9 research outputs found


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    Latar belakang: Gout Arthritis merupakan gangguan inflamasi akut yang ditandai adanya nyeri pada sendiakibat penimbunan kristal monosodium. Pravelensinya didunia menurut World Health Organization (WHO)berkisar 355 juta orang dan meningkat 4 kali lebih tinggi pada pria. Indonesia adalah negara terbesar ke 4didunia yang penduduknya menderita gout arthritis.Tujuan: Tujuanpenelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara intensitas nyeri gout arthritis dengan kejadianinsomnia di Puskesmas Siantan Hilir Pontianak Utara.Metode: Desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian analitik kolerasi dengan studi kohort danmenggunakan uji Gamma and Sommer’d. Populasi dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 109 orang dengan jumlahsampel sebanyak 86 orang yang terdiagnosa gout arthritis di Puskesmas Siantan Hilir. .Hasil: Responden terbanyak berjenis kelamin laki-laki berjumlah 45 (52,3%). Intensitas nyeri respondensebagian besar memiliki nyeri sedang (4-7) dengan persentase 59,3 %. Kejadian insomnia sebagian besarresponden yang mengalamin insomnia berjumlah 46 (53,5%). Hasil statistik didapatkan dengan nilai p=value0,919 dengan nilai r=0,022 yang menunjukkan bahwa korelasi lemah.Kesimpulan: Tidak ada hubungan antara intensitas nyeri gout arthritis dengan kejadian insomnia di PuskesmasSiantan Hilir Pontianak Utara. Kata Kunci: Gout arthritis, intensitas nyeri, kejadian insomnia.Referensi: 68 (2008-2018

    Genetic polymorphism and the risk of diabetic foot: a bibliometric analysis from 2011-2021

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    Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) has been associated with genetic and environmental factors, which could potentially have a role in DFU development. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in genes linked to DFU, including inflammation. Bibliometric studies on the SNP on genes affecting DFU still have not been evaluated. This study aims to depict bibliographically and understand the topic trend of genetic polymorphism and the risk of DFU publications. A bibliometric methodology was applied in this study. The data were extracted through the Scopus database from 2011 to 2021. VOS viewer was used to classify and summarize Scopus articles. The 35 articles were evaluated. India topped the list of countries with the most publications, and Tehran University of Medical Sciences was the primary institution. Singh K and his team were the first contributing authors with 44 citations. Keywords analysis indicated that the research hotspots were DFU, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), diabetic foot ulcers, polymorphisms, hypoxia, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), diabetic foot, diabetes mellitus, and oxidative stress. This study summarizes the current state, trends in genetic polymorphism and risk with DFU research. It may provide researchers with insight into the genetic polymorphism and risk associated with DFU research, as well as useful information for identifying possible collaborators and partner institutions

    Penyuluhan Cuci Tangan Pada Anak Tk Nurul Muslimin Pontianak

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    Penyebaran penyakit umumnya terjadi akibat kurangnya pengetahuan terkait pola hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS). PHBS merupakan sebuah gerakan  rekayasa sosial yang bertujuan menjadikan sebanyak mungkin anggota masyarakat sebagai agen perubahan dalam peningkatkan kualitas perilaku sehari – hari dengan tujuan hidup bersih dan sehat. PHBS sangat baik di mulai sejak dini dengan indikator sederhana. Salah satu indikator sederhana PHBS adalah mencuci tangan dengan bersih. PKM ini bertujuan untuk memberikan penyuluhan terkait cara mencuci tangan yang benar bagi anak-anak TK agar mereka memiliki pengetahuan tentang kebersihan sejak awal. PKM ini dilakukan di RA Nurul Muslimin dengan total peserta 30 orang anak-anak yang berada di kelas B2. Penyuluhan disampaikan dengan metode ceramah dengan bantuan media audio visual. Penyuluhan ini berjalan dengan lancar dan peserta dapat menerima materi yang diberikan serta aktif dan bersemangat selama mengikuti penyuluhan

