52 research outputs found

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    Data Annotation and Ontology Provisioning for Semantic Applications in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In recent years, virtualization in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) has become very popular for many reasons including efficient resource management, proper sharing and using the same WSN physical infrastructure by multiple applications and services. Semantic applications are very much pertinent to provide situational awareness to the end-users. Incorporating semantic applications in the virtualized WSNs can play a crucial role in providing contextual information to understand the situation, increase usability and interoperability. However, provisioning of semantic applications in virtualized WSNs remains as a big challenge. The reason is the data collected by the virtual sensors needs to be annotated in-network, and the pre-requisite of the data annotation process is to have an ontology that needs to be provisioned, i.e., developed, deployed and managed. Unfortunately, annotating sensor data and ontology provisioning in virtualized WSNs is not straightforward because of limited resources of sensors, on-demand creation of virtual sensors, and unpredictable lifetime. As the existing researches do not consider data annotation in virtualized WSN infrastructure level, these solutions are domain specific and lack of providing support for multiple applications. Moreover, the major drawback of the current ontology provisioning mechanisms requires domain experts to develop, deploy, and manage the ontologies in WSNs. This thesis aims to propose a solution for provisioning of multiple semantic applications in the virtualized WSNs. The main contribution of this thesis is twofold. First, we have proposed an architecture to annotate sensor data in the virtualized WSN infrastructure and defined an ontology in sensor domain to perform data annotation. Second, we have proposed an architecture for provisioning ontology in the virtualized WSNs that consists of an ontology provisioning center, an ontology-enabled virtualized WSN, and an ontology deployment protocol. The proposed architectures use overlay network as a foundation. We have built a proof-of-concept prototype for a semantic wildfire monitoring application in the cloud environment using the Google App Engine. In order to evaluate the viability of the proposed architecture, we have made performance measurement of the implemented prototype. We ran a simulation to justify our proposed ontology provisioning protocol

    Diuretic effect of chloroform seed extract of Moringa oleifera (Linn.) in Wistar rats

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    Background: Diuretics are widely prescribed group of drugs for mobilizing oedema in a variety of clinical situations, including hypertension, heart failure, renal failure, nephrotic syndrome and cirrhosis. Problems like drug resistance, adverse drug reactions and emerging newer diseases, have necessitated research on the vast untapped potential of herbals as potent drugs. Hence in this study an attempt has been made to evaluate the diuretic property of Moringa oleifera.Methods: Twenty-four adult wistar rats of either sex were divided into four group of six each and they were fasted for 18 hours. Group I received normal feed and water ad libitum. Group IIa received frusemide 1mg/kg, Group IIb received thiazide 2.5 mg / kg and Group III received chloroform extract of Moringa oleifera seed (1000 mg/kg) orally. The diuretic response was assessed by the increase in urine volume and urinary electrolytes.Results: The analysis showed an increase in urine volume in the groups IIa, IIb and III.Conclusions: The observations of the present study showed, the total volume of urine, natriuretic, kaliuretic effect exerted by the plant extract was similar to that of hydrochlorothiazide (moderate efficacy diuretic)

    Impact of Heat Stress on Electrocardiographic Changes in New Zealand White Rabbits

