284 research outputs found

    Establishing an Internet Based Paediatric Cancer Registration and Communication System for the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network

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    Cancer registration has developed in Europe over the last 50 years, and in the last decade intensive joint activities between the European Cancer Registries, in response to the need of pan-European harmonization of registration practices, have taken place. The Hungarian Paediatric Cancer Registry has been functioning as the database of the Hungarian Paediatric Oncology Network since 1971, aiming to follow the incidence and the treatment efficacy of malignant diseases.The goals of this globally unique open source information system are the following: 1) to raise the quality of the registration system to the European level by developing an Internet-based registration and communication system, modernizing the database, establishing automatic statistical analyses and adding an Internet website, 2) to support clinical epidemiological studies that we conduct with international collaborators on detailed analyses of the characteristics of patients and their diseases, evaluation of new diagnostic and therapeutic methods, prevention programs, and long-term quality of life and side effects.The benefits of the development of the Internet-based registration and communication system are as follows: a) introduction of an Internet-based case reporting system, b) modernization of the registry database according to international recommendations, c) automatic statistical summaries, encrypted mail systems, document repository, d) application of data security and privacy standards, e) establishment of a website and compilation of educational materials.The overall objective of this scientific project is to contribute towards the improvement of cancer prevention and cancer care for the benefit of the public in general and of cancer patients in particular

    Potential Output Estimations for Hungary: A Survey of Different Approaches

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    This paper is a comprehensive analysis of Hungary’s potential output. Since the concept of potential output is not unique, we present various interpretations of potential GDP, along with a large set of techniques for estimating it. Various estimates are presented and robustness analyses are performed. Finally, an illustrative scenario is outlined for the forthcoming few years.potential output, output gap, production function, business cycle, filtering.

    Biomassza tüzelőanyagok optimális hasznosítását elősegítő alapkutatás termikus analízis segítségével = Fundamental research by thermal analysis for the optimal utilization of biomass fuels

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    Kísérleti biomassza ültetvények termékeit, különböző fafajtákat, valamint biomasszából készült faszenet vizsgáltunk termogravimetrai, termogravimetria -tömegspektrometriai valamint pirolízis-gázkromatográfia-tömegspektrometriai mérések segítségével. A munka a hőbomlás valamint a kontrollált hőprogram mellett végzett égetés folyamatainak mélyebb megismerésére irányult. A folyamatokat befolyásoló tényezők közül az alábbiak szerepéről nyertünk az eddigieknél részletesebb ismereteket: a lignin hőbomlása; az extrahálható komponensek szerepe; továbbá a fakéreg szerepe a fakérget is tartalmazó biomassza anyagok termikus tulajdonságaiban. Részletes reakciókinetikai leírásmódokat dolgoztunk ki, melyeket nagyobb méréssorozatok egyidejű, legkisebb négyzetek elve szerinti kiértékelésére alapoztunk. A reakciókinetikai kiértékelés és modellezés a lejátszódó folyamatok pontosabb megértését szolgálta. Emellett segített az egyes minták közötti hasonlóságok és különbségek felderítésében is. | We studied the products of experimental biomass plantations as well as various wood samples and charcoal produced from biomass by thermogravimetry, thermogravimetry - mass spectrometry and pyrolysis - gas chromatograpy - mass spectrometry. A deeper insight was obtained into the partial processes of devolatilization and temperature-programmed combustion. We clarified several aspects of lignin devolatilization and the role of the extractives and bark in the thermal behavior of biomass samples. Detailed kinetic modeling was carried out. It was based on the least squares evaluation of larger series of experiments and helped in a more accurate understanding of the processes. The kinetic modeling helped also in discerning differences and observing similarities between the various biomass samples

    Analysis of BABA (β-aminobutyric acid)-induced female sterility in Arabidopsis flowers

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    The beta-aminobutyric acid (BABA) induces resistance in plants against a wide range of pathogen, affecting callose production and deposition in Arabidopsis. Repeated treatment with BABA, however effects the pollination of the ovules resulting female sterility. The main reasons of this phenomenon out of the structural changes in the treated Arabidopsis plants can be the interrupted pollen tubes and the callose deposition at the ovule micropyle in flowers and buds