    “Help Seeking Behaviour” Among Women Who Had Domestic Violence

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    Abstract:  Violence against women by partner can cause health problems that require special handling. The study of help seeking behavior for domestic violence’s victims has never been explored in depth. The identification and special handling of women’s health problems who had violence are not available yet in health services system. This research intends to explore health problems for seeking help. The qualitative research with a phenomenological approach with maximum variation sampling according to specified inclusion criteria. The number of participants were 12 people. The collecting of qualitative data used  in-depth interviews and FGD. The research instrument used an interview guide and tested validity and reliability. The data analysis used thematic analysis. This research found that violence experience varied according to type, namely physical, psychological/emotional and sexual. In fact, they experienced more than one type of violence at once. The help seeking behavior for women who had domestic violence very varied and tended to informal sector although there were some who was seeking for help in the formal sector or institutions that could handle violence’s cases. Women tended to overcome and heal themselves, asked for neighbors’ help, reported to the women's empowerment office. Women of violence’s victims who had bruises on their bodies and faces, seeking for help at the Public Health Center for treatment, and provided a medical statement (visum et repertum) for police investigations. In addition, they sought for help from a shaman to treat their husbands to have a calmer, less abusive attitude and more loving to his family and wife

    Parenting Patterns with Receptive Language Development in Autist Spectrume Disorder (ASD) Children

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    Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a form of growth and development disorder that causes brain function not to work normally, affecting growth and development, communication skills, language development, and interaction skills. Parenting styles related to the development of receptive language in children with ASD are important considering that the mother is the closest caregiver to the child. This study aims to determine the relationship between parenting style and receptive language development in children with ASD at the Special Needs Children's Installation at the Sungai Bangkong Hospital, Pontianak. This type of research uses a correlational description with a cross-sectional approach. A sample of 48 people at the Installation for Children with Special Needs at the Sungai Bangkong Hospital, Pontianak. Most of the authoritarian parenting styles for normal receptive language development are 16,7%, while parenting styles with abnormal receptive language development are 83,3%. There is a relationship between parenting style and receptive language development in ASD children with a p-value = 0,001 <0,05. There is a relationship between parenting style and receptive language development in ASD children in the Special Needs Children's Installation at the Sungai Bangkong Hospital, Pontianak

    Efikasi Diri Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pada Pasien Dengan Luka Kaki Diabetik : Studi Korelasi

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    ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Angka kejadian diabetes mellitus selalu mengalami peningkatan secara dramatis setiap tahunnya. Salah satu komplikasi yang dapat dialami oleh pasien DM adalah Luka Kaki Diabetik. Angka harapan hidup pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik yang diamputasi adalah 16%. Berbagai resiko lain yang dapat dialami adalah penurunan kualitas hidup bahkan kematian. Salah satu faktor yang dapat meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasien luka kaki diabetik adalah efikasi diri. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan efikasi diri dengan kualitas hidup pasien dengan Luka Kaki Diabetik. Metode: Kuantitatif Korelasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 62 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan consecutive sampling. Intstrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner efikasi diri dan kualitas hidup. Analisis yang digunakan adalah uji chi-square. Hasil: Hasil peneltian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah penderita pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik lebih banyak dialami oleh perempuan dan berusia sekitar 45-59 tahun. 51% pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik memiliki efikasi diri yang baik dan 54% memiliki kualitas hidup yang baik. Ada hubungan secara statistic antara efikasi diri dengan kualitas hidup pasien dengan luka kaki diabetik dengan p value 0.002.  Kesimpulan : semakin baik efikasi diri  maka semakin baik juga kualitas hidup pasien dengan luka kaki diabeti

    The Validity and Efficacy of a Preventative Intervention Model for Reducing Ulcer Recurrence in Diabetic Patients in Indonesia

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    Introduction It is important to reduce foot problems by preventing the recurrence of ulcers in diabetes mellitus (DM) patients. In Indonesia, interventions for the prevention of ulcer recurrence remain scarce. Objective The present study aimed to evaluate the validity and efficacy of a proposed intervention model for preventing the recurrence of ulcers in DM patients. Method Sixty-four DM patients were selected to participate in this quasi-experimental study and divided into two groups: intervention ( n   =  32) and control ( n   =  32). The intervention group received preventive treatment while the control group received standard care. Two trained nurses supported this study. Results Of the 32 participants in the intervention group, 18 (56.20%) were male, 25 (78.10%) were non-smokers, 23 (71.90%) had neuropathy, 14 (43.80%) had foot deformities, four (12.50%) had recurring ulcers, and 20 (62.50%) had a previous ulcer   0.78). When the proposed screening tool for predicting the risk of ulcer recurrence in DM patients (NASFoHSkin) was used in the intervention group, its predictive validity, sensitivity, and specificity were 4, 100%, and 80%, respectively, while in the control group it was 4, 83%, and 80%, respectively. Conclusion Inspection/examination, foot care, and blood glucose control can decrease ulcer recurrence in DM patients