118 research outputs found

    A Schmidt-Kennicutt law for star formation in the Milky Way disk

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    We use a new method to trace backwards the star formation history of the Milky Way disk, using a sample of M dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood which is representative for the entire solar circle. M stars are used because they show H_alpha emission until a particular age which is a well calibrated function of their absolute magnitudes. This allows us to reconstruct the rate at which disk stars have been born over about half the disk's lifetime. Our star formation rate agrees well with those obtained by using other, independent, methods and seems to rule out a constant star formation rate. The principal result of this study is to show that a relation of the Schmidt-Kennicut type (which relates the star formation rate to the interstellar gas content of galaxy disks) has pertained in the Milky Way disk during the last 5 Gyr. The star formation rate we derive from the M dwarfs and the interstellar gas content of the disk can be inferred as a function of time from a model of the chemical enrichment of the disk, which is well constrained by the observations indicating that the metallicity of the Galactic disk has remained nearly constant over the timescales involved. We demonstrate that the star formation rate and gas surface densities over the last 5 Gyrs can be accurately described by a Schmidt-Kennicutt law with an index of Gamma = 1.45 (+0.22,-0.09). This is, within statistical uncertainties, the same value found for other galaxies.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted by Astron.

    New nearby white dwarfs from Gaia DR1 TGAS and UCAC5/URAT

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    Using an accurate Gaia TGAS 25pc sample, nearly complete for GK stars, and selecting common proper motion (CPM) candidates from UCAC5, we search for new white dwarf (WD) companions around nearby stars with relatively small proper motions. For investigating known CPM systems in TGAS and for selecting CPM candidates in TGAS+UCAC5, we took into account the expected effect of orbital motion on the proper motion as well as the proper motion catalogue errors. Colour-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) MJ/J−KsM_J/J-K_s and MG/G−JM_G/G-J were used to verify CPM candidates from UCAC5. Assuming their common distance with a given TGAS star, we searched for candidates that occupied similar regions in the CMDs as the few known nearby WDs (4 in TGAS) and WD companions (3 in TGAS+UCAC5). CPM candidates with colours and absolute magnitudes corresponding neither to the main sequence nor to the WD sequence were considered as doubtful or subdwarf candidates. With a minimum proper motion of 60mas/yr, we selected three WD companion candidates, two of which are also confirmed by their significant parallaxes measured in URAT data, whereas the third may also be a chance alignment of a distant halo star with a nearby TGAS star (angular separation of about 465arcsec). One additional nearby WD candidate was found from its URAT parallax and GJKsGJK_s photometry. With HD 166435 B orbiting a well-known G1 star at ~24.6pc with a projected physical separation of ~700AU, we discovered one of the hottest WDs, classified by us as DA2.0±\pm0.2, in the solar neighbourhood. We also found TYC 3980-1081-1 B, a strong cool WD companion candidate around a recently identified new solar neighbour with a TGAS parallax corresponding to a distance of ~8.3pc and our photometric classification as ~M2 dwarf. This raises the question whether previous assumptions on the completeness of the WD sample to a distance of 13pc were correct.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Search for nearby stars among proper motion stars selected by optical-to-infrared photometry. I. Discovery of LHS 2090 at spectroscopic distance of d=6pc

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    We present the discovery of a previously unknown very nearby star - LHS 2090 at a distance of only d=6 pc. In order to find nearby (i.e. d < 25 pc) red dwarfs, we re-identified high proper motion stars (μ>\mu > 0.18 arcsec/yr) from the NLTT catalogue (Luyten \cite{luyten7980}) in optical Digitized Sky Survey data for two different epochs and in the 2MASS data base. Only proper motion stars with large R−KsR-K_s colour index and with relatively bright infrared magnitudes (Ks<10K_s<10) were selected for follow-up spectroscopy. The low-resolution spectrum of LHS 2090 and its large proper motion (0.79 arcsec/yr) classify this star as an M6.5 dwarf. The resulting spectroscopic distance estimate from comparing the infrared JHKsJHK_s magnitudes of LHS 2090 with absolute magnitudes of M6.5 dwarfs is 6.0±1.16.0\pm1.1 pc assuming an uncertainty in absolute magnitude of ±\pm0.4 mag.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Letter

