16 research outputs found

    Efeitos da suplementação com vitamina E na cicatrização de feridas induzidas em Oreochromis niloticus

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    In the present study, the effect of vitamin E supplementation 450 mg/kg diet was appraised in the process of induced wound healing in Nile tilapias Oreochromis niloticus. Fish were distributed into 18 tanks (10 fish each). Nine tanks were fed the non-supplemented diet and the other 9 tanks were fed 450 mg vitamin E for 60 days. Subsequently, the fish were anesthetized and the epidermis and dermis were surgically removed. The rate of cicatricial retraction and appearance of the wounds, and the histomorphometry of mucous cells, chromatophores, revascularization, inflammatory cells, presence of fibroblasts, collagen fibers, and scales were checked after 3-, 7-, 14-, 21-, and 28 days post-wounding. The retraction rate of the wound was significantly higher in the supplemented fish. The higher concentrations of inflammatory cells, mucous cells, and chromatophores, as well as the production and organization of collagen fibers, resulted in a higher retraction rate. We concluded that a dietary supplementation diet improves specific aspects of the cutaneous healing process in Nile tilapia fish.No presente estudo, o efeito da suplementação com vitamina E de 450 mg / kg de dieta foi avaliado no processo de cicatrização induzida de feridas em tilápias do Nilo, Oreochromis niloticus. Os peixes foram distribuídos em 18 tanques (N=10), sendo 9 tanques com dieta não suplementada e os outros 9 tanques suplementados com 450 mg de vitamina E por 60 dias. Posteriormente, os peixes foram anestesiados e a epiderme e derme foram removidas cirurgicamente. Nos tempos pré- determinado de 3, 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias após a ferida foi analisado a taxa de retração cicatricial, a aparência das feridas e a histomorfometria das células mucosas, dos cromatóforos, das células inflamatórias, a revascularização, a presença de fibroblastos, de fibras de colágeno e escamas. A taxa de retração da ferida foi significativamente maior nos peixes suplementados. As maiores concentrações de células inflamatórias, mucosas e cromatóforos, bem como a produção e organização das fibras de colágeno, resultaram em uma maior taxa de retração. Concluímos que a dieta de suplementação melhora aspectos específicos do processo de cicatrização cutânea em peixes de tilápia do Nilo

    Contagem de mastócitos dérmicos em bovinos 'F IND.2' mestiços Holandês HPB x Gir infestados artificialmente com carrapatos Boophilus microplus (Acari: Ixodidae)

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a resposta cutânea e a correlação entre contagens de carrapatos e número de mastócitos em pele de bovinos artificialmente infestados. Para tanto, 148 animais F2 provenientes de animais F1 Holandês x Gir, foram infestados artificialmente com 1,0 x 104 larvas de B. microplus por animal e, após 21 dias, foi realizada contagem de carrapatos. Antes da infestação e 21 dias após, foram colhidos fragmentos da pele, os quais foram fixados, processados e corados com May-Grünwald & Giemsa e H.E. Os mastócitos cutâneos dos bovinos F0 (Gir puros), F1 e F2 foram contados em microscópio de luz com retículo ocular quadriculado e objetiva de 40x na derme superficial e profunda, além disso, foram feitas contagens globais de células no sítio de fixação. Os valores obtidos mostraram que a infestação artificial induziu aumento significativo no número de mastócitos na derme de bovinos F2, e que este aumento foi acompanhado por intensa infiltrado de eosinófilos. O exame histopatológico do sítio de fixação dos carrapatos mostrou alterações gerais semelhantes às observadas por outros autores em períodos mais curtos de fixação. A contagem diferencial de células mostrou que houve predomínio de eosinófilos, neutrófilos e mononucleares e que houve significativa correlação negativa entre mastócitos e basófilos e entre mastócitos e neutrófilos. Correlação significativa entre número de carrapatos e contagem de mastócitos só foi observada na derme superficial, após infestação artificial. Também houve correlação altamente significativa entre idade e número de mastócitos. As populações mastocitárias de animais Gir puros e mestiços F1 e F2 não mostraram diferença significativa.This work had as objective to evaluate the cutaneous response and the correlation between tick infestation and mast cells number in the skin of artificially infested bovines. For this purpose, 148 bovines F2 crossbred Holstein x Gir cattle, were artificially infested with 1,0 x 104 B. microplus larvae and, after 21 days, ticks attached were counted. Before the infestation (B.I.) and 21 days after (A.I.), biopsies of the skin were harvested, fixed, processed and stained with May-Grünwald & Giemsa and H.E. Dermal mast cells of F0 (pure Gir), F1 and F2 crossbred cattle were counted under light microscopy with square-lined ocular reticulum and 40x objective in the superficial and deep dermis. Diferencial inflammatory cells countings of the tick attachment site were also done. The data obtained showed that artificial infestation induced a significant increase in the mast cell number in the dermis of F2 cattle, and that this increase was followed by intense eosinophils infiltration. The histopatological evaluation of the tick feeding sites 21 days A.I. showed general alterations similar to that observed by other authors in shorter periods of tick feeding and, the diferencial cells counts showed a negative correlation between mast cells and basophils and between mast cells and neutrophils. Significant correlation between tick number and mast cells counts were observed in the upper dermis after artificial tick infestation. A correlation was also detected between age and mast cells numbers. No significant differences in the mast cell populations of pure Gir and F1 and F2 crossbred cattle were observed.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP

