458 research outputs found

    Effect of guide field on three dimensional electron shear flow instabilities in collisionless magnetic reconnection

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    We examine the effect of an external guide field and current sheet thickness on the growth rates and nature of three dimensional unstable modes of an electron current sheet driven by electron shear flow. The growth rate of the fastest growing mode drops rapidly with current sheet thickness but increases slowly with the strength of the guide field. The fastest growing mode is tearing type only for thin current sheets (half thickness ≈de\approx d_e, where de=c/ωped_e=c/\omega_{pe} is electron inertial length) and zero guide field. For finite guide field or thicker current sheets, fastest growing mode is non-tearing type. However growth rates of the fastest 2-D tearing mode and 3-D non-tearing mode are comparable for thin current sheets (de<d_e < half thickness <2 de < 2\,d_e) and small guide field (of the order of the asymptotic value of the component of magnetic field supporting electron current sheet). It is shown that the general mode resonance conditions for electron-magnetohydrodynamic (EMHD) and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) tearing modes depend on the effective dissipation mechanism (electron inertia and resistivity in cases of EMHD and MHD, respectively). The usual tearing mode resonance condition (k.B0=0\mathbf{k}.\mathbf{B}_0=0, k\mathbf{k} is the wave vector and B0\mathbf{B}_0 is equilibrium magnetic field) can be recovered from the general resonance conditions in the limit of weak dissipation. Necessary conditions (relating current sheet thickness, strength of the guide field and wave numbers) for the existence of tearing mode are obtained from the general mode resonance conditions.Comment: The following article has been submitted to Physics of Plasmas. After it is published, it will be found at http://scitation.aip.org/content/aip/journal/pop. Authors gratefully acknowledges the support of the German Science Foundation CRC 96

    Role Of Colligin In Collagen Biosynthesis

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    Colligin, a glycoprotein of molecular mass 46 kDa, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum of diverse kinds of cells which produce collagen I. It binds collagen type I and type IV. As a step towards defining the role of colligin in the cell, the binding characteristics were studied in detail. Two different binding assays were developed. These studies showed that three moles of colligin bind per mole of procollagen with a K{dollar}\sb{lcub}\rm d{rcub}{dollar} of about 25 nM. In vivo cross-linking experiments revealed that colligin also binds to procollagen in the ER along with two other ER resident proteins, PDI and GRP78.;In order to understand the role of colligin in differentiation, the rate of procollagen biosynthesis in L6 myoblasts was compared with that of differentiation-defective C8 mutant cells, where the level of colligin is lower. Pulse-chase experiments showed that the rate of degradation of pro{dollar}\alpha\sb2{dollar}(I) chains is higher in C8. Further, the lower rate of hydroxylation and secretion of procollagen I and its less stable triple-helical structure in C8 suggests that colligin probably plays an important role in procollagen biosynthesis.;A considerable amount of evidence suggests that the ER has specific proteases. To specifically examine procollagen degradation, pulse labelled procollagen was quantitated in cells treated with brefeldin A. Procollagen was degraded by ER resident proteases under these conditions. The in vivo degradation of procollagen was inhibited by TLCK and TPCK; inhibitors of serine proteases. It was also found that procollagen is degraded in vitro in microsomal preparations and colligin protected it from this degradation. Another possible function of colligin may thus be to protect procollagen chains from degradation in the ER.;A regulatory linkage between the biosynthesis of colligin and procollagen was examined under a variety of conditions, notably in the presence of steroid hormones and growth factors. These studies establish that colligin and procollagen are regulated in parallel, suggesting an important functional linkage.;In efforts to understand a possible role of colligin in procollagen secretion, a line of lung fibroblasts having defective procollagen chains and negligible levels of colligin were transfected with colligin cDNA. These studies showed that colligin helps in the solubilization of defective pro {dollar}\alpha\sb1{dollar}(I) chain aggregates in the ER and also prevents secretion of these mutant chains.;To examine whether glycosylation and phosphorylation of colligin are required for binding, and to obtain enough colligin for further studies, a method for overproducing colligin in E. coli was developed. Recombinant colligin with molecular mass of 41 kDa was purified almost to homogeneity from the bacterial system. Comparison of the recombinant colligin with that isolated from myoblasts showed that the post-translational modifications of colligin are not essential for binding. Both types of colligin showed identical properties with regard to their binding properties to procollagen and their ability to protect procollagen from microsomal degradation.;The work presented in this report showed that colligin is a multifunctional protein involved in collagen biosynthesis in the ER. It is very likely that it acts as a \u27specific chaperone\u27 in order to protect unassembled procollagen chains from degradation and also help in the oligomerization and secretion of these chains

