27,822 research outputs found

    Activation gaps for the fractional quantum Hall effect: realistic treatment of transverse thickness

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    The activation gaps for fractional quantum Hall states at filling fractions ν=n/(2n+1)\nu=n/(2n+1) are computed for heterojunction, square quantum well, as well as parabolic quantum well geometries, using an interaction potential calculated from a self-consistent electronic structure calculation in the local density approximation. The finite thickness is estimated to make ∼\sim30% correction to the gap in the heterojunction geometry for typical parameters, which accounts for roughly half of the discrepancy between the experiment and theoretical gaps computed for a pure two dimensional system. Certain model interactions are also considered. It is found that the activation energies behave qualitatively differently depending on whether the interaction is of longer or shorter range than the Coulomb interaction; there are indications that fractional Hall states close to the Fermi sea are destabilized for the latter.Comment: 32 pages, 13 figure

    Band Structure of the Fractional Quantum Hall Effect

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    The eigenstates of interacting electrons in the fractional quantum Hall phase typically form fairly well defined bands in the energy space. We show that the composite fermion theory gives insight into the origin of these bands and provides an accurate and complete microscopic description of the strongly correlated many-body states in the low-energy bands. Thus, somewhat like in Landau's fermi liquid theory, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the low energy Hilbert space of strongly interacting electrons in the fractinal quantum Hall regime and that of weakly interacting electrons in the integer quantum Hall regime.Comment: 10 page

    Persistence and the Random Bond Ising Model in Two Dimensions

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    We study the zero-temperature persistence phenomenon in the random bond ±J\pm J Ising model on a square lattice via extensive numerical simulations. We find strong evidence for ` blocking\rq regardless of the amount disorder present in the system. The fraction of spins which {\it never} flips displays interesting non-monotonic, double-humped behaviour as the concentration of ferromagnetic bonds pp is varied from zero to one. The peak is identified with the onset of the zero-temperature spin glass transition in the model. The residual persistence is found to decay algebraically and the persistence exponent θ(p)≈0.9\theta (p)\approx 0.9 over the range 0.1≤p≤0.90.1\le p\le 0.9. Our results are completely consistent with the result of Gandolfi, Newman and Stein for infinite systems that this model has ` mixed\rq behaviour, namely positive fractions of spins that flip finitely and infinitely often, respectively. [Gandolfi, Newman and Stein, Commun. Math. Phys. {\bf 214} 373, (2000).]Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Persistence in a Random Bond Ising Model of Socio-Econo Dynamics

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    We study the persistence phenomenon in a socio-econo dynamics model using computer simulations at a finite temperature on hypercubic lattices in dimensions up to 5. The model includes a ` social\rq local field which contains the magnetization at time tt. The nearest neighbour quenched interactions are drawn from a binary distribution which is a function of the bond concentration, pp. The decay of the persistence probability in the model depends on both the spatial dimension and pp. We find no evidence of ` blocking\rq in this model. We also discuss the implications of our results for possible applications in the social and economic fields. It is suggested that the absence, or otherwise, of blocking could be used as a criterion to decide on the validity of a given model in different scenarios.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Composite fermion theory of rapidly rotating two-dimensional bosons

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    Ultracold neutral bosons in a rapidly rotating atomic trap have been predicted to exhibit fractional quantum Hall-like states. We describe how the composite fermion theory, used in the description of the fractional quantum Hall effect for electrons, can be applied to interacting bosons. Numerical evidence supporting the formation of composite fermions, each being the bound state of a boson and one flux quantum, is shown for filling fractions of the type nu=p/(p+1), both by spectral analysis and by direct comparison with trial wave functions. The rapidly rotating system of two-dimensional bosons thus constitutes an interesting example of "statistical transmutation," with bosons behaving like composite fermions. We also describe the difference between the electronic and the bosonic cases when p approaches infinity. Residual interactions between composite fermions are attractive in this limit, resulting in a paired composite-fermion state described by the Moore-Read wave function.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures. Conference proceeding. BEC 2005 Ital

    Electron-impact rotational and hyperfine excitation of HCN, HNC, DCN and DNC

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    Rotational excitation of isotopologues of HCN and HNC by thermal electron-impact is studied using the molecular {\bf R}-matrix method combined with the adiabatic-nuclei-rotation (ANR) approximation. Rate coefficients are obtained for electron temperatures in the range 5−-6000 K and for transitions among all levels up to J=8. Hyperfine rates are also derived using the infinite-order-sudden (IOS) scaling method. It is shown that the dominant rotational transitions are dipole allowed, that is those for which ΔJ=1\Delta J=1. The hyperfine propensity rule ΔJ=ΔF\Delta J=\Delta F is found to be stronger than in the case of He−-HCN collisions. For dipole allowed transitions, electron-impact rates are shown to exceed those for excitation of HCN by He atoms by 6 orders of magnitude. As a result, the present rates should be included in any detailed population model of isotopologues of HCN and HNC in sources where the electron fraction is larger than 10−6^{-6}, for example in interstellar shocks and comets.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, accepted in MNRAS (2007 september 3
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