710 research outputs found

    Preferences, Norms and Constraints in farmers' agro-ecological choices. Case study using choice experiments survey in the Rhone River Delta, France

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    The aim of this paper is to elicit the sensitivity of farmers to payment for agro-environmental services in a context of strong ecological and policy constraints. We present results from a choice experiment survey performed among the whole population of agricultural decision-makers (104) in the Camargue area. Several econometric models have been estimated, the most