    Spectroscopic classification and Gaia DR2 parallaxes of new nearby white dwarfs among selected blue proper motion stars

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    AIMS: With our low-resolution spectroscopic observing program for selected blue proper motion stars, we tried to find new white dwarfs (WDs) in the solar neighbourhood. METHODS: We used the LSPM catalogue with a lower proper motion limit of 150mas/yr and the UCAC2 for proper motions down to about 90mas/yr. The LSPM and UCAC2 photometry was combined with Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS) near-infrared (NIR) photometry. Targets selected according to their blue optical-to-NIR and NIR colours were observed mainly at Calar Alto. The spectra were classified by comparison with a large number of already known comparison objects, including WDs, simultaneously observed within our program. Gaia DR2 parallaxes and colours were used to confirm or reject spectroscopic WD candidates and to derive improved effective temperatures. RESULTS: We found ten new WDs at distances between 24.4pc and 79.8pc, including six hot DA WDs: GD 221 (DA2.0), HD 166435 B (DA2.2), GD 277 (DA2.2), 2MASS J19293865+1117523 (DA2.4), 2MASS J05280449+4105253 (DA3.6), and 2MASS J05005185-0930549 (DA4.2). The latter is rather bright (G~12.6) and with its Gaia DR2 parallax of ~14mas it appears overluminous by about 3mag compared to the WD sequence in the Gaia DR2 colour-magnitude diagram. It may be the closest extremely low mass (ELM) WD to the Sun. We further classified 2MASS J07035743+2534184 as DB4.1. With its distance of 25.6pc it is the second nearest known representative of its class. With GD 28 (DA6.1), LP 740-47 (DA7.5), and LSPM J1919+4527 (DC10.3) three additional cool WDs were found. Gaia DR2 parallaxes showed us that four of our candidates but also two previously supposed WDs (WD 1004+665 and LSPM J1445+2527) are in fact distant Galactic halo stars with high tangential velocities. Among our rejected WD candidates, we identified a bright (G=13.4mag) G-type carbon dwarf, LSPM J0937+2803, at a distance of 272pc.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Kinematics of Nearby Subdwarf Stars

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    We present an analysis of the space motions of 742 subdwarf stars based on the sample of Carney et al. (1994, CLLA). Hipparcos parallaxes, TYC2+HIP proper motions and Tycho2 proper motions were combined with radial velocities and metallicities from CLLA. The kinematical behavior is discussed in particular in relation to their metallicities. The majority of these sample stars have metal abundances of [Fe/H] >-1 and represent the thick disk population. The halo component, with [Fe/H] <-1.6, is characterized by a low mean rotation velocity and a radially elongated velocity ellipsoid. In the intermediate metallicity range (-1.6 < [Fe/H] <-1), we find a significant number of subdwarfs with disklike kinematics. We interpret this population of stars as a metal-weak thick disk population.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The kinematics of late type stars in the solar cylinder studied with SDSS data

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    We study the velocity distribution of Milky Way disk stars in a kiloparsec-sized region around the Sun, based on ~ 2 million M-type stars from DR7 of SDSS, which have newly re-calibrated absolute proper motions from combining SDSS positions with the USNO-B catalogue. We estimate photometric distances to all stars, accurate to ~ 20 %, and combine them with the proper motions to derive tangential velocities for this kinematically unbiased sample of stars. Based on a statistical de-projection method we then derive the vertical profiles (to heights of Z = 800 pc above the disk plane) for the first and second moments of the three dimensional stellar velocity distribution. We find that = -7 +/- 1 km/s and = -9 +/- 1 km/s, independent of height above the mid-plane, reflecting the Sun's motion with respect to the local standard of rest. In contrast, changes distinctly from -20 +/- 2 km/s in the mid-plane to = -32 km/s at Z = 800 pc, reflecting an asymmetric drift of the stellar mean velocity that increases with height. All three components of the M-star velocity dispersion show a strong linear rise away from the mid-plane, most notably \sigma_{ZZ}, which grows from 18 km/s (Z = 0) to 40 km/s (at Z = 800 pc). We determine the orientation of the velocity ellipsoid, and find a significant vertex deviation of 20 to 25 degrees, which decreases only slightly to heights of Z = 800 pc. Away from the mid-plane, our sample exhibits a remarkably large tilt of the velocity ellipsoid towards the Galactic plane, which reaches 20 deg. at Z = 800 pc and which is not easily explained. Finally, we determine the ratio \sigma^2_{\phi\phi}/\sigma^2_{RR} near the mid-plane, which in the epicyclic approximation implies an almost perfectly flat rotation curve at the Solar radius.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, accepted to Astron.

