7 research outputs found

    Intelligence quotient and perceptual ability: an inter-relationship based on brainwave power ratio features

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    Cognitive ability refers to the characteristic approach by the brain in processing information. These can be observed through various aspects of cognition such as intelligence and perceptual ability. Studies have shown that both mental constituents originate from the same neurological substrate in the prefrontal cortex. Hence, the paper discusses the relationship between intelligence and perceptual ability using electroencephalogram (EEG) features. The study is based on resting brainwave of fifty samples and focused on the left and right prefrontal cortex. The intelligence quotient (IQ) scores obtained are then used to establish the control groups. Subsequently, the pattern of alpha and theta power ratio for each IQ level is observed and successfully correlated with perceptual ability through the Neural Efficiency Hypothesis of intelligence.Keywords: EEG; intelligence; IQ; perceptual ability; power ratio

    Classification of Brainwave Asymmetry Influenced by Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Emission

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    AbstractA discriminant classification of human brainwave signals influenced by mobile phone radiofrequency (RF) emission is proposed in this paper. Brainwave signals were recorded using electroencephalograph (EEG) focusing on the alpha sub-band with frequency range from 8 to 12Hz. The EEG test was divided into 3 sessions; Before, During and After with 5minutes duration for each session. Analysis involved 95 participants from engineering students. The students were grouped into 3 groups according to the side of exposure; Left Exposure (LE), Right Exposure (RE) and Sham Exposure (SE). This work suggested that RF emit by the mobile phone give several effects to brainwave signals and there are significant different between the session of exposure. As result, the highest classification rate as high as 94.7% is achieved in session During

    Classification of students’ IQ level using EEG-based intelligence classifier model

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    No AbstractKeywords: EEG; brainwave; IQ; power ratio; classifie

    Acute Ischemic Stroke Brainwave Classification Using Relative Power Ratio Cluster Analysis

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    AbstractThis study proposed the application of cluster analysis to classify the brainwaves of stroke level based on the Relative Power Ratio (RPR) techniques. RPR was performed to determine the brainwave characteristics due to group of stroke level. In this research, we determined seventy four stroke patients brainwave activity with open eyes (OE) session. Then group them into Advance Group (AG), Intermediate Group (IG) and Early Group (EG). Simultaneously, their Electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded from which the EEG dataset will be calculated using the RPR formula. Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta Power Spectrum Density (PSD) are used as input for RPR. The results show that by implementing RPR technique, the pattern of group stroke level, especially in the cognitive or thinking abilities can be clearly observed. Then cluster analysis using a factorial ANOVA (analysis of variance) design with factors Group will be deployed to cluster RPR towards the corresponding group of stroke level. It can be concluded that the AG are higher in the cluster 1 for RPR Beta (RPRB) while IG and EG were grouped together because they do not differ from each other in cluster 2. For RPR Alpha (RPRA), EG are higher in the cluster 2 while AG and IG were grouped together in cluster 1. AG was found in both clusters for RPR Theta (RPRT) and AG are lower in cluster 1 for RPR Delta (RPRD). This indicates that the group stroke level can discriminate due to the brainwaves characteristics