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    A study was conducted on twelve clinically normal and healthy New Zealand White rabbits of both sexes, weighing between 2-3 kg, and aged between 1-3 years to observe the normal electrocardiogram and its changes during heat stress. The normal electrocardiogram and changes during heat stress were evaluated for the three bipolar standard limb leads (I, II and III) and three unipolar augmented limb leads (aVR, aVL and aVF). ECG recordings were made in sternal recumbency using a multi channel electrocardiograph . The normal heart rate with a mean of 204±7 beats/min was recorded. The mean amplitude observed was 0.05±0.002 mV for P wave; 0.19±0.008 mV for QRS; 0.14±0.007 mV for T wave. The mean duration observed was 0.03±0.002 sec for P wave; 0.06±0.002 sec for PR interval; 0.05±0.003 sec for QRS complex; 0.13±0.004 sec for QT interval; 0.07±0.002 sec for T wave. During heat stress tachycardia was observed with progressive rise in temperature along with ventricular fibrillation, ventricular extra-systole and atrial fibrillation. At 43°C, ventricular fibrillation was observed in Lead II, III, aVL and aVF. At 45°C, ventricular extra-systole was recorded in Lead III, aVL and aVF. At 45°C (30 mins more exposure), ventricular extra-systole in Lead I and ventricular fibrillation in Lead III was observed. At 47°C, ventricular fibrillation was seen in Lead II, III, aVR, aVL and aVF. At 47°C (30 mins more exposure), atrial fibrillation in all the leads were observed. The mean cardiac axis recorded was 90°±0.065 without significant alterations throughout the study

    A Data Annotation Architecture for Semantic Applications in Virtualized Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have become very popular and are being used in many application domains (e.g. smart cities, security, gaming and agriculture). Virtualized WSNs allow the same WSN to be shared by multiple applications. Semantic applications are situation-aware and can potentially play a critical role in virtualized WSNs. However, provisioning them in such settings remains a challenge. The key reason is that semantic applications provisioning mandates data annotation. Unfortunately it is no easy task to annotate data collected in virtualized WSNs. This paper proposes a data annotation architecture for semantic applications in virtualized heterogeneous WSNs. The architecture uses overlays as the cornerstone, and we have built a prototype in the cloud environment using Google App Engine. The early performance measurements are also presented.Comment: This paper has been accepted for presentation in main technical session of 14th IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM 2015) to be held on 11-15 May, 2015, Ottawa, Canad

    A Study on the Anxiolytic and Sedative Effects of Ondansetron in Mice

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    Past attempts to treat anxiety disorders have only been partially successful. Several converging lines of evidence from molecular, animal and clinical studies have demonstrated that the GABAA – Benzodiazepine receptor complex plays a central role in modulation of anxiety. Benzodiazepines, which act at this receptor, have anxiolytic properties, but are limited by side effects like sedation, tolerance and concerns of potential abuse/dependence. Ondansetron, a selective 5HT3 antagonist, used as antiemetic in post operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) and cancer chemotherapy induced emesis, produces significant anxiolysis at the antiemetic dose itself. Hence ondansetron could reduce the stress which frequently accompanies the above conditions and also reduce the need for additional anxiolysis. From the present study a significant anxiolytic effect without the sedative side effect of benzodiazepines was found to be present for ondansetron in mice. Therefore ondansetron could become an alternative anxiolytic with better patient compliance. Further studies are warranted to explore the long term effects in treating anxiety disorders in humans as well as for the development of tolerance. Also whether other 5HT3 antagonists also exhibit anxiolytic effects is still to be determined

    Blue Economy in Bangladesh: Proposed Model and Policy Recommendations

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    Rapid economic growth coupled with a rising population is putting immense pressure on the environment, ecology and natural resources in Bangladesh. In order to ensure the optimum opportunities for a productive and healthy life for the people while maintaining the balance in nature and ensuring sustainability for future generations, the country has to have balanced socio-economic development. Geographically Bangladesh is blessed by the Bay of Bengal and Blue Economy is very much suitable for Bangladesh by considering the maritime area and its connection with the people of Bangladesh as well as its economy. However, the aim of the paper is to look at the contemporary situation in Bangladesh in the context of the Blue Economy and its relevance for Bangladesh through some effective strategies. Effective implementation of strategies will play the major role for obtaining the sustainable economic development in Bangladesh. Moreover, the key role of the current study is that it focuses on Sustainable Blue Economy Bangladesh, as there is a vacuity in contemporary literature on this topic in the context of Bangladesh. The article concludes with an analysis of the policy recommendations to obtain Sustainable Blue Economy in Bangladesh. Keywords: Blue Economy; Sustainable Blue Economy; Sustainable Development; Strategies; Bangladesh

