48 research outputs found

    A Newtonian approach to the cosmological dark fluids

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    We review the hydrodynamics of the dark sector components in Cosmology. For this purpose we use the approach of Newtonian gravitational instability, and thereafter we add corrections to arrive to a full relativistic description. In Cosmology and Astrophysics, it is usual to decompose the dark sector into two species, dark matter and dark energy. We will use instead a unified approach by describing a single unified dark fluid with very simple assumptions, namely the dark fluid is barotropic and its sound speed vanishes.Comment: 13 pages, To be published in 'Selected Topics of Computational and Experimental Fluid Mechanics' Springer Book Series: Environmental Science and Engineering: Environmental Scienc

    Collapse and Fragmentation Models of Prolate Molecular Cloud Cores. I. Initial Uniform Rotation

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    Studies of the distribution of young stars in well-known regions of star formation indicate the existence of a characteristic length scale (~0.04 pc), separating the regime of self-similar clustering from that of binary and multiple systems. The evidence that this length scale is comparable to the size of typical molecular cloud clumps, along with the observed high frequency of companions to pre-main-sequence stars, suggest that stars may ultimately form through fragmentation of collapsing molecular cloud cores. Here we use a new hydrodynamic code to investigate the gravitational collapse and fragmentation of protostellar condensations, starting from moderately centrally condensed (Gaussian), prolate configurations with axial ratios of 2:1 and 4:1 and varying thermal energy (α). All the models start with uniform rotation and ratios of the rotational to the gravitational energy β ≈ 0.036. The results indicate that these condensations collapse all the way to form a narrow cylindrical core that subsequently fragments into two or more clumps, even if they are initially close to virial equilibrium (α + β ≈ -->½). The 2:1 clouds formed triple systems for α 0.36 and a binary system for α ≈ 0.27, while the 4:1 clouds all formed binary systems independently of α. The mass and separation of the binary fragments increase with increasing the cloud elongation. The widest binaries formed from clouds with α ≈ 0.36, and starting from this value, the binary separation decreases with either increasing or decreasing α. In all cases, fragmentation did not result in a net loss of the a/m ratio (specific spin angular momentum per unit mass), as expected from stellar observations. The fragments that formed possess low values of α (~0.06) and are appreciably elongated, and so they could subfragment before becoming true first protostellar cores

    The influence of numerical parameters on tidally triggered bar formation

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    The joint influence of numerical parameters such as the number of particles N, the gravitational softening length ϵ\epsilon and the time-step Δt\Delta t is investigated in the context of galaxy simulations. For isolated galaxy models we have performed a convergence study and estimated the numerical parameters ranges for which the relaxed models do not deviate significantly from its initial configuration. By fixing N, we calculate the range of the mean interparticle separation λ(r)\lambda(r) along the disc radius. We have found that in the simulations with N=1310720 particles λ\lambda varies by a factor of 6, and the corresponding final Toomre's parameters Q change by only about 5 per cent. By decreasing N, the λ\lambda and Q ranges broaden. Large ϵ\epsilon and small N cause an earlier bar formation. For a given set of parameters the disc heating is smaller with the Plummer softening than with the spline softening. For galaxy collision models numerical simulations indicate that the properties of the formed bars strongly depend upon the selection of N and ϵ\epsilon. Large values of the gravitational softening parameter and a small number of particles results in the rapid formation of a well defined, slowly rotating bar. On the other hand, small values of ϵ\epsilon produce a small, rapidly rotating disc with tightly wound spiral arms, and subsequently a weak bar emerges. We have found that by increasing N, the bar properties converge and the effect of the softening parameter diminishes. Finally, in some cases short spiral arms are observed at the ends of the bar that change periodically from trailing to leading and vice-versa - the wiggle.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in A&A. A high resolution version of the paper is found at http://www.astro.inin.mx/ruslan/tidal_bars/gabbasov.pd