5,508 research outputs found

    The Inclusive Semileptonic Decay Lepton Spectrum from B→Xeν‾B \to X e \overline{\nu}

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    In this talk, we review the QCD calculation of the lepton spectrum from inclusive semileptonic BB decay. We compare this prediction to that of the ACCMM model. This latter work was done in collaboration with Csaba Csaki.Comment: MIT-CTP-2333, uses LATEX. Invited Talk, Presented at WHEPP-3 Workshop in Madras,India, January, 199

    Are there approximate relations among transverse momentum dependent distribution functions?

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    Certain exact relations among transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions due to QCD equations of motion turn into approximate ones upon the neglect of pure twist-3 terms. On the basis of available data from HERMES we test the practical usefulness of one such ``Wandzura-Wilczek-type approximation'', namely of that connecting h_{1L}^{\perp(1)a}(x) to h_L^a(x), and discuss how it can be further tested by future CLAS and COMPASS data.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Multi-wavelength constraints on cosmic-ray leptons in the Galaxy

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    Cosmic rays (CRs) interact with the gas, the radiation field and the magnetic field in the Milky Way, producing diffuse emission from radio to gamma rays. Observations of this diffuse emission and comparison with detailed predictions are powerful tools to unveil the CR properties and to study CR propagation. We present various GALPROP CR propagation scenarios based on current CR measurements. The predicted synchrotron emission is compared to radio surveys, and synchrotron temperature maps from WMAP and Planck, while the predicted interstellar gamma-ray emission is compared to Fermi-LAT observations. We show how multi-wavelength observations of the Galactic diffuse emission can be used to help constrain the CR lepton spectrum and propagation. Finally we discuss how radio and microwave data could be used in understanding the diffuse Galactic gamma-ray emission observed with Fermi-LAT, especially at low energies.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures; in Proceedings of the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015), The Hague (The Netherlands); Oral contributio

    Casimir forces between arbitrary compact objects

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    We develop an exact method for computing the Casimir energy between arbitrary compact objects, either dielectrics or perfect conductors. The energy is obtained as an interaction between multipoles, generated by quantum current fluctuations. The objects' shape and composition enter only through their scattering matrices. The result is exact when all multipoles are included, and converges rapidly. A low frequency expansion yields the energy as a series in the ratio of the objects' size to their separation. As an example, we obtain this series for two dielectric spheres and the full interaction at all separations for perfectly conducting spheres.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Spin alignment of vector meson in e+e- annihilation at Z0 pole

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    We calculate the spin density matrix of the vector meson produced in e+e- annihilation at Z^0 pole. We show that the data imply a significant polarization for the antiquark which is created in the fragmentation process of the polarized initial quark and combines with the fragmenting quark to form the vector meson. The direction of polarization is opposite to that of the fragmenting quark and the magnitude is of the order of 0.5. A qualitative explanation of this result based on the LUND string fragmentation model is given.Comment: 15 pages, 2 fgiures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    High-pressure neutron study of the morphotropic PZT: phase transitions in a two-phase system

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    In piezoelectric ceramics the changes in the phase stabilities versus stress and temperature in the vicinity of the phase boundary play a central role. The present study was dedicated to the classical piezoelectric, lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) ceramic with composition Pb(Zr0.54_{0.54}Ti0.46_{0.46})O3_3 at the Zr-rich side of the morphotropic phase boundary at which both intrinsic and extrinsic contributions to piezoelectricity are significant. The pressure-induced changes in this two-phase (rhombohedral R3cR3c+monoclinic CmCm at room temperature and R3c+P4mmR3c+P4mm above 1 GPa pressures) system were studied by high-pressure neutron powder diffraction technique. The experiments show that applying pressure favors the R3cR3c phase, whereas the CmCm phase transforms continuously to the P4mmP4mm, which is favored at elevated temperatures due to the competing entropy term. The Cm→R3cCm\rightarrow R3c phase transformation is discontinuous. The transformation contributes to the extrinsic piezoelectricity. An important contribution to the intrinsic piezoelectricity was revealed: a large displacement of the BB cations (Zr and Ti) with respect to the oxygen anions is induced by pressure. Above 600 K a phase transition to a cubic phase took place. Balance between the competing terms dictates the curvature of the phase boundary. After high-pressure experiments the amount of rhombohedral phase was larger than initially, suggesting that on the Zr-rich side of the phase boundary the monoclinic phase is metastable.Comment: 6 figure

    Characterizing Young Brown Dwarfs using Low Resolution Near-IR Spectra

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    We present near-infrared (1.0-2.4 micron) spectra confirming the youth and cool effective temperatures of 6 brown dwarfs and low mass stars with circumstellar disks toward the Chamaeleon II and Ophiuchus star forming regions. The spectrum of one of our objects indicates that it has a spectral type of ~L1, making it one of the latest spectral type young brown dwarfs identified to date. Comparing spectra of young brown dwarfs, field dwarfs, and giant stars, we define a 1.49-1.56 micron H2O index capable of determining spectral type to within 1 sub-type, independent of gravity. We have also defined an index based on the 1.14 micron sodium feature that is sensitive to gravity, but only weakly dependent on spectral type for field dwarfs. Our 1.14 micron Na index can be used to distinguish young cluster members (t <~ 5 Myr) from young field dwarfs, both of which may have the triangular H-band continuum shape which persists for at least tens of Myr. Using effective temperatures determined from the spectral types of our objects along with luminosities derived from near and mid-infrared photometry, we place our objects on the H-R diagram and overlay evolutionary models to estimate the masses and ages of our young sources. Three of our sources have inferred ages (t ~= 10-30 Myr) significantly older than the median stellar age of their parent clouds (1-3 Myr). For these three objects, we derive masses ~3 times greater than expected for 1-3 Myr old brown dwarfs with the bolometric luminosities of our sources. The large discrepancies in the inferred masses and ages determined using two separate, yet reasonable methods, emphasize the need for caution when deriving or exploiting brown dwarf mass and age estimates.Comment: 11 pages, Accepted to Ap

    Helicity-Flip Off-Foward Parton Distributions of the Nucleon

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    We identify quark and gluon helicity-flip distributions defined between nucleon states of unequal momenta. The evolution of these distributions with change of renormalization scale is calculated in the leading-logarithmic approximation. The helicity-flip gluon distributions do not mix with any quark distribution and are thus a unique signature of gluons in the nucleon. Their contribution to the generalized virtual Compton process is obtained both in the form of a factorization theorem and an operator product expansion. In deeply virtual Compton scattering, they can be probed through distinct angular dependence of the cross section.Comment: a few corrections made, references change
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