154 research outputs found

    Campylobacter jejuni dsb gene expression is regulated by iron in a Fur-dependent manner and by a translational coupling mechanism

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many bacterial extracytoplasmic proteins are stabilized by intramolecular disulfide bridges that are formed post-translationally between their cysteine residues. This protein modification plays an important role in bacterial pathogenesis, and is facilitated by the Dsb (disulfide bond) family of the redox proteins. These proteins function in two parallel pathways in the periplasmic space: an oxidation pathway and an isomerization pathway. The Dsb oxidative pathway in <it>Campylobacter jejuni </it>is more complex than the one in the laboratory <it>E. coli </it>K-12 strain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the <it>C. jejuni </it>81-176 genome, the <it>dsb </it>genes of the oxidative pathway are arranged in three transcriptional units: <it>dsbA2</it>-<it>dsbB</it>-<it>astA, dsbA1 </it>and <it>dba</it>-<it>dsbI</it>. Their transcription responds to an environmental stimulus - iron availability - and is regulated in a Fur-dependent manner. Fur involvement in <it>dsb </it>gene regulation was proven by a reporter gene study in a <it>C. jejuni </it>wild type strain and its isogenic <it>fur </it>mutant. An electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) confirmed that analyzed genes are members of the Fur regulon but each of them is regulated by a disparate mechanism, and both the iron-free and the iron-complexed Fur are able to bind <it>in vitro </it>to the <it>C. jejuni </it>promoter regions. This study led to identification of a new iron- and Fur-regulated promoter that drives <it>dsbA1 </it>gene expression in an indirect way. Moreover, the present work documents that synthesis of DsbI oxidoreductase is controlled by the mechanism of translational coupling. The importance of a secondary <it>dba-dsbI </it>mRNA structure for <it>dsbI </it>mRNA translation was verified by estimating individual <it>dsbI </it>gene expression from its own promoter.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The present work shows that iron concentration is a significant factor in <it>dsb </it>gene transcription. These results support the concept that iron concentration - also through its influence on <it>dsb </it>gene expression - might control the abundance of extracytoplasmic proteins during different stages of infection. Our work further shows that synthesis of the DsbI membrane oxidoreductase is controlled by a translational coupling mechanism. The <it>dba </it>expression is not only essential for the translation of the downstream <it>dsbI </it>gene, but also Dba protein that is produced might regulate the activity and/or stability of DsbI.</p

    Cell Wall Anchoring of the Campylobacter Antigens to Lactococcus lactis

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    Campylobacter jejuni is the most frequent cause of human food-borne gastroenteritis and chicken meat is the main source of infection. Recent studies showed that broiler chicken immunization against Campylobacter should be the most efficient way to lower the number of human infections by this pathogen. Induction of the mucosal immune system after oral antigen administration should provide protective immunity to chickens. In this work we tested the usefulness of Lactococcus lactis, the most extensively studied lactic acid bacterium, as a delivery vector for Campylobacter antigens. First we constructed hybrid protein – CjaA antigen presenting CjaD peptide epitopes on its surface. We showed that specific rabbit anti-rCjaAD serum reacted strongly with both CjaA and CjaD produced by a wild type Campylobacter jejuni strain. Next, rCjaAD and CjaA were fused to the C-terminus of the L. lactis YndF containing the LPTXG motif. The genes expressing these proteins were transcribed under control of the L. lactis Usp45 promoter and their products contain the Usp45 signal sequences. This strategy ensures a cell surface location of both analysed proteins, which was confirmed by immunofluorescence assay. In order to evaluate the impact of antigen location on vaccine prototype efficacy, a L. lactis strain producing cytoplasm-located rCjaAD was also generated. Animal experiments showed a decrease of Campylobacter cecal load in vaccinated birds as compared with the control group and showed that the L. lactis harboring the surface-exposed rCjaAD antigen afforded greater protection than the L. lactis producing cytoplasm-located rCjaAD. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to employ LAB (Lactic Acid Bacteria) strains as a mucosal delivery vehicle for chicken immunization. Although the observed reduction of chicken colonization by Campylobacter resulting from vaccination was rather moderate, the experiments showed that LAB strains can be considered as an alternative vector to deliver heterologous antigens to the bird immune system. Additionally, the analysis of the structure and immunogenicity of the generated rCjaAD hybrid protein showed that the CjaA antigen can be considered as a starting point to construct multiepitope anti-Campylobacter vaccines

