157 research outputs found

    Penghayatan agama Islam dalam kalangan Bidayuh Muslim Sarawak

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    Secara prinsipnya penghayatan agama dalam kalangan saudara baru di Sarawak akan diukur menggunakan instromen kajian. Ianya bertujuan untuk menentukan tahap penghayatan dan pengamalan agama dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam Sarawak yang bersifat pelbagai etnik. Penilaian ini menjurus kepada amalan seharian masyarakat Bidayuh dalam pelbagai aspek seperti sosio-ekonomi, budaya, pendidikan dan lain-lain bidang selepas memeluk Islam. Seterusnya kajian juga meneliti perbezaan malan agama dalam kalangan masyarakat Islam Bidayuh berasaskan kepada jantina dan cabang etnik. Kajian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang melibatkan kajian kepustakaan dan kajian lapangan yang melibatkan temubual, soal selidik dan pemerhatian dalam prosese pengumpulan data. Data-data ini dianalisis secara deskriptif, inferensi dan analisis statistik menggunakan SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Science) versi 19.0. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa agama mempengaruhi pola pemikiran dan tingkahlaku masyarakat Islam Bidayuh Sarawak, terutamanya dalam aspek interaksi, aplikasi dan perbualan. Keseluruhan skor dalam objektif kajian ini menunjukkan tahap amalan yang tinggi dan tahap kepercayaan berada pada tahap sederhana dan memuaskan dari sudut perlaksanaan nilai dan ajaran Islam. Malah terdapat beberapa aspek yang perlu dipertingkatkan terutama berhubung dengan ajaran Islam. Implikasi kajian ini penting dalam menyediakan maklumat berhubung dengan amalan Islam dalam kalangan masyarakat Bidayuh dan membuka ruang kepada kajian agama terhadap kelompok Muslim lain secara pendekatan kajian yang lebih saintifik khususnya di Sarawak

    Triniti daripada perspektif Taoisme: analisis pemikiran Jung Young Lee

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    Jung Young Lee is a Korean-born theologian who employs creatively the doctrine of the Trinity from an Asian worldview. This article aims to analyze Lee’s approaches of the Trinity with the Yin-Yang symbolism. The main reference is based on the book written by him entitled ‘The Trinity in Asian Perspective (1996)’. Lee has turned his attention to the topic of Trinity through the lens of the culture and thought patterns of his own milieu. One of the leading point in presenting Yin-Yang principle as Trinitarian thinking, Lee examines the interpretation of the term “in†in the Bible, "Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me" (John 14:11). The statement leads to the point that Yin and Yang cannot exist without each other because relationality is given priority than individuality. The idea is based on the terminology of ‘both/and’. So, ‘and’ indicates a Trinitarian statement, there is interdependence and unification. With reference to Trinity, the Father and the Son are One because of ‘and’. In addition, the same concept implements to the Holy Spirit. Lee views ‘and’ is not only a linking principle in both-and thinking but also the principle that is ‘between’ two. When ‘two’ exists, the third also exist between them. Based on the idea of ‘middle’, represents the connecting element between two, which contributes for the existence of the Third. Accordingly, the Spirit is the third element in the Trinity relationship

    Cultural Socialization and Its Relation to the Attitude of Religious Tolerance among Muslim and Buddhist Students in Prince of Songkhla University

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    Interaction and communication between religions often develop a harmony culture. Without a good interaction and communication, it can emerge prejudice. It means that interaction in the context of a different culture and religion plays an important role in shaping the integration value. In the context of students at Prince of Songkhla University consisting of Muslims and Buddhists who often interact among each other. The question is how far the conflict in Southern Thai has influenced the communication patterns? Hence, this article discusses the patterns of interaction and communication between Muslims and Buddhists at universities. In addition, how far the interaction and communication among both side have created a religious tolerance. The methodology used in the study is qualitative and quantitative approach using questionnaires and interviews. This study shows that most students have a good interaction and communication. In addition, this study also shows that there are a relationship between interaction and communication with the attitude of religious tolerance at a strong level


