30,241 research outputs found

    Number of adaptive steps to a local fitness peak

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    We consider a population of genotype sequences evolving on a rugged fitness landscape with many local fitness peaks. The population walks uphill until it encounters a local fitness maximum. We find that the statistical properties of the walk length depend on whether the underlying fitness distribution has a finite mean. If the mean is finite, all the walk length cumulants grow with the sequence length but approach a constant otherwise. Experimental implications of our analytical results are also discussed

    Evolutionary dynamics on strongly correlated fitness landscapes

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    We study the evolutionary dynamics of a maladapted population of self-replicating sequences on strongly correlated fitness landscapes. Each sequence is assumed to be composed of blocks of equal length and its fitness is given by a linear combination of four independent block fitnesses. A mutation affects the fitness contribution of a single block leaving the other blocks unchanged and hence inducing correlations between the parent and mutant fitness. On such strongly correlated fitness landscapes, we calculate the dynamical properties like the number of jumps in the most populated sequence and the temporal distribution of the last jump which is shown to exhibit a inverse square dependence as in evolution on uncorrelated fitness landscapes. We also obtain exact results for the distribution of records and extremes for correlated random variables

    Composite fermion wave functions as conformal field theory correlators

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    It is known that a subset of fractional quantum Hall wave functions has been expressed as conformal field theory (CFT) correlators, notably the Laughlin wave function at filling factor ν=1/m\nu=1/m (mm odd) and its quasiholes, and the Pfaffian wave function at ν=1/2\nu=1/2 and its quasiholes. We develop a general scheme for constructing composite-fermion (CF) wave functions from conformal field theory. Quasiparticles at ν=1/m\nu=1/m are created by inserting anyonic vertex operators, P1m(z)P_{\frac{1}{m}}(z), that replace a subset of the electron operators in the correlator. The one-quasiparticle wave function is identical to the corresponding CF wave function, and the two-quasiparticle wave function has correct fractional charge and statistics and is numerically almost identical to the corresponding CF wave function. We further show how to exactly represent the CF wavefunctions in the Jain series ν=s/(2sp+1)\nu = s/(2sp+1) as the CFT correlators of a new type of fermionic vertex operators, Vp,n(z)V_{p,n}(z), constructed from nn free compactified bosons; these operators provide the CFT representation of composite fermions carrying 2p2p flux quanta in the nthn^{\rm th} CF Landau level. We also construct the corresponding quasiparticle- and quasihole operators and argue that they have the expected fractional charge and statistics. For filling fractions 2/5 and 3/7 we show that the chiral CFTs that describe the bulk wave functions are identical to those given by Wen's general classification of quantum Hall states in terms of KK-matrices and ll- and tt-vectors, and we propose that to be generally true. Our results suggest a general procedure for constructing quasiparticle wave functions for other fractional Hall states, as well as for constructing ground states at filling fractions not contained in the principal Jain series.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    Evolutionary dynamics of the most populated genotype on rugged fitness landscapes

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    We consider an asexual population evolving on rugged fitness landscapes which are defined on the multi-dimensional genotypic space and have many local optima. We track the most populated genotype as it changes when the population jumps from a fitness peak to a better one during the process of adaptation. This is done using the dynamics of the shell model which is a simplified version of the quasispecies model for infinite populations and standard Wright-Fisher dynamics for large finite populations. We show that the population fraction of a genotype obtained within the quasispecies model and the shell model match for fit genotypes and at short times, but the dynamics of the two models are identical for questions related to the most populated genotype. We calculate exactly several properties of the jumps in infinite populations some of which were obtained numerically in previous works. We also present our preliminary simulation results for finite populations. In particular, we measure the jump distribution in time and find that it decays as t2t^{-2} as in the quasispecies problem.Comment: Minor changes. To appear in Phys Rev

    Even denominator fractional quantum Hall states in higher Landau levels of graphene

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    An important development in the field of the fractional quantum Hall effect has been the proposal that the 5/2 state observed in the Landau level with orbital index n=1n = 1 of two dimensional electrons in a GaAs quantum well originates from a chiral pp-wave paired state of composite fermions which are topological bound states of electrons and quantized vortices. This state is theoretically described by a "Pfaffian" wave function or its hole partner called the anti-Pfaffian, whose excitations are neither fermions nor bosons but Majorana quasiparticles obeying non-Abelian braid statistics. This has inspired ideas on fault-tolerant topological quantum computation and has also instigated a search for other states with exotic quasiparticles. Here we report experiments on monolayer graphene that show clear evidence for unexpected even-denominator fractional quantum Hall physics in the n=3n=3 Landau level. We numerically investigate the known candidate states for the even-denominator fractional quantum Hall effect, including the Pfaffian, the particle-hole symmetric Pfaffian, and the 221-parton states, and conclude that, among these, the 221-parton appears a potentially suitable candidate to describe the experimentally observed state. Like the Pfaffian, this state is believed to harbour quasi-particles with non-Abelian braid statistic

    Electrical Conductance in Molten Salts: Part VI - potassium Nitrate-Strontium Nitrate Mixtures

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    Correlation between dielectric constant and chemical structure of sodium silicate glasses

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    Journal URL: http://jap.aip.org/jap/staff.js