    Experimental toxoplasmosis in pregnant rabbits

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    Neste ensaio foram comparados aspectos clínicos, obstétricos, imunológicos e patológicos entre coelhas gestantes inoculadas com oocistos de Toxoplasma gondii e coelhas gestantes não inoculadas. Os resultados obtidos demonstram ser a coelha gestante altamente sensível à infecção toxoplásmica. Aborto e óbito foram observados em 100% das coelhas infectadas, antes do término da gestação. Os aumentos máximos de temperatura corporal foram observados entre o quarto e o nono dia pós-inoculação (DPI). Alterações hematológicas também foram observadas. Devido ao caráter hiperagudo decorrente da infecção toxoplásmica, detectou-se resposta imune humoral nas coelhas infectadas somente no 7o DPI. Os exames anátomo-histopatológicos demonstraram, principalmente, alterações hepáticas, renais e pulmonares. Com base nos dados obtidos no estudo, comprovou-se que coelhas gestantes são extremamente sensíveis a oocistos de T. gondii, apresentando severas alterações em diversos órgãos, assim como aborto e óbito prematuro.The clinical, hematological, obstetrical, immunological and pathological aspects of the experimental toxoplasmosis were investigated in pregnant rabbits orally inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii oocysts. Pregnant rabbits showed to be highly sensible to the toxoplasmic infection. Abortion and death occurred in 100% of the inoculated rabbits. Fever peak was observed between 4o and 9o day pos-infection. Blood parameter showed alterations. Because the hyperacute character presented by the toxoplasmic infection, the humoral immune response was weak. The microscopic and macroscopic exams demonstrated, mainly, alterations in liver, kidney and lungs. These results suggested that pregnant rabbits, orally infected with oocysts of T. gondii are extremely susceptible to this parasite, showing severe alterations in several organs, as well as premature abortion and death

    Relevant aspects of golden retriever muscular dystrophy for the study of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in humans

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    ABSTRACT: Golden Retriever muscular dystrophy (GRMD) is the most representative model for studying Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) in humans, owing its phenotypic expression. DMD is a recessive disorder linked to the X chromosome in which the loss of dystrophin induces progressive weakness and degeneration of the skeletal and cardiac muscles, which lead to replacement by connective and adipose tissues. Onset of clinical signs occurs between 2 and 5 years of age, and many patients die from heart or respiratory failure. The main studies concerning dystrophic Golden Retrievers (DGR) sought to elucidate the pathophysiology of the disease and its clinical implications to develop therapies and alternative treatments to improve the quality of life and increase longevity of DMD patients. This review presents an overview of relevant contributions of the DGR model for elucidating DMD in humans

    Effects of High-Biotin Sample Interference on Antibody Concentrations in Sandwich Immunoassays

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    The use of antimicrobial growth promoters (AGPs) is banned because of problems associated with drug residues in animal products and increased bacterial resistance. The immunization of chickens with specific antigens is a promising strategy for generating specific antibodies that can target a wide range of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and can be used as an alternative to antibiotics. Immunoglobulin Y (IgY) antibodies in a polyclonal antibody (pAb) format, when administered orally, modulate the ruminal microbiome and maintain animal health and performance; however, there are concerns pertaining to protein impurities and biotin concentrations in the samples. Signal amplification strategies involving the noncovalent interaction of biotin with streptavidin is extensively used in diagnosis and scientific research, particularly in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). However, the high concentrations of biotin in samples, especially in those derived from rich sources such as egg yolk, can pose challenges and potentially harm the accuracy of diagnostic tests and protein concentration measurements. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of biotin on the measurement of IgY in freeze-dried egg yolk samples obtained from immunized laying hens using immunoassays with biotin–avidin/streptavidin. The detection of IgY in yolk samples using ELISA with streptavidin–biotin binding could lead to misdiagnosis due to biotin interference; the level of interference varies with the specific assay conditions and the concentration of biotin in the yolk samples. An ELISA without streptavidin–biotin binding is advisable to avoid interactions between biotin and target proteins, prevent biotin interference with the results, and achieve more reliable and accurate results

    First record of Tuxophorus caligodes (Siphonostomatoida, Tuxophoridae) in sea-farmed cobia, Rachycentron canadum, in Brazil