    Towards a fully consistent Milky Way disc model - II. The local disc model and SDSS data of the NGP region

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    We have used the self-consistent vertical disc models of the solar neighbourhood presented in Just & Jahreiss (2010), which are based on different star formation histories (SFR) and fit the local kinematics of main sequence stars equally well, to predict star counts towards the North Galactic Pole (NGP). We combined these four different models with the local main sequence in the filter system of the SDSS and predicted the star counts in the NGP field with b>80deg. All models fit the Hess diagrams in the F-K dwarf regime better than 20 percent and the star number densities in the solar neighbourhood are consistent with the observed values. The chi^2 analysis shows that model A is clearly preferred with systematic deviations of a few percent only. The SFR of model A is characterised by a maximum at an age of 10Gyr and a decline by a factor of four to the present day value of 1.4Msun/pc^2/Gyr. The thick disc can be modelled very well by an old isothermal simple stellar population. The density profile can be approximated by a sech^(alpha_t) function. We found a power law index alpha_t=1.16 and a scale height of 800pc corresponding to a vertical velocity dispersion of 45.3km/s. About 6 percent of the stars in the solar neighbourhood are thick disc stars.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figures, accepted by MNRAS. The qualtity of figures 10 and 12 are much better in the .ps version than the .pdf versio

    Towards a fully consistent Milky Way disc model: Part 1 The local model based on kinematic and photometric data

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    We present a fully consistent evolutionary disc model of the solar cylinder. The model is based on a sequence of stellar sub-populations described by the star formation history (SFR) and the dynamical heating law (given by the age-velocity dispersion relation AVR). The combination of kinematic data from Hipparcos and the finite lifetimes of main sequence (MS) stars enables us to determine the detailed vertical disc structure independent of individual stellar ages and only weakly dependent on the IMF. The disc parameters are determined by applying a sophisticated best fit algorithm to the MS star velocity distribution functions in magnitude bins. We find that the AVR is well constrained by the local kinematics, whereas for the SFR the allowed range is larger. A simple chemical enrichment model is included in order to fit the local metallicity distribution of G dwarfs. In our favoured model A the power law index of the AVR is 0.375 with a minimum and maximum velocity dispersion of 5.1 km/s and 25.0 km/s, respectively. The SFR shows a maximum 10 Gyr ago and declines by a factor of four to the present day value of 1.5 M_sun/pc^2/Gyr. A best fit of the IMF leads to power-law indices of -1.46 below and -4.16 above 1.72 M_sun avoiding a kink at 1 M_sun. An isothermal thick disc component with local density of ~6% of the stellar density is included. A thick disc containing more than 10% of local stellar mass is inconsistent with the local kinematics of K and M dwarfs.Comment: 20 pages, 18 figs., accepted by MNRA

    Spectroscopic distances of 28 nearby star candidates

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    28 hitherto neglected candidates for the Catalogue of Nearby Stars (CNS) were investigated to verify their classification and to improve their distance estimates. All targets had at least a preliminary status of being nearby dwarf stars based on their large proper motions and relatively faint magnitudes. Better photometric and/or spectroscopic distances were required for selecting stars which are worth the effort of trigonometric parallax measurements. Low-resolution spectra were obtained with NASPEC at the Tautenburg 2m telescope and with CAFOS at the Calar Alto 2.2m telescope. The spectral types of M-type stars were determined by direct comparison of the target's spectra with those of comparison stars of known spectral types observed with the same instrument. The classification of earlier types was done based on comparison with published spectral libraries. The majority were classified as M dwarfs including 11 stars within 25 pc. The fainter component of LDS 1365, previously thought to form a nearby common proper motion pair, is according to our results an unrelated high-velocity background star. For several other nearby common proper motion pairs our distance estimates of the fainter components are in good agreement with Hipparcos distances of the brighter components. (abridged)Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Astron. Astrophy
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