    Validated pre-discharge survey of patient satisfaction in orthopaedic care

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    Background: Worldwide, increasing concern has been given to the assessment of patient satisfaction survey as a method of monitor of the quality of health care provision in the health institutions. The study aimed to assess the level of patient satisfaction with preoperative and postoperative surgical services and its associated factors. Study includes Experience of 17 questionnaires.Methods: A total of 507 indoor patients were taken on a random basis full filing the inclusion and exclusion criteria, over a period of 1 year from December 2017 to January 2018. Firstly, we applied Cronbach's alpha to know the reliability of survey questionnaire, then we collected the final data. Association between two non-parametric variables was seen using Pearson’s chi-square test. A p value of less than 0.05 was taken as statistically significant. Data was analysed using SPSS 21.0.Results: Patients with good satisfaction rates were 60.2%. We found that males are more satisfied then females with Pearson Chi-square value=8.033, df=1, p value=0.005. Patients with age of above 80 years and between age group of 21-40 years have comparatively lower satisfaction rates with Pearson Chi-square value=33.265, df=4, P value=0.000.Conclusions: Assessing patients’ satisfaction rates can be a simple and cost effective technique for evaluating the services provided by health care providers and institutions and should be conducted periodically to detect carelessness and bring about overall improvement in the quality of care provided. This should be generalised and universally accepted.

    Thermal stability analysis and performance exploration of asymmetrical dual-k underlap spacer (ADKUS) SOI FinFET for high performance circuit applications

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    This paper explores the performance of asymmetrical dual-k underlap spacer (ADKUS) SOI FinFET (device-D1) over the wide temperature range (200 K-450 K). An attempt has been made to find out the zero temperature coefficient (ZTC) biased point to enhance the digital, analog and RF performance at 20 nm channel length. The proposed device will be suitable for VLSI circuit’s design, internet of things (IoT) interfacing components and algorithm development for security applications of information technology. The potential parameters of device-D1 like intrinsic gain (AV ), output conductance (gd ), transconductance (gm ), early voltage (VEA ), off current (Ioff) , on current (Ion), Ion/Ioff ratio, gate to source capacitance (Cgs), gate to drain capacitance (Cgd), cut-off frequency (fT), energy (CV2), intrinsic delay (CV/I), energy-delay product (EDP), power dissipation (PD), sub-threshold slope (SS), Q-Factor (gm,max/SS), threshold voltage (Vth) and maximum trans-conductance (gm,max) are subjected to analyze for evaluating the performance of ADKUS SOI FinFET for wide temperature environment. The validation of a temperature based performance of ADKUS SOI FinFET gives an opportunity to design the numerous analog and digital components of internet security infrastructure at wide temperature environment. These ADKUS SOI FinFET based components give new technology to the IoT which has the ability to connect the real world with the digital world and enables the people and machines to know the status of thousands of components simultaneously


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    Article 370 was been introduced to the constitution for the purpose of bridging the gap between Jammu & Kashmir and rest of India. After independence to India there were some Princely states which needed to be decided about their existence in India, in that list of Jammu & Kashmir was the one. The accession of those princely states been handed over to the Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel who was then Deputy Prime Minister and as well as Home Minister to India. When he was tackling every princely state fluently with his troops without having any controversies some political issues had risen in between and finally it affected the Jammu & Kashmir state where the situation was out of control and been in the hands of UNO. Now Article 370 is the only constitutional provision that links India with J&K. Now unlike other states J&K constitutional position is different in terms of every aspect , its completely depend upon the “INSTRUMENT OF ACCESSION” which was signed by then and last maharaja of J&K Maharaja Hari Singh where it was accepted by the governor-General of Indi

    A prospective clinical trial to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid disorder among pregnant women and obstetrical and fetal outcome in a tertiary health centre located in central India