    Myths and Maths: Macroeconomic Effects of Fiscal Adjustments in Hungary

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    In this paper we investigate the possible effects of fiscal tightening in Hungary from two perspectives. First, simulations in an estimated neo-Keynesian model are used to characterise the effects of different scenarios for fiscal consolidations. We show that the composition of fiscal shocks is important for both the economic outcome and monetary policy. These simulations suggest a modest output cost of fiscal consolidation. Then we take a closer look at the non-Keynesian effects and their relevance for Hungary in a qualitative way. In our review of non-Keynesian channels of fiscal adjustments we conclude that expansionary effects are likely to become evident only in the medium or long run, rather than immediately after measures are taken.Keynesian, non-Keynesian effects, expansionary fiscal adjustment, Monetary policy reactions, Model simulations.

    Adalékanyagok hatása a hulladékhasznosítás szempontjából fontos hőbomlási folyamatokban = Effect of additives on the thermal decomposition reactions occurring in waste utilization

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    A kutatás célja az volt, hogy felderítsük az adalékanyagok hatását műanyag- és fahulladékok termikus feldolgozása szempontjából fontos kémiai folyamatokban. Megállapítottuk, hogy a korom a polimerek elsődleges bomlási reakcióit befolyásolja, és hatása függ a polimer bomlásmechanizmusától valamint a korom illóanyagtartalmától. Egy reakciómechanizmust állítottunk fel, amely szerint a korom hőbomlástermékei képesek inicializálni a poliizobutilén és polipropilén hőbomlását. Brómtartalmú égésgátlókat és antimon-trioxid szinergista adalékot tartalmazó ütésálló polisztirol hőbomlását vizsgálva megállapítottuk, hogy antimon-trioxid jelenlétében kétlépcsős bomlási mechanizmus alakul ki. A polisztirol, az Sb2O3 és a brómtartalmú égésgátlók kölcsönhatásának magyarázatára egy gyökös bomlási mechanizmust írtunk fel. Megállapítottuk, hogy a fában és a kéregben levő cellulóz bomláshőmérsékletének különbségét a szervetlen ionok mennyiségének eltérése okozza. A bomlási sebességet pedig a polimerösszetétel és a szervetlen anyag mennyisége együttesen határozza meg. Megállapítottuk, hogy az extraktumok széles hőmérséklettartományban bomlanak, ezáltal befolyásolják a fa hőbomlását. Módszert dolgoztunk ki mezopórusos alumino-szilikát (Al-MCM-41) és szilikagél (SBA-15) típusú katalizátorok gyors tesztelésére, amelyeket bioolajok katalitikus átalakítására alkalmaztunk. A rostpépek lignintartalmát és a lignin kémiai összetételében bekövetkezett változásokat pirolízissel határoztuk meg. | The objectives of this project were to clarify the effect of additives on the chemical reactions during the thermal treatments of plastics and wood wastes. We concluded that carbon black affects the primary decomposition reactions of polymers; and the effect depends on the decomposition mechanisms of the polymers and the volatile matter content of the carbon black. We suggested a reaction mechanism: the volatile products of carbon black initiate the decomposition of polypropylene and polyisobutylene. We studied the thermal decomposition of high-impact polystyrene containing brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide synergist, and found two-step decomposition mechanisms in the presence of Sb2O3. The interaction of polystyrene, Sb2O3 and brominated flame-retardants was explained by radical decomposition mechanisms. We concluded that the different inorganic material content leads to the different decomposition temperature of cellulose in wood and bark. However, the decomposition rate is determined by both the composition of polymeric constituents and the amount of inorganic materials. We established that the extractive materials decompose in a wide temperature range, thus influencing the thermal decomposition of wood. We tested various mesopore aluminosilicate (Al-MCM-41) and silica (SBA-15) catalysts for the catalytic upgrading of bio-oils of wood. The lignin content and the structural changes of lignin in pulps were determined by pyrolytic methods

