57 research outputs found

    Vegetation Effects on Fish Distribution in Impounded Salt Marshes

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    We compared the density and biomass of resident fish in vegetated and unvegetated flooded habitats of impounded salt marshes in the northern Indian River Lagoon (IRL) Estuary of east-central Florida. A 1-m2 throw trap was used to sample fish in randomly located, paired sample plots (n = 198 pairs) over 5 seasons in 7 impoundments. We collected a total of 15 fish taxa, and 88% of the fishes we identified from the samples belonged to three species: Cyprinodon variegatus (Sheepshead Minnow), Gambusia holbrooki (Eastern Mosquitofish), and Poecilia latipinna (Sailfin Molly). Vegetated habitat usually had higher density and biomass of fish. Mean fish density (and 95% confidence interval) for vegetated and unvegetated sites were 8.2 (6.7–9.9) and 2.0 (1.6–2.4) individuals m-2, respectively; mean biomass (and 95% confidence interval) for vegetated and unvegetated sites were 3.0 (2.5–3.7) and 1.1 (0.9–1.4) g m-2, respectively. We confirmed previous findings that impounded salt marshes of the northern IRL Estuary produce a high standing stock of resident fishes. Seasonal patterns of abundance were consistent with fish moving between vegetated and unvegetated habitat as water levels changed in the estuary. Differences in density, mean size, and species composition of resident fishes between vegetated and unvegetated habitats have important implications for movement of biomass and nutrients out of salt marsh by piscivores (e.g., wading birds and fishes) via a trophic relay

    Scale-Dependent Habitat Selection of Nesting Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets

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    Foraging habitat selection of nesting Great Egrets ( Ardea alba ) and Snowy Egrets ( Egretta thula ) was investigated within an estuary with extensive impounded salt marsh habitat. Using a geographic information system, available habitat was partitioned into concentric bands at five, ten, and 15 km radius from nesting colonies to assess the relative effects of habitat composition and distance on habitat selection. Snowy Egrets were more likely than Great Egrets to depart colonies and travel to foraging sites in groups, but both species usually arrived at sites that were occupied by other wading birds. Mean flight distances were 6.2 km (SE = 0.4, N = 28, range 1.8-10.7 km) for Great Egrets and 4.7 km (SE = 0.48, N = 31, range 0.7-12.5 km) for Snowy Egrets. At the broadest spatial scale both species used impounded (mostly salt marsh) and estuarine edge habitat more than expected based on availability while avoiding unimpounded (mostly fresh water wetland) habitat. At more local scales habitat use matched availability. Interpretation of habitat preference differed with the types of habitat that were included and the maximum distance that habitat was considered available. These results illustrate that caution is needed when interpreting the results of habitat preference studies when individuals are constrained in their choice of habitats, such as for central place foragers

    Cellular and humoral functional responses after BNT162b2 mRNA vaccination differ longitudinally between naive and subjects recovered from COVID-19

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    We have analyzed BNT162b2 vaccine-induced immune responses in naive subjects and individuals recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), both soon after (14 days) and later after (almost 8 months) vaccination. Plasma spike (S)-specific immunoglobulins peak after one vaccine shot in individuals recovered from COVID-19, while a second dose is needed in naive subjects, although the latter group shows reduced levels all along the analyzed period. Despite how the neutralization capacity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) mirrors this behavior early after vaccination, both groups show comparable neutralizing antibodies and S-specific B cell levels late post-vaccination. When studying cellular responses, naive individuals exhibit higher SARS-CoV-2-specific cytokine production, CD4+ T cell activation, and proliferation than do individuals recovered from COVID-19, with patent inverse correlations between humoral and cellular variables early post-vaccination. However, almost 8 months post-vaccination, SARS-CoV-2-specific responses are comparable between both groups. Our data indicate that a previous history of COVID-19 differentially determines the functional T and B cell-mediated responses to BNT162b2 vaccination over time.C.d.F., J.G.-P., and J.A. are supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCII). We thank JM Ligos and Cytek Biosciences for their technical support. Research in E.L.-C.’s lab was supported by Fundación Familia Alonso, Santander Bank, Real Seguros, Fundación Mutua Madrileña, Fundación Uria, Fundación La Caixa, and Ayuntamiento de Madrid.S