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    Background: A prospective clinical trial to evaluate the prevalence of thyroid disorder among pregnant women and obstetrical and fetal outcome was done in a tertiary health centre (RKDF Medical College and Research Centre, Bhopal) located in central India.Methods: This prospective study was carried out in antenatal women in their first trimester attending antenatal OPD in RKDF Medical College and Research Centre, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh to know the prevalence of thyroid disorder and its association with pregnancy outcome.Results: In this study prevalence of thyroid disorder was 12.4%, subclinical hypothyroidism 7.2%, overt hypothyroidism 3.4%, subclinical hyperthyroidism 1.4%, overt hyperthyroidism 0.4%. Thyroid disorder is responsible for several obstetrical and fetal complication like pre-eclampsia, preterm delivery, abortion, IUGR and low birth weight.Conclusions: Thyroid disorder associated with poor obstetrical outcome and fetal complication. so timely diagnosis and treatment is required. Universal screening should be preferred over high-risk screening because of high prevalence of the disease in India

    A study to compare the efficacy, acceptability and side effect of combined contraceptive vaginal ring with the combined oral contraceptive pills in a tertiary health centre located in central India

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    Background: A study to compare the efficacy, acceptability and side effect of combined contraceptive vaginal ring with the combined oral contraceptive pills in a tertiary health centre (RKDF Medical College and Research Centre, Bhopal) located in central India.Methods: This prospective randomized comparative trial enrolled hundred women aged between 20 to 40 years seeking for contraception with no contraindication to hormonal contraception. After proper counseling and informed consent, women divided into two groups, study group (50) includes women using contraceptive vaginal ring and control group (50) include women using combined oral contraceptives. The contraceptive efficacy, acceptability, tolerability and adverse events were recorded at each follow-up visit at RKDF Medical College and Research Centre, Bhopal.Results: Vaginal ring and combined oral contraceptives were found to have comparable contraceptive efficacy. In study group no pregnancy reported during study period while one pregnancy reported in control group, which was statistically insignificant. Satisfaction, continuation and recommendation to others were more with vaginal ring which were not significant statistically. Cycle control is superior with vaginal ring. Incidence of adverse effects was same in both groups.Conclusions: Combined contraceptive vaginal ring is an effective and reliable contraception with excellent cycle control, well-tolerated and highly acceptable to most women

    Wiskott–Aldrich Syndrome causing mutation, Pro373Ser restricts conformational changes essential for WASP activity in T-cells

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    AbstractWiskott–Aldrich Syndrome (WAS) is caused by mutations in Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome Protein (WASP) and majority of the mutations are found in the WASP Homology 1 (WH1) domain which mediates interaction with WIP (WASP Interacting Protein), a WASP chaperone. Two point mutations together in the proline rich region (PRR) domain of WASP (S339Y/P373S) have been reported to cause WAS however the molecular defect has not been characterized. Expression of these mutants separately (WASPRS339Y, WASPRP373S) or together (WASPRSP/YS) did not rescue the chemotaxis defect or membrane projection defect of JurkatWKD T-cells (WASP knockdown). This is not due to the inability of WASP-PRR mutants to form functional WASP–WIP complex in growth rescue experiments in las17Δ yeast strain. Expression of WASPRS339Y but not WASPRP373S or WASPRSP/YS rescued the IL-2 expression defect of JurkatWKD T-cells, suggesting that Pro373Ser mutation alone is sufficient to inhibit WASP functions in T-cell activation. The diffused localization of WASP-PRR mutants in activated Jurkat T-cells suggests that Ser339 and Pro373 are critical for WASP localization. WASP-PRR mutations either together or individually did not abolish interaction of WASP with sixteen WASP binding proteins including Hck, however they caused reduction in Hck mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of WASP which is critical for WASP activity. The auto-inhibitory conformation of WASPP373S mutant was not relieved by the binding of Toca-1 or Nck1. Thus, our results suggest that Pro373Ser mutation reduces Tyr291 phosphorylation and prevents conformational changes required for WASP activity in chemotaxis and T-cell activation. Thus Pro3373Ser is probably responsible for all the defects associated with WAS in the patients

    Cocktail Inferno – Multiple Sclerosis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Patient with Lepromatous Leprosy

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    Co-occurrence of multiple sclerosis with type 2 diabetes mellitus with lepromatous leprosy is rare. We hereby report a case of multiple sclerosis with type 2 diabetes mellitus with lepromatous leprosy in a middle-aged female. She was clinically diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis with type 2 diabetes mellitus and presented with fever, ENL and neuritis. Her MRI reports were normal but she had a positive slit-skin smear and skin biopsy as lepromatous leprosy. Proceeding with this diagnosis, she was treated with baclofen for spastic bladder, antibiotics for urinary tract infection, oral hypoglycemic agents and oral steroids with multibacillary treatment for leprosy with type 2 reactions. She responded well and currently is being followed-up