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    The diversity of human is one of the God's. With the diversity, people from different religions, ethnics, and cultures can live together and sharing the good values. However, it can only be achieved with dialogue which is perceived as the best mechanism to build mutual understanding and respect with each other. In the context of Leicester, which located in the East Midlands of England, the practices of interfaith dialogue are implemented successfully till today. There are a lot of organizations and people who are involved and organizing interfaith dialogue activities with different approaches. This article will discuss about the practices and approaches of interfaith dialogue in Leicester. The method used in this research was qualitative, which included literature review, observation and participation, and particularly interviews with fifteen people who represented interfaith organization and religious community in Leicester. The findings show the practices of interfaith dialogue have been organized with different types of approaches. In addition, it can be deliberated as a good model of interfaith dialogue particularly for those who want to involve in these activities

    Islamic Education in Indonesia: Study of Azyumardi Azra's Thought

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    Globalization lately has an impact on Islamic education of Muslim society. In Indonesia, the Islamic education currently has a great contribution to national development. But it is not easy to achieve the purpose of Islamic education because of a problem with the concept and method of Islamic education itself. This research examines the current Islamic education thought, according to Azyumardi Azra. This is a literature study using content analysis and critical approach. As the results and conclusion, I found that Azyumardi Azra’s thought that Moslem people can answer the modernity only by become of Islamic education that Muslims people should answer the modernity by modern education, with integrating between the classical model of Islamic education and modern western education, building the Islamic education more inclusive, liberal, and democratic. Some critics for this, the modernization in Islamic education developed by Azyumardi Azra was influenced by the western thought especially the view of pluralism and liberalization where this view need to criticised within Islamic worldview

    Teori Maslow dan kaitannya dengan kehidupan Muslim

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    Teori Maslow mempunyai pengaruh yang luas dalam pelbagai aspek kehidupan manusia baik dari segi falsafah, agama, psikologi dan juga pendidikan. Teori Maslow mengemukakan lima tahap keperluan yang perlu dipenuhi oleh manusia untuk mencapai kesempurnaan hidup. Namun begitu, teori ini mempunyai kelemahan dari dari sudut ketuhanan, yang mana unsur ketuhanan menjadi unsur paling utama dalam kehidupan seorang Muslim. Oleh itu, makalah ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan teori Maslow dan kaitannya dengan kehidupan Muslim. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif yang menggunakan metodologi analisa dokumen dan kajian ini tidak melibatkan sebarang data atau sampel kajian. Hasil kajian menjelaskan lima tahap keperluan yang dikemukakan oleh teori Maslow mempunyai perkaitannya dengan kehidupan Muslim dalam mencapai kehidupan yang sempurna akan tetapi dasar kepada hierarki keperluan seorang Muslim perlu disandarkan kepada Allah SWT atau unsur ketuhanan. Dalam agama Islam lima tahap yang perlu dilalui oleh seorang Muslim adalah lima tahap dalam maqasid syariah yang bertepatan dengan konsep kehidupan Muslim yang terbina atas prinsip akidah, akhlak dan syariah

    The Challenges of Islamic Organizations in Promoting Moderation in Indonesia

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    Two leading Islamic organisations in Indonesia, Muhammadiyah and Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) have moderation in their missionary vision to create a tolerant, open, and civilised society. This paper explores the challenges of realising Islamic moderation in Indonesia, especially those driven by Muhammadiyah and NU. The data used as the basis for the analysis were obtained from interviews and document studies. The challenge of Islamic moderation initiated by these two organisations is the rise of conservative groups, which have received vast space from the data obtained. This paper emphasised that the rise of conservative groups has resulted in weak respect for other groups. There is even a tendency to resist Islamic groups outside their group. This paper is limited to the internal challenges to Islamic moderation in Indonesia carried out by Muhammadiyah and NU, particularly related to the rise of conservative Islamic groups. Therefore, this paper suggests conducting various studies to provide a basic framework for jointly building a commitment to implement Islamic moderation in Indonesia by looking at other civil society organisations
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