1,610 research outputs found

    Fluctuations of the Retarded Van der Waals Force

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    The retarded Van der Waals force between a polarizable particle and a perfectly conducting plate is re-examined. The expression for this force given by Casimir and Polder represents a mean force, but there are large fluctuations around this mean value on short time scales which are of the same order of magnitude as the mean force itself. However, these fluctuations occur on time scales which are typically of the order of the light travel time between the atom and the plate. As a consequence, they will not be observed in an experiment which measures the force averaged over a much longer time. In the large time limit, the magnitude of the mean squared velocity of a test particle due to this fluctuating Van der Waals force approaches a constant, and is similar to a Brownian motion of a test particle in an thermal bath with an effective temperature. However the fluctuations are not isotropic in this case, and the shift in the mean square velocity components can even be negative. We interpret this negative shift to correspond to a reduction in the velocity spread of a wavepacket. The force fluctuations discussed in this paper are special case of the more general problem of stress tensor fluctuations. These are of interest in a variety of areas fo physics, including gravity theory. Thus the effects of Van der Waals force fluctuations serve as a useful model for better understanding quantum effects in gravity theory.Comment: 14 pages, no figure

    Motion Induced Radiation from a Vibrating Cavity

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    We study the radiation emitted by a cavity moving in vacuum. We give a quantitative estimate of the photon production inside the cavity as well as of the photon flux radiated from the cavity. A resonance enhancement occurs not only when the cavity length is modulated but also for a global oscillation of the cavity. For a high finesse cavity the emitted radiation surpasses radiation from a single mirror by orders of magnitude.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Time-Frequency Transfer with Quantum Fields

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    Clock synchronisation relies on time-frequency transfer procedures which involve quantum fields. We use the conformal symmetry of such fields to define as quantum operators the time and frequency exchanged in transfer procedures and to describe their transformation under transformations to inertial or accelerated frames. We show that the classical laws of relativity are changed when brought in the framework of quantum theory.Comment: 4 page

    Gravitational decoherence of planetary motions

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    We study the effect of the scattering of gravitational waves on planetary motions, say the motion of the Moon around the Earth. Though this effect has a negligible influence on dissipation, it dominates fluctuations and the associated decoherence mechanism, due to the very high effective temperature of the background of gravitational waves in our galactic environment.Comment: 6 pages, no figure, to appear in EuroPhysics Letters; needs `epl.cls

    Dynamical Casimir Effect in a Leaky Cavity at Finite Temperature

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    The phenomenon of particle creation within an almost resonantly vibrating cavity with losses is investigated for the example of a massless scalar field at finite temperature. A leaky cavity is designed via the insertion of a dispersive mirror into a larger ideal cavity (the reservoir). In the case of parametric resonance the rotating wave approximation allows for the construction of an effective Hamiltonian. The number of produced particles is then calculated using response theory as well as a non-perturbative approach. In addition we study the associated master equation and briefly discuss the effects of detuning. The exponential growth of the particle numbers and the strong enhancement at finite temperatures found earlier for ideal cavities turn out to be essentially preserved. The relevance of the results for experimental tests of quantum radiation via the dynamical Casimir effect is addressed. Furthermore the generalization to the electromagnetic field is outlined.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures typos corrected & references added and update

    Stochastic Spacetime and Brownian Motion of Test Particles

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    The operational meaning of spacetime fluctuations is discussed. Classical spacetime geometry can be viewed as encoding the relations between the motions of test particles in the geometry. By analogy, quantum fluctuations of spacetime geometry can be interpreted in terms of the fluctuations of these motions. Thus one can give meaning to spacetime fluctuations in terms of observables which describe the Brownian motion of test particles. We will first discuss some electromagnetic analogies, where quantum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field induce Brownian motion of test particles. We next discuss several explicit examples of Brownian motion caused by a fluctuating gravitational field. These examples include lightcone fluctuations, variations in the flight times of photons through the fluctuating geometry, and fluctuations in the expansion parameter given by a Langevin version of the Raychaudhuri equation. The fluctuations in this parameter lead to variations in the luminosity of sources. Other phenomena which can be linked to spacetime fluctuations are spectral line broadening and angular blurring of distant sources.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Talk given at the 9th Peyresq workshop, June 200

    Radiation Pressure as a Source of Decoherence

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    We consider the interaction of an harmonic oscillator with the quantum field via radiation pressure. We show that a `Schrodinger cat' state decoheres in a time scale that depends on the degree of `classicality' of the state components, and which may be much shorter than the relaxation time scale associated to the dynamical Casimir effect. We also show that decoherence is a consequence of the entanglement between the quantum states of the oscillator and field two-photon states. With the help of the fluctuation-dissipation theorem, we derive a relation between decoherence and damping rates valid for arbitrary values of the temperature of the field. Coherent states are selected by the interaction as pointer states.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, RevTex fil

    Radioscience simulations in General Relativity and in alternative theories of gravity

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    In this communication, we focus on the possibility to test GR with radioscience experiments. We present a new software that in a first step simulates the Range/Doppler signals directly from the space time metric (thus in GR and in alternative theories of gravity). In a second step, a least-squares fit of the involved parameters is performed in GR. This software allows one to get the order of magnitude and the signature of the modifications induced by an alternative theory of gravity on radioscience signals. As examples, we present some simulations for the Cassini mission in Post-Einsteinian gravity and with the MOND External Field Effect.Comment: 4 pages; Proceedings of "Les Rencontres de Moriond 2011 - Gravitation session

    QND and higher order effects for a nonlinear meter in an interferometric gravitational wave antenna

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    A new optical topology and signal readout strategy for a laser interferometer gravitational wave detector were proposed recently by Braginsky and Khalili . Their method is based on using a nonlinear medium inside a microwave oscillator to detect the gravitational-wave-induced spatial shift of the interferometer's standing optical wave. This paper proposes a quantum nondemolition (QND) scheme that could be realistically used for such a readout device and discusses a "fundamental" sensitivity limit imposed by a higher order optical effect.Comment: LaTex, 17 pages, 3 figure

    The role of Surface Plasmon modes in the Casimir Effect

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    In this paper we study the role of surface plasmon modes in the Casimir effect. First we write the Casimir energy as a sum over the modes of a real cavity. We may identify two sorts of modes, two evanescent surface plasmon modes and propagative modes. As one of the surface plasmon modes becomes propagative for some choice of parameters we adopt an adiabatic mode definition where we follow this mode into the propagative sector and count it together with the surface plasmon contribution, calling this contribution "plasmonic". The remaining modes are propagative cavity modes, which we call "photonic". The Casimir energy contains two main contributions, one coming from the plasmonic, the other from the photonic modes. Surprisingly we find that the plasmonic contribution to the Casimir energy becomes repulsive for intermediate and large mirror separations. Alternatively, we discuss the common surface plasmon defintion, which includes only evanescent waves, where this effect is not found. We show that, in contrast to an intuitive expectation, for both definitions the Casimir energy is the sum of two very large contributions which nearly cancel each other. The contribution of surface plasmons to the Casimir energy plays a fundamental role not only at short but also at large distances.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures. TQMFA200
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