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    O cobia é o único representante da família Rachycentridae e, devido às suas qualidades zootécnicas, a produção desse peixe tem sido implementada em vários países, tais como os Estados Unidos, México e Brasil. Tuxophorus caligodes é um parasito de peixes marinhos amplamente distribuído no mundo. Para o presente relato, 15 juvenis de cobias foram coletados de tanques-rede, em uma fazenda marinha em Ilhabela, Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no inverno de 2011. Os peixes foram sujeitos à eutanásia por meio de concussão cerebral, pesados (280 ± 70,5 g) e medidos (27 ± 1,97 cm). Após exame externo sob um estereomicroscópio, os ectoparasitos presentes na superfície do corpo foram coletados, fixados e processados para identificação. Dos 15 peixes examinados, dois apresentavam-se parasitados indicando a prevalência de 13,3%. Esse é o primeiro relato de Tuxophorus caligodes em cobias no Brasil.The cobia is the only representative of the Rachycentridae family and, because of its zootechnical qualities, production of this fish has been implemented in several countries, such as the United States, Mexico and Brazil. Tuxophorus caligodes is a widespread parasite of marine fish worldwide. For the present report, 15 juvenile cobias were collected from net cages on a fish farm in Ilhabela, state of São Paulo, Brazil, in the winter of 2011. The fish were sacrificed by means of cerebral concussion, and then weighed (280 ± 70.5 g) and measured (27 ± 1.97 cm). After external examination under a stereomicroscope, ectoparasites present on the body surface were collected, fixed and processed for identification. Out of the 15 fish examined, two were parasitized with Tuxophorus caligodes, thus indicating a prevalence of 13.3%. This is the first report of Tuxophorus caligodes in cobias in Brazil.Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Lipossarcoma esplênico em um cão

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    O presente trabalho visa relatar um caso de lipossarcoma canino, por se tratar de uma rara neoplasia em cães. Um cão, fêmea, Fila Brasileiro, 9 anos de idade com 47kg apresentou anorexia, vômito e apatia. A palpação abdominal revelou massa na região mesogástrica, e o paciente morreu antes da celiotomia exploratória. À necrópsia, constatou-se massa medindo 10 x 10 x 13cm aderida ao baço. O diagnóstico histológico foi lipossarcoma.A case of liposarcoma is reported in a 9-year-old female Brazilian Fila with 46kg, which was presented with anorexia, vomiting and apathy. Physical examination revealed the presence of an abdominal mass in the mesogastric region. The patient died before exploratory celiotomy. At necropsy a mass with 10 x 10 x 13cm attached to the capsule of the spleen was observed. Histopathological examination confirmed liposarcoma

    Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies for ante- and post-mortem detection of PrPSc in sheep

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    Scrapie is a disease that affects sheep and goats and is characterized by the accumulation of an abnormal isoform (PrPSc) of the cellular prion protein, PrPC, in the central nervous system (CNS) and in lymphoid tissues. Detection of PrPSc in these tissues can be attempted by a variety of techniques, including immunohistochemistry (IHC) and western blotting (WB), for which a wide range of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies are commercially available. The objective of this study was to test and compare the efficacy of monoclonal antibodiesF89/160.1.5, F99/97.6.1, and P4 and polyclonal antibodies M52 and R486 in the detection of PrPSc in lymphoid and CNS tissue samples by using IHC. Positive and negative control samples of sheep brain and tonsils were provided by the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA, UK). The IHC examination of CNS samples with both monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies confirmed the granular deposition of PrPSc in the neurons of the positive control tissues. However, while the monoclonal antibodies did not produce positive reactions in the negative controls, the polyclonal antibodies showed some non-specific staining. The testing of positive control tonsil samples with polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies identified positive control-specific reactions, whereas the negative control tissues were IHC-negative with all antibodies, although P4 and the polyclonal antibodies produced some background staining. In summary, although the polyclonal antibodies may be more accessible, their use is not advisable because of possible false positive reactions. The polyclonal antibody M52 was able to identify PrPC in brain and spleen samples by WB but other lymphoid tissues were negative

    Effects of magnetic treated water on serum concentration parameters and fat thickness

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    The goal of this study was to evaluate the effect of magnetic water on blood cells counts, biochemical profile, blood gas level and subcutaneous fat thickness of Jersey cows. This research was carried out at Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios - APTA, SP. Twenty six Jersey cows from the APTA were allotted into two groups: control (n=13), drinking regular water and the group consuming magnetic water (n=13). The animals were lactating around 150 days and pregnant around 60 days. Blood samples were collected from caudal auricular artery and jugular vein. The water treatment had no effect on hemogram (p&gt;0.05). Higher pH (7.448 vs 7.407 mmHg, p&lt;0.05) and lower PaCO2 (37.97 vs 42.47 mmHg, p&lt;0.05) levels were detected in arterial blood of the group drinking magnetic water. The concentration of Na ion (138.8 vs 145.5 mmol/l, p&lt;0.05) and serum triglycerides (10.4 vs 22.6 mg/dL, p&lt;0.05) were significantly lower, resulting in smaller osmolality (273.30 vs 280.99 mOsm/kg, p&lt;0.05) and subcutaneous fat thickness (0.2 vs 1.3 mm, p&lt;0.05). In summary, the water treatment, evaluated in this study, may have decreased the risk of some metabolic disorders, such as acidosis and high serum concentration of Na and carbon dioxide.</p