    In vitro characteristics of Lactobacillus spp. strains isolated from the chicken digestive tract and their role in the inhibition of Campylobacter colonization

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    Campylobacter jejuni/coli infections are the leading cause of bacterial diarrheal illnesses in humans. Many epidemiological studies indicate that improperly prepared meat from chickens that carry a high load of Campylobacter in their intestinal tracts is the key source of human infections. LAB, mainly members of the Lactococcus and Lactobacillus genera, increasingly have been tested as vehicles for the delivery of heterologous bacterial or viral antigens to animal mucosal immune systems. Thus, the objective of this study was to isolate, identify, and characterize Lactobacillus spp. strains isolated from chickens bred in Poland. Their ability to decrease the level of bird gut colonization by C. jejuni strain was also analyzed. First, the influence of the different chicken rearing systems was evaluated, especially the effect of diets on the Lactobacillus species that colonize the gut of chickens. Next, selected strains were analyzed in terms of their anti-Campylobacter activity in vitro; potential probiotic traits such as adhesion properties, bile and low pH tolerance; and their ability to grow on a defined carbon source. Given that improperly prepared chicken meat is the main source of human infection by Campylobacter, the selected strains were also assessed for their ability to inhibit Campylobacter colonization in the bird's intestine. These experiments revealed enormous physiological diversity among the Lactobacillus genus strains. Altogether, our results showed that L. plantarum strains isolated from the digestive tracts of chickens bred in Poland displayed some probiotic attributes in vitro and were able to decrease the level of bird gut colonization by C. jejuni strain. This suggests that they can be employed as vectors to deliver Campylobacter immunodominant proteins to the bird's immune system to strengthen the efficacy of in ovo vaccination

    Chicken Anti-Campylobacter Vaccine – Comparison of Various Carriers and Routes of Immunization

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    Campylobacter spp, especially the species Campylobacter jejuni, are important human enteropathogens responsible for millions of cases of gastro-intestinal disease worldwide every year. C. jejuni is a zoonotic pathogen, and poultry meat that has been contaminated by microorganisms is recognized as a key source of human infections. Although numerous strategies have been developed and experimentally checked to generate chicken vaccines, the results have so far had limited success. In this study, we explored the potential use of non-live carriers of Campylobacter antigen to combat Campylobacter in poultry. First, we assessed the effectiveness of immunization with orally or subcutaneously delivered GEM (Gram-positive Enhancer Matrix) particles carrying two Campylobacter antigens: CjaA and CjaD. These two immunization routes using GEMs as the vector did not protect against Campylobacter colonization. Thus, we next assessed the efficacy of in ovo immunization using various delivery systems: GEM particles and liposomes. The hybrid protein CjaAD, which is CjaA presenting CjaD epitopes on its surface, was employed as a model antigen. We found that CjaAD administered in ovo at embryonic development day 18 by both delivery systems resulted in significant levels of protection after challenge with a heterologous Campylobacter jejuni strain. In practice, in ovo chicken vaccination is used by the poultry industry to protect birds against several viral diseases. Our work showed that this means of delivery is also efficacious with respect to commensal bacteria such as Campylobacter. In this study, we evaluated the protection after one dose of vaccine given in ovo. We speculate that the level of protection may be increased by a post-hatch booster of orally delivered antigens

    Functional and bioinformatics analysis of two Campylobacter jejuni homologs of the thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase, DsbA.