    The effect of foliar fertilization on the yield and generative factors of maize

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    We examined the effect of different foliar fertilization products on the yield and generative factors of maize in 2015. The experiment was set in three repetitions, random blocks on the area of Tangazdaság Ltd. in Hódmezővásárely. The soil of the experiment was meadow chernozem. Soil analysis data showed that it had had good nitrogen, and very good phosphor and potassium contents. During the experiment we applied two times foliar fertilization. The year 2015 was unfavourable for com production. In 2015 the amount of precipitation in the vegetative period of com was lower by 83.4 mm than the average. The average temperature showed a positive deviation compared to the average of several years. We processed the obtained data by single factor variant analysis. The yield of the control treatment was 6.39 t/ha, the yields of the foliar fertilization plots ranged between 6.5-7.5 t/ha. The foliar fertilization products increased the yield of com, but this difference was not significant. By the application of foliar fertilization the generative factors of com did not change significantly

    Is the Broido - Shafizadeh model for cellulose pyrolysis true?

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    The widely accepted Broido-Shafizadeh model describes cellulose pyrolysis kinetics in terms of two parallel (competing) reactions preceded by an initiation step. In spite of the fact that many recent experimental results seem to contradict the predictions of the model, its validity has not been seriously questioned. In this paper we report thermogravimetric analyses of Avicel cellulose involving prolonged thermal pretreatments of small samples (0.5 to 3 mg). The weight loss curves were simulated by modern numerical techniques using the Broido-Safizadeh and other related models. Results were not consistent with the presence of an initiation reaction, but they did strongly confirm the role of parallel reactions in the decomposition chemistry. A subsequent, high temperature (370 °C), pyrolytic degradation of solid intermediates formed below 300 °C was also detected. In the absence of a prolonged thermal pretreatment, only one of the two parallel reactions can be observed. This reaction is first order, irreversible, and manifests a high activation energy (238 kJ/mol). The kinetic parameters of this reaction are not influenced by the large quantity of solid intermediates formed during prolonged, low-temperature thermal pretreatments, indicating that chemical processes are much more significant than the physical structure of the sample during pyrolysis

    Cellulose pyrolysis kinetics: Revisited

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    In the same thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) under identical conditions, samples of pure, ash-free cellulose (i.e. Avicel PH-105, Whatman CF-11, Millipore ash-free filter pulp, and Whatman #42) obtained from different manufacturers undergo pyrolysis at temperatures which differ by as much as 30 C. Thus the pyrolysis chemistry of a sample of pure cellulose is not governed by a universal rate law, as is the case with a pure hydrocarbon gas (for example). Nevertheless, the pyrolytic weight loss of all the samples studied in this work is well represented by a high activation energy (228 kJ/mol), first order rate law at both low and high heating rates. These results do not corroborate the recent findings of Milosavljevic and Suuberg (1995). For a particular cellulose sample (for example Avicel PH-105), variations in the pre-exponential constant determined at different heating rates reflect uncontrolled, systematic errors in the dynamic sample temperature measurement (thermal lag)

    Least squares criteria for the kinetic evaluation of thermoanalytical experiments. Examples from a char reactivity study

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    The mathematical modeling of the chemical processes is a crucial problem of the thermal analysis. Simple models with few parameters seldom can describe the real complexity of the phenomena arising during the heating of the various substances. In the case of more complex models the determination of the parameters and the validation of the model require the evaluation of carefully designed experimental series. The one-by-one evaluation of the experiments is a mathematically ill-defined problem at a larger number of unknown parameters. The non-statistical experimental errors of the thermal analysis hinder the determination of a single parameter set by the simultaneous least squares evaluation of the experiments. This paper discusses several evaluation techniques for the handling of the non-statistical errors during the least squares evaluation of experimental series. The methods are illustrated by the evaluation of oxidative thermogravimetric experiments of a lignite and a coal char. Keywords: Kinetics, least squares evaluation, thermogravimetry, char reactivity, temperature programmed combustion