222 research outputs found

    Self-referential cognition and interests of girls and boys in mathematics lessons at primary school

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    Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwiefern geschlechtsspezifische Unterschiede in der mathematischen Kompetenz bei Kindern bereits im Grundschulalter vorliegen und wie diese erklärt werden können. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird über eine Untersuchung berichtet, an der insgesamt n=470 Kinder des vierten Schuljahres beteiligt waren. Die Kinder wurden zu ihren mathematischen Kompetenzen sowie zu Indikatoren ihrer leistungsbezogenen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung befragt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen zwar keine Unterschiede in Hinblick auf die mathematischen Kompetenzen von Mädchen und Jungen, wohl aber Differenzen in Bezug auf ihre leistungsbezogenen Selbstkonzepte und ihr Mathematikinteresse. Es zeigt sich, dass die Jungen über höhere Selbstkonzepte und Interessen in Mathematik verfügen als die Mädchen. (DIPF/Orig.)The article deals with the question of how gender differences in mathematical literacy among children at elementary school are available and how these differences can be explained. There is reporting on a study in which a total of n=470 children were involved. The children were interviewed about their maths skills and some of their school-related personality factors. The results show no differences in terms of the mathematical skills of girls and boys at elementary school but differences in terms of their self-concepts and their interest in mathematics: The boys have higher self-concepts and interests in maths than girls. (DIPF/Orig.

    Quantum-dot-like states in molybdenum disulfide nanostructures due to the interplay of local surface wrinkling, strain, and dielectric confinement

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    The observation of quantum light emission from atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides has opened a new field of applications for these material systems. The corresponding excited charge-carrier localization has been linked to defects and strain, while open questions remain regarding the microscopic origin. We demonstrate that the bending rigidity of these materials leads to wrinkling of the two-dimensional layer. The resulting strain field facilitates strong carrier localization due to its pronounced influence on the band gap. Additionally, we consider charge carrier confinement due to local changes of the dielectric environment and show that both effects contribute to modified electronic states and optical properties. The interplay of surface wrinkling, strain-induced confinement, and local changes of the dielectric environment is demonstrated for the example of nanobubbles that form when monolayers are deposited on substrates or other two-dimensional materials