10 research outputs found

    Bedside Vigil

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    Because each night when I was pregnant my husband rubbed my aching feet and still does, when I’m grieving or in such pai

    Neomalthusianismo y eugenesia en un contexto de lucha por el significado en la prensa anarquista española, 1900-1936

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    El artículo analiza el debate sobre neomalthusianismo y eugenesia que se realizó en medios anarquistas españoles en el primer tercio del siglo pasado. Con marcos teóricos poco utilizados hasta la fecha, se aportan nuevas interpretaciones acerca de lo que supuso la utilización del término eugenesia en las revistas neomalthusianas de inspiración anarquista. Enmarcado en una "lucha por el significado", el neomalthusianismo español resignificó las ideas eugenésicas que tenían como finalidad recuperar el terreno político perdido en la iniciativa por el control individual de la sexualidad humana. Asimismo, se analiza el papel que desempeñó la estrategia de "acción directa" por parte del movimiento anarcosindicalista que consideraba las acciones emprendidas por los anarquistas individualistas como un complemento de su acción revolucionaria.This article analyzes the debate on neo-Malthusianism and eugenics in Spanish anarchist publications in the first third of the last century. Using theoretical frameworks that have been under-utilized thus far, it provides new interpretations of what the term "eugenics" meant in pro-anarchist neo-Malthusian journals. Framed within a "struggle over meaning," Spanish neo-Malthusianism re-signified eugenic ideas in an attempt to recover political ground that had been lost in the drive to promote individual control of human sexuality. This study also analyzes the role of the anarcho-syndicalist movement's "direct action" strategy, in which actions undertaken by individualist anarchists were seen as a complement to revolutionary action

    To My Parents on the Day of the Dead

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    Ambiguous angels: gender in the novels of Galdós

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    The contradictory nature of the work of Benito Pérez Galdós, Spain's greatest modern novelist, is brought to the fore in Catherine Jagoe's innovative and rigorous study. Revising commonly held views of his feminism, she explores the relation of Galdós's novels to the "woman question" in Spain, arguing that after 1892 the muted feminist discourse of his early work largely disappears. While his later novels have been interpreted as celebrations of the emancipated new woman, Jagoe contends that they actually reinforce the conservative, bourgeois model of frugal, virtuous womanhood - the angel of the house.Using primary sources such as periodicals, medical texts, and conduct literature, Jagoe's examination of the evolution of feminism makes Ambiguous Angels valuable to anyone interested in gender, culture, and narrative in nineteenth-century Europe