    A study on prevalence of alcohol consumption among higher secondary school students in Theni district, Tamil Nadu

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    Background: Studies show that in India, the health loss from alcohol will grow larger, unless effective interventions are implemented. Initiation of alcohol intake starts from a very early age and is higher in rural areas. The best way to reduce alcoholism is prevention rather than curing the already addicted persons. For this we need to know the magnitude of this problem. This study is aimed at estimating the prevalence, identifying the causative and contributing factors of alcoholism among higher secondary school children of Theni district.Methods: A self-administered validated questionnaire was given to the male school students of 15 to 17 years (XI and XII students) to assess the prevalence and pattern of alcohol use among them. The questionnaire was prepared with reference from the global school-based student health survey (GSHS), the alcohol use disorders identification test (AUDIT) questionnaire and the cut-annoyed-guilty- eye (CAGE) questionnaire. Data analysis was done using software OpenEpi, Version 3.Results: A total of 500 students were analyzed with a response rate of 94% (n=470). The overall prevalence of alcohol use was found to be 31.06%. Nearly 70% had the possibility of alcoholism and should be investigated further for severity of alcohol use, 30% had impaired control over drinking almost daily and 17% had injury or injured someone because of drinking.Conclusions: The mean age of initiation of alcohol consumption is decreasing and the number of alcohol consumers is increasing

    Prescription pattern of patients admitted in the intensive care unit of a tertiary care hospital in Puducherry, India: a cross sectional study

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    Background: Patients with varied demographic characteristics, admission criteria and heterogeneous group are admitted to medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and are usually associated with co-morbid illnesses. Instituting rational pharmacotherapy is the need of the hour for saving the life of critically-ill patients while irrational drug use may be life threatening. Drug use patterns and prescribing behaviour are the essential tools to measure drug use in health care facilities.Methods: A record based, cross-sectional, observational study was done at medical ICU, IGMC and RI, Puducherry after obtaining IEC approval. Systemic random sampling was followed and data was collected for a period of one year. Data were analysed based on demographic characteristics, prescribing pattern and WHO drug use indicators.Results: The data of 151 patients were analysed. Mean age of the patients admitted in ICU was 52.9±17.7 years. Percentage of male patients (57.6) admitted in ICU were more when compared to female patients (42.4). Infective etiology was the most common factor for ICU admission followed by cardiac disorders. Diabetes mellitus and hypertension were the most common co-morbidities. The average length of stay in ICU was 4.11±2.99 days. Duration of stay in ICU ranged from 1-5 days (78.8% patients) to 15-20 days (0.1% patients). On an average 10.6±4.3 drugs were prescribed for each patient. Percentage of drugs prescribed by generic name was 45.8%. Majority of the drugs (87.4%) were from essential medicine list. Antibiotics in the prescription was 13.8% and 44.4% of drugs were administered in parenteral route. The prescription was complete in 145 case sheets (96%). Majority of the patients (68.9%) were discharged with improvement in the condition for which they were admitted.Conclusions: This drug utilization study has highlighted the strengths and shortcomings of the prescription pattern of patients who were admitted in the critical care setup. The information derived from this research work will be transmitted to the stakeholders for implementing the modifications wherever applicable for the betterment of the patient and the community

    Perceptions of Health Warning Labels on Cigarette Packages: A Study of Bangladesh Smokers

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    Health warnings on cigarette packages are among the major sources of information on the negative consequences of smoking. Such labels are especially important for developing countries as there are large populations of smokers in those countries. Effective tobacco warning labels could help reduce tobacco use among smokers and improve their health. The objective of the study is to identify the effects of tobacco warning labels on cigarette packages among adult smokers in Bangladesh, one of the most populous developing countries. Our research indicates that most smokers understand the harmfulness of smoking, more than 90% of them have knowledge about health-related illnesses caused by smoking, and package labels are the second most cited information source after mass media. However, the effectiveness of the warning labels is somewhat lacking. The findings have implications about improving warning labels for the purpose of reducing smoking habits in developing countries