20 research outputs found

    Increase of Combat Eff ectiveness of Warships with the Introduction into Operation of WECDIS

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    This paper analyses the possibility of increasing combat eff ectiveness of warships with the introduction into operation of Warship Electronic Chart Display and Information System (WECDIS) on board ships. This navigation computer information system, which complies with the rules of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and NATO STANAG 4564 (Standard Agreement 4564) helps the navigational offi cer in his daily work. Navigational offi cer has the ability to use diff erent tools and information necessary for the protection and effi cient use of a warship. The emergence of new technologies in the fi eld of warfare is in the most aspects of naval operations computerised and digitalised with the intent to build, display and allow manipulation with the Recognised Maritime Picture (RMP). It is therefore surprising that a lot of Navies are still navigating using only paper charts although the advantages and effi ciency provided by the WECDIS, if used correctly, are signifi cant. In the fi rst part of the paper WECDIS is analysed as a navigational system used on warships with all the advantages and disadvantages recognised during its use in navigation. In the second part an increase of the combat eff ectiveness of warships during execution of diff erent warfare operation is analysed

    Analysis of Current Threats to Ships from 2019 to 2022 in Selected Regions

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    International maritime security is of paramount importance to the maritime sector, particularly seafarers. The perception and importance of maritime security have evolved and are the subject of ongoing analysis. The concept of maritime security is closely linked to potential threats that may pose a danger to crews, ships, or the cargoes they carry. These threats are also subject to change over time. Different types of threats can have different implications for maritime security. Currently, the greatest threats to the world merchant fleet come from pirate attacks, armed robbery, terrorism, and military operations in certain maritime regions. These threats vary in nature, frequency, and motivation in different parts of the world, and so there are certain areas that are particularly vulnerable to such threats. This paper provides an analysis of maritime security from the perspective of piracy, armed robbery, and maritime terrorism by analysing individual attacks in different regions from 2019 to 2022. Each reported attack is broken down into various characteristics. Recurring characteristics in different and unrelated attacks are observed. This results in a pattern from which specific recommendations characteristic of individual regions are derived. The recommendations are subject to the dynamics of changes in international maritime security and should be actively modified and adapted accordingly

    Comparison of Hydrographic Survey Data with Crowdsourced Bathymetry Data

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    A hydrographic survey is a standardized procedure for collecting data for the production of nautical charts and publications. It is a lengthy and costly procedure, so the survey is carried out depending on the capabilities of hydrographic organizations. It is known that relatively large parts of the world’s oceans are very poorly covered by hydrographic surveys. To increase the amount of data collected, the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) has introduced the concept of crowdsourced bathymetry (CSB). Under the CSB concept, all vessels meeting certain minimum technical requirements (carrying a global navigation satellite system and a single beam echo sounder) can participate in voluntary bathymetric data collection. The paper analyzes the method of collecting bathymetric data from CSB. The depth data collected as part of the CSB are compared with official data displayed on electronic navigational charts (ENC) in the United States of America. Four sea areas were selected in which 104 depths were compared at the same positions, and categorization was also made according to the criterion of navigational importance, i.e., the category zones of confidence (CATZOC). By comparing the official depth data from the hydrographic survey with the depth data collected from public sources for the same positions, their mutual relationships were established, from which it can be concluded that the CSB data, despite its limitations, is a very valuable supplement to the existing official data

    Investigating the Human Factor in Maritime Accidents: A Focus on Compass-Related Incidents

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    Accidents at sea can have devastating consequences, and investigating their causes is a complex and rigorous process. One of the most important factors contributing to these accidents is the human factor, which has received considerable attention from researchers in recent years. This article examines the role of the human factor in marine accidents, focusing the use and maintenance of compasses. Using data from scientific journals and safety analysis reports, the frequency and focus of research on this topic is analyzed and areas for further investigation are identified. International regulations, performance standards, and handling requirements relating to compasses are also discussed, and an analysis of compass-related accidents is presented. The survey conducted among seafarers indicates that they are satisfied with the performance of their compass, but there is a need for more advanced compass technologies and training on the proper use and maintenance of compasses. The survey shows that routine maintenance and calibration of compasses is crucial to minimize the possibility of human error and to prevent maritime accidents. In conclusion, we stress the importance of conducting further studies in this area taking into account the human factor in order to improve maritime safety measures


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    Novi izazovi i prijetnje nekonvencionalne i netradicionalne prirode u prvi su plan stavile problem tzv. “nevojnog ugrožavanja sigurnosti”. Pomorsko gospodarstvo svijeta izloženo je raznim vrstama ugrozbi, a u razdoblju od 2009. do 2011. bilježi se porast broja piratskih napada. Izvješća Međunarodnog pomorskog odbora (International Maritime Bureau – IMB) ukazuju na činjenicu da je razina piratstva diljem svijeta u porastu. Kao središte ovih piratskih aktivnosti nameće se piratstvo uz obale Afrike. Piratskim napadima izloženi su konvencijski i djelomice nekonvencijski brodovi. Napadi se provode određenom vrstom brodova, a u obrani od njih koriste se različite pasivne i aktivne mjere zaštite. U ovome radu analiziraju se podaci o piratskim napadima u području Adenskog zaljeva i Indijskog oceana uz pregledna istraživanja analize uspješnosti napada s aspekta manevarskih sposobnosti brodova.New challenges and threats of an unconventional and non-traditional nature put into focus the problem of the so-called “non-military security threats”. The global maritime economy is exposed to various types of threats, and in the period from 2009 to 2011, a growing number of pirate attacks have been recorded. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) reports indicate that the level of piracy rose all around the world. The center of these pirate activities is around the African coast. Ships exposed to pirate attacks are mainly conventional ships and some unconventional ships. The attacks are carried out by certain types of ships, and in defense of them, vessels use different passive and active measures. This article analyzes data regarding pirate attacks in the areas of the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean, including a thorough research analysis of the success rate of the attacks in terms of maneuverability of ships

    Concepts of Recognition of Seagoing Service and Certificates to Crew Members of Warships in Accordance with STCW Convention

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    The paper analyzes the concepts of application of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978, with amendments 2010 (STCW Convention), in the segment of recognition of seagoing service and certification for crew members of warships. Although the STCW Convention does not apply directly to warships, the Parties have the right to continue to recognize seagoing service and certificates of the crew members of their warships. There are different concepts of solutions related to this issue. The paper particularly analyzes legal framework under the STCW Convention. Concepts are compared in several NATO member states through a review and analysis of legal solutions and available training programs from these countries. Similarities and differences of the analyzed concepts are identified. Also, a general model of application in the national frameworks is developed. The authors conclude that it is possible to talk about the principle according to which seagoing service and certificates of the crew members of warships acquired during training and service on warships has been recognized with the fulfilment of the appropriate conditions prescribed by the Parties