20 t/ha. The maximum yield of 5.60 t/ha was reached with N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer treatment. The yield difference between the two treatments was statistically justified. The nutrient doses higher than N130PK30 did not increase the yield of wheat. A crude protein content of 17.60% was measured in the N0PK0 treatment. The highest content of crude protein (18.70%) was in the N100PK30 and N130PK30 treatments. The Zeleny number was 70.40 ml in the control treatment. In the N130PK30 treatment, it reached the maximum value of 76.0 ml. In our experiment, the N130PK30 kg/ha fertilizer dose was the most favourable concerning the yield and quality parameters of the examined winter wheat variety

    Knowledge and opinions of nursing undergraduate students about basic life support measures

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    Uvod: Osnovne mjere održavanja na životu (BLS, engl. Basic life support) odnose se na hitnu medicinsku skrb pruženu osobi koja se nalazi u hitnom stanju opasnom po život. Provode se u svrhu održavanja vitalnih funkcija i sprečavanja daljnjeg pogoršanja stanja pacijenta dok se ne osigura napredna medicinska skrb. Zbog učestalosti i važnosti navedenog postupka, nužno je da svi zdravstveni djelatnici poznaju osnovne mjere za održavanje na životu. Cilj istraživanja: Cilj je ispitati znanja i mišljenja studenata prijediplomskog studija sestrinstva o BLS postupcima i postupcima kardiopulmonalne reanimacije (KPR), potrebi dodatne edukacije svih budućih zdravstvenih djelatnika, te uvidjeti razlike u razini znanja ovisno o godini obrazovanja. Ispitanici i metode: U istraživanju provedenom u periodu od siječnja do travnja 2023. godine sudjelovalo je 290 redovitih i izvanrednih studenata prijediplomskog studija sestrinstva u dobi 18 – 50 godina. Svi su studenti popunjavali anketni upitnik koji se sastojao od dva dijela: općenitog sa sociodemografskim podacima i specifičnog dijela koji je uključivao pitanja specifična za temu istraživanja. Anketiranje je bilo u potpunosti anonimno i dobrovoljno. Rezultati: Ukupno 85 % ispitanika prethodno je pohađalo srednju školu zdravstvenog usmjerenja te je od tada u najvećem postotku i upoznato s pojmovima BLS i KPR. Na teorijska pitanja o navedenoj temi studenti su u visokom postotku (85 % i više) točno odgovarali na postavljenja pitanja. Promatrano po godinama studija, studenti 3. godine prijediplomskog studija sestrinstva pokazali su najviše znanja. Spremnost studenata za pristupanje i provođenje postupaka BLS-a i KPR-a povećava se s duljinom studiranja i višom razinom stečenih znanja. Svi studenti smatraju važnim poznavanje navedenih postupaka te smatraju da bi se tečajevi i radionice o navedenoj temi trebale periodično ponavljati u svrhu obnavljanja znanja i vještina. Zaključak: Znanja, spremnost i vještine vezane za postupke BLS-a i KPR-a povećavaju se s duljinom i većim obujmom stečenog obrazovanja. Studenti prepoznaju svoju moralnu odgovornost kao zdravstveni djelatnici i važnost opetovanih tečajeva u svrhu što bolje spremnosti u hitnim situacijama.Introduction: Basic life support (BLS) refers to the emergency medical care provided to a person in a life-threatening condition. Its purpose is to maintain vital functions and prevent further deterioration of the patient\u27s condition until advanced medical care can be provided. Due to the frequency and significance of this procedure, all healthcare professionals need to understand basic life support measures thoroughly. Aim: The aim is to examine the knowledge and opinions of undergraduate nursing students regarding BLS procedures and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), the need for additional education for all future healthcare professionals, and to identify differences in knowledge levels based on the year of education. Participants and Methods: A total of 290 full-time and part-time nursing undergraduate students aged 18-50 participated in the research conducted in the period from January to April 2023. All students completed a questionnaire consisting of two parts: a general section with sociodemographic information and a specific section with questions related to the research topic. The survey was conducted anonymously and voluntarily. Results: 85% of the respondents had previously attended health-oriented high school, and since then, the largest percentage were familiar with the concepts of BLS and CPR. Overall, students answered the questions correctly with a high accuracy (85% and more) of the theoretical questions on the mentioned topic. Observed by years of study, students of the 3rd year of undergraduate nursing studies showed the best knowledge. The willingness of students to join and carry out BLS and KPR procedures increases with the length of their studies and the higher level of acquired knowledge. All students consider important to know the above procedures and that courses and workshops on the above topic should be repeated periodically to renew knowledge and skills. Conclusion: Knowledge, readiness, and skills related to BLS and CPR procedures increase with the duration and greater extent of acquired education. Students recognize their moral responsibility as healthcare professionals and the importance of repeated courses to enhance emergency preparedness