    Bayesian analysis of Jolly-Seber type models; Incorporating heterogeneity in arrival and departure

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    We propose the use of finite mixtures of continuous distributions in modelling the process by which new individuals, that arrive in groups, become part of a wildlife population. We demonstrate this approach using a data set of migrating semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pussila) for which we extend existing stopover models to allow for individuals to have different behaviour in terms of their stopover duration at the site. We demonstrate the use of reversible jump MCMC methods to derive posterior distributions for the model parameters and the models, simultaneously. The algorithm moves between models with different numbers of arrival groups as well as between models with different numbers of behavioural groups. The approach is shown to provide new ecological insights about the stopover behaviour of semipalmated sandpipers but is generally applicable to any population in which animals arrive in groups and potentially exhibit heterogeneity in terms of one or more other processes

    Predation on Artificial Nests along Three Edge Types in a North Carolina Bottomland Hardwood Forest

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    Volume: 111Start Page: 541End Page: 54

    Non-Breeding Territoriality of Semipalmated Sandpipers

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    Volume: 109Start Page: 630End Page: 64

    Landscape assessment of tree communities in the northern karst region of Puerto Rico

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    The northern karst of Puerto Rico is a unique formation that contains one of the island’s largest remaining forested tracts. The region is under ever-increasing human pressure, but large portions of it are being considered for conservation. Forest classification of the region is at a coarse scale, such that it is considered one vegetation type. We asked whether there were distinct tree assemblages which would necessitate targeted conservation strategies to ensure their protection. We examined tree species and communities across the region at three different major topographic positions along mogotes, or haystack-shaped hills. We found distinct tree communities on hilltops and valleys, with significantly more non-native species in valleys and significantly more endemic species on hilltops and hillsides. At a landscape level, we identified at least four different communities within each topographic position. Two mogote top communities were separated geographically (west and south) within the region, while two others co-occurred in the east-central part of the region. Mogote side and valley communities were less distinct geographically. Temperature, elevation, and precipitation were important variables in separating some communities, suggesting that abiotic stress may play an important role in the distribution of some species. In contrast, the lack of geograp hic separations of other communities suggested that variables such as soil conditions, land use and biotic interactions such as dispersal limitation may also be important. Conservation planning strategies should target the south, west, and east-central areas that harbor distinct mogote top plant communities to ensure protection of the widest range of tree species and communities in the karst region

    Landscape assessment of tree communities in the northern karst region of Puerto Rico

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    The northern karst of Puerto Rico is a unique formation that contains one of the island’s largest remaining forested tracts. The region is under ever-increasing human pressure, but large portions of it are being considered for conservation. Forest classification of the region is at a coarse scale, such that it is considered one vegetation type. We asked whether there were distinct tree assemblages which would necessitate targeted conservation strategies to ensure their protection. We examined tree species and communities across the region at three different major topographic positions along mogotes, or haystack-shaped hills. We found distinct tree communities on hilltops and valleys, with significantly more non-native species in valleys and significantly more endemic species on hilltops and hillsides. At a landscape level, we identified at least four different communities within each topographic position. Two mogote top communities were separated geographically (west and south) within the region, while two others co-occurred in the east-central part of the region. Mogote side and valley communities were less distinct geographically. Temperature, elevation, and precipitation were important variables in separating some communities, suggesting that abiotic stress may play an important role in the distribution of some species. In contrast, the lack of geograp hic separations of other communities suggested that variables such as soil conditions, land use and biotic interactions such as dispersal limitation may also be important. Conservation planning strategies should target the south, west, and east-central areas that harbor distinct mogote top plant communities to ensure protection of the widest range of tree species and communities in the karst region