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    BACKGROUND: Bacterial Dsb enzymes are involved in the oxidative folding of many proteins, through the formation of disulfide bonds between their cysteine residues. The Dsb protein network has been well characterized in cells of the model microorganism Escherichia coli. To gain insight into the functioning of the Dsb system in epsilon-Proteobacteria, where it plays an important role in the colonization process, we studied two homologs of the main Escherichia coli Dsb oxidase (EcDsbA) that are present in the cells of the enteric pathogen Campylobacter jejuni, the most frequently reported bacterial cause of human enteritis in the world. METHODS AND RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis suggests the horizontal transfer of the epsilon-Proteobacterial DsbAs from a common ancestor to gamma-Proteobacteria, which then gave rise to the DsbL lineage. Phenotype and enzymatic assays suggest that the two C. jejuni DsbAs play different roles in bacterial cells and have divergent substrate spectra. CjDsbA1 is essential for the motility and autoagglutination phenotypes, while CjDsbA2 has no impact on those processes. CjDsbA1 plays a critical role in the oxidative folding that ensures the activity of alkaline phosphatase CjPhoX, whereas CjDsbA2 is crucial for the activity of arylsulfotransferase CjAstA, encoded within the dsbA2-dsbB-astA operon. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that CjDsbA1 is the primary thiol-oxidoreductase affecting life processes associated with bacterial spread and host colonization, as well as ensuring the oxidative folding of particular protein substrates. In contrast, CjDsbA2 activity does not affect the same processes and so far its oxidative folding activity has been demonstrated for one substrate, arylsulfotransferase CjAstA. The results suggest the cooperation between CjDsbA2 and CjDsbB. In the case of the CjDsbA1, this cooperation is not exclusive and there is probably another protein to be identified in C. jejuni cells that acts to re-oxidize CjDsbA1. Altogether the data presented here constitute the considerable insight to the Epsilonproteobacterial Dsb systems, which have been poorly understood so far

    A comprehensive method for determining cellular uptake of purine nucleoside phosphorylase and adenylosuccinate synthetase inhibitors by H. pylori

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    Due to the growing number of Helicobacter pylori strains resistant to currently available antibiotics, there is an urgent need to design new drugs utilizing different molecular mechanisms than those that have been used up to now. Enzymes of the purine salvage pathway are possible targets of such new antibiotics because H. pylori is not able to synthetize purine nucleotides de novo. The bacterium’s recovery of purines and purine nucleotides from the environment is the only source of these essential DNA and RNA building blocks. We have identified formycins and hadacidin as potent inhibitors of purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) and adenylosuccinate synthetase (AdSS) from H. pylori — two key enzymes of the purine salvage pathway. However, we have found that these compounds are not effective in H. pylori cell cultures. To address this issue, we have developed a universal comprehensive method for assessing H. pylori cell penetration by drug candidates, with three alternative detection assays. These include liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry, UV absorption, and inhibition of the target enzyme by the tested compound. Using this approach, we have shown that cellular uptake by H. pylori of formycins and hadacidin is very poor, which reveals why their in vitro inhibition of PNP and AdSS and their effect on H. pylori cell cultures are so different. The cell penetration assessment method developed here will be extremely useful for validating the cellular uptake of other drug candidates, facilitating the design of new potent therapeutic agents against H. pylori

    Thioloxidoreductase HP0231 of Helicobacter pylori impacts HopQ-dependent CagA translocation

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    Thioloxidoreductase HP0231 of Helicobacter pylori plays essential roles in gastric colonization and related gastric pathology. Comparative proteomics and analysis of complexes between HP0231 and its protein substrates suggested that several Hop proteins are its targets. HP0231 is a dimeric oxidoreductase that functions in an oxidizing Dsb (disulfide bonds) pathway of H. pylori. H. pylori HopQ possesses six cysteine residues, which generate three consecutive disulfide bridges. Comparison of the redox state of HopQ in wild-type cells to that in hp0231-mutated cells clearly indicated that HopQ is a substrate of HP0231. HopQ binds CEACAM1, 3, 5 and 6 (carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecules). This interaction enables T4SS-mediated translocation of CagA into host cells and induces host signaling. Site directed mutagenesis of HopQ (changing cysteine residues into serine) and analysis of the functioning of HopQ variants showed that HP0231 influences the delivery of CagA into host cells, in part through its impact on HopQ redox state. Introduction of a C382S mutation into HopQ significantly affects its reaction with CEACAM receptors, which disturbs T4SS functioning and CagA delivery. An additional effect of HP0231 on other adhesins and their redox state, resulting in their functional impairment, cannot be excluded