14 research outputs found

    Effects of ayahuasca on mental health and quality of life in naïve users: A longitudinal and cross-sectional study combination

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    Ayahuasca is a hallucinogenic decoction used as a traditional medicine in several Amazonian regions. The ritualistic use of ayahuasca has spread throughout many countries, making it necessary to study its risks and benefits. Two sub-studies were designed for this investigation. In sub-study 1, a psychiatric interview and a battery of questionnaires were administered to subjects (n = 40) before their first ayahuasca use. Two follow-ups were conducted at 1 and 6 months. In sub-study 2, the same interview and battery of questionnaires were administered to long-term ayahuasca users (n = 23) and their scores were compared with those of the ayahuasca-naïve group. In the first assessment, nearly half (45%) of the naïve users were found to meet the diagnostic criteria for a psychiatric disorder. After the ayahuasca use, more than 80% of those subjects showed clinical improvements that persisted at 6 months. The questionnaires showed significant reductions in depression and psychopathology. Regarding sub-study 2, long-term users showed lower depression scores, and higher scores for self-transcendence and quality of life, as compared to their peers in sub-study 1. Further controlled and observational naturalistic studies assessing the eventual risks and potential benefits of ayahuasca are warranted

    Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease, Psychiatric Indicators and Quality of Life: A Systematic Review

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    This study is aimed to conduct a systematic literature review regarding the associations between psychiatric symptoms, functional impairments, and quality of life in patients with CMT (Charcot—Marie—Tooth). The PUBMED, PsycInfo, SCIELO, and LILACS electronic databases were used, and the following search terms were employed: CMT, HMSN (hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy), mental disorder, quality of life, psychiatry, psychiatric, and psychological without the use of time-limit filters. According to the adopted inclusion criteria, 20 studies were included and appraised. These studies indicated that patients with CMT exhibited an increased trend toward depressive symptoms compared with the general population. In addition, CMT patients were exposed to a higher risk of reduced quality of life and significant sleep impairment. Considering the comorbidity of CMT with other psychiatric disorders, the heterogeneity of the instruments used to evaluate the psychiatric symptoms compromised the ability to compare the studies examined. Our results indicate a need for a systematic evaluation of these conditions to minimize the impairments and decreased quality of life caused by CMT

    Cross-sectional associations between lifetime use of psychedelic drugs and psychometric measures during the COVID-19 confinement: A transcultural study

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    Background: One of the main public health strategies adopted at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic consisted of implementing strict lockdowns to stop the transmission of the virus. Despite being an effective measure, the confinement and the associated social isolation create a stressful, potentially lengthy situations that has been proven to have several psychological consequences. Given the potential benefits that certain psychedelic drugs have shown for the treatment of psychological disorders, this study aimed to assess the impact of lifetime psychedelic drug use on mental health in relation to the first strict lockdown adopted by various countries (April-July 2020). Methods: Subjects completed an online survey that inquired about sociodemographic factors, activities, and lifestyle factors during confinement, as well as health and mental health related factors. Subjects were asked about their lifetime use of psychedelic drugs (MDMA, ayahuasca, psilocybin-containing mushrooms, LSD, peyote, San Pedro, Bufo alvarius or 5-MeO-DMT, and others), being classified as regular users (more than once per 6 months), occasional users, or non-users. The survey included psychometric tests used to assess psychological distress, peritraumatic stress, social support, psychopathological symptoms, and personality. Linear regressions were performed with psychedelic drug users as the independent variable and psychometric factors as the outcomes, while correcting for age, gender, language, religion, spirituality, and use of non-psychedelic drugs. Results: The study included 2,974 English, Portuguese, and Spanish speakers (497 regular users of psychedelic drugs, 606 occasional users, and 1,968 non-users). On average, respondents were 36 years old and 70% were female. Psychedelic drug users, especially regular ones, reported less psychological distress, less peritraumatic stress, and more social support. Regarding personality measures, psychedelic drug users scored higher on the novelty-seeking and self-transcendence scales, and lower on cooperativeness. Conclusion: Our findings showed that regular users of psychedelic drugs had less psychological stress and some personality differences when compared to occasional users and non-users. This suggests that either the use of psychedelics might be a protective factor itself or people with certain previous traits are more prone to frequently using psychedelic drugs. Future prospective longitudinal research should investigate the underlying processes observed in this study to develop consistent hypothese

    Quality of life in patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A Análise da qualidade de vida de pacientes com a doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth tipo 1A

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    <p id="para1">We assessed the functional impairment in Charcot-Marie-Tooth resulting from 17p11.2-p12 duplication (CMT1A) patients using the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36), which is a quality of life questionnaire. Twenty-five patients of both genders aged &#8805;10 years with a positive molecular diagnosis of CMT1A were selected. Age- and gender-matched Control Group (without family history of neuropathy), and the sociodemographic and professional conditions similar to the patients' group were selected to compare the SF-36 results between them. The results showed that the majority quality of life impairments in CMT1A patients occurred in the social and emotional domains. Functional capacity also tended to be significantly affected; other indicators of physical impairment were preserved. In conclusion, social and emotional aspects are mostly neglected in the assistance provided to CMT1A Brazilian patients, and they should be better understood in order to offer global health assistance with adequate quality of life as a result.</p><br><p id="para2">Avaliou-se o comprometimento funcional de pacientes com Charcot-Marie-Tooth provenientes da duplica&#231;&#227;o 17p11.2-p12 (CMT1A), utilizando o SF-36, que &#233; um question&#225;rio para medir a qualidade de vida. Vinte e cinco pacientes de ambos os sexos com idades &#8805;10 anos e diagn&#243;stico molecular de CMT1A foram selecionados. Idade, sexo, condi&#231;&#245;es sociodemogr&#225;ficas e profissionais foram pareados com o Grupo Controle (sem hist&#243;rico familiar de neuropatia). Os resultados mostraram que o maior impacto da CMT1A na qualidade de vida ocorreu nos dom&#237;nios social e emocional dos pacientes avaliados. A capacidade funcional tamb&#233;m tende a ser significativamente afetada, enquanto outros indicadores de defici&#234;ncia f&#237;sica foram preservados. Por fim, os aspectos sociais e emocionais dos pacientes acometidos por CMT1A costumam ser negligenciados na assist&#234;ncia m&#233;dica prestada aos pacientes brasileiros, e devem ser melhor compreendidos a fim de oferecer uma assist&#234;ncia global &#224; sa&#250;de, resultando em adequada qualidade de vida.</p