12 research outputs found

    Análise do teor e da qualidade dos lipídeos presentes em sementes de oleaginosas por rmn de baixo campo

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    To choose among the variety of oleaginous plants for biodiesel production, the oil content of several matrices was determined through different low-field ¹H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments with varied pulse sequences, namely single-pulse, spin-echo, CPMG, and CWFP. The experiments that involved the first three sequences showed high correlation with each other and with the solvent extraction method. The quality of the vegetable oils was also evaluated on the basis of the existing correlation between the T2 values of the oils and their properties, such as viscosity, iodine index, and cetane index. These analyses were performed using HCA and PCA chemometric tools. The results were sufficiently significant to allow separation of the oleaginous matrices according to their quality. Thus, the low-field ¹H NMR technique was confirmed as an important tool to aid in the selection of oleaginous matrices for biodiesel production

    A proposed index to assess quality of waters from desalination plants

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    ABSTRACT Reverse osmosis is the technology commonly used to produce fresh water from brackish groundwater. Due to the reject brine generated in desalination plants by reverse osmosis, vulnerability assessment to define critical areas to monitor waters from desalination has been an important tool for delineating the monitoring networks required for surveillance of potential salinization sites. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of waters sampled in desalination plants by a quality index, which provides a relative assessment of water vulnerability to potential salinization. The present study proposes an index to assess the quality of waters from desalination plants initially using the chemical parameters electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio, Mg2+/Ca2+ ratio, and the ions sodium, chloride and bicarbonate. The index to assess quality of waters from desalination plants showed good performance and can include additional parameters referring to the soil and crop exploited. High values of the relative index of quality of waters from desalination plants are considered as possible indicators of risk of soil salinization and groundwater contamination. The highest level of land use impact on the quality of waters from desalination plants was found in reject brine samples followed by well water samples

    Chemical attributes of traditional agriculture and Caatinga managed at different depths in an Inceptisol

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this work was to evaluate changes in the chemical attributes of an Inceptisol in two areas of sustainable management of the Caatinga Biome and a conventional tillage, compared with the native forest. The areas were managed in the following way: in areas under sustainable management, the Caatinga was thinned in a savanna system (1), and in the other area, the Caatinga was thinned in strips (2); the area under conventional tillage was burned, plowed and harrowed (3), and the native forest (4). The following chemical attributes were analyzed: pH, electrical conductivity, Ca2+, Mg2+, H + Al, P, Na+, K+ and soil organic matter (SOM), calculating CEC and base saturation. The treatments were evaluated using multivariate analysis, at different depths up to 0.52 m. In the Caatinga areas thinned in a savanna system and in strips, the greater availability of exchangeable bases and SOM occurs close to the depth of 0.20 m and, in the area with traditional agriculture, it is limited to 0.10 m. In the area thinned in a savanna system, sodium showed a negative correlation with the other elements

    Aspectos ecológicos da tripanossomíase americana: XVII - Desenvolvimento da domiciliação triatomínea regional, em centro de endemismo de Triatoma sordida Ecological aspects of South American trypanosomiasis: XVII - The domiciliation development of local triatominae populations in the Triatoma sordida endemic center

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    São apresentados os resultados obtidos mediante as observações sobre o processo de domiciliação triatomínea, após a desinsetização domiciliar, e levadas a efeito no período de janeiro de 1975 a janeiro de 1979. A região estudada inclui-se no domínio paisagístico dos cerrados do Brasil Central, considerado como centro de dispersão de Triatoma sordida. A domiciliação local, inicialmente encontrada, implicou a participação dessa espécie e de Triatoma infestans. Após a realização do expurgo, as pesquisas de vigilância trimestrais e os levantamentos finais evidenciaram a ocorrência de novo processo de domiciliação de triatomíneos, de decurso lento, e resultando em coeficientes de positividade de edifícios acentuadamente inferiores aos registrados por ocasião do levantamento inicial, durante todo o período de observação. Após o expurgo, o valor geral do coeficiente de edifícios (casas e anexos) positivos variou do valor mínimo de 1,9 ao máximo de 5,7%, enquanto foi de 40,4% o observado quando do levantamento inicial. Essa situação perdurou pelo tempo mínimo de três anos e meio, o que permite recomendar que a vigilância e a possível aplicação do expurgo seletivo, subseqüentes à desinsetização geral, sejam iniciadas a partir de decorrido tal prazo. Nesse ínterim, recomenda-se a motivação dos habitantes locais, no sentido de obter-lhes a colaboração para a denúncia de novos focos intradomiciliares. Na transferência da infecção tripanossômica para o ambiente domiciliar evidenciou-se papel importante desempenhado por vertebrados domiciliados ou em domiciliação, em especial modo ratos (Rattus) e gambás (Didelphis), de hábitos ubiquistas. No processo de evolução da nova domiciliação triatomínea, coube papel preponderante a T. sordida mediante a ocupação inicial do peridomicílio. O reaparecimento de T. infestans deveu-se principalmente à influência da atividade humana, em especial modo, a mobilidade dos habitantes locais. O papel desempenhado pelo R. neglectus foi pouco expressivo embora, à semelhança de T. sordida, tenha facilmente desenvolvido colônias em galinheiros experimentais. A participação proporcional dos dois principais triatomíneos na composição específica das populações domiciliadas, observada antes e após o expurgo em cinco diferentes ocasiões, foi avaliada pelos respectivos percentuais dentro do número total e edificações (casas e anexos) encontradas positivas. Os resultados mostraram aumento constante da proporção correspondente a T. sordida e diminuição da referente a T. infestans. Atribuiu-se a fatores educacionais e habitacionais maior influência sobre a domiciliação desta espécie do que na daquela. Observou-se também indícios sobre a possibilidade de dispersão ativa de T. infestans. Nas áreas rurais, os anexos peridomiciliares revelaram-se como ecótopos de concentração para o início da domiciliação de triatomíneos silvestres, em especial modo, de T. sordida. As áreas com pequeno número de anexos, aparentemente permanecem negativas por tempo mais prolongado, levando a supor que a domiciliação encontre ali maiores dificuldades de se desenvolver.<br>The results of observations made on triatominae bug domiciliation, after house cleaning using chemical substances, are reported. The work was carried out during the period January 1975 to January 1979. The region studied is part of the endemic center formed by the "cerrados" (doy up-land forests) of Central Brazil. Original local bug domiciliation found before house treatment, was composed of Triatoma infestans and Triatoma sordida populations. After desinsectization, surveillance research showed the start and development of a new, thowgh slower, domiciliation procedure, leading to house infection rates well below those initially found. After house cleaning, these values varied from 1.9 to 5.7%, comparing with 40.4% in the initial survey. This situation continued for at least three and half years, suggesting strongly that the surveillance activities should be started at the end of this period. In the meantime efforts should be made to induce the local human population to co-operate in denouncing new intradomiciliary triatominae foci and to maintain the standard of home cleanliness, as high as possible. As for the transfer of trypanosomiasis infection to the home, it was shown to be mainly due to domiciliated or semidomiciliated vertebrates, principally rats (Rattus) and opossums (Didelphis), of ubiquitous behaviour. In the new domiciliation process, a predominant role was performed by T. sordida starting with the invasion of the peridomiciliary environment. The reappearance of T. infestans was due mainly to human activity. The role of R. neglectus was very small though like T. sordida, it readily established itself in experimental hen houses. The proportional participation of the two main species in the specific composition of domiciliated bug populations was considered before and after house cleaning, through the positive dwellings rates on five differents dates. Results showed a constant increase of T. sordida participation, and an equally constant decrease of that of T. infestans. The more intense T. infestans domiciliation process than that of T. sordida is attributable to educational and residence factors. There was evidence of active dispersal capacity of the T. infestans. In the rural areas peridomiciliary dwellings fulfilled the concentration ecotopes role for the domiciliation process starting with sylvatic triatominae bugs, mainly T. sordida. Areas with fever of these dwellings, seem to, resist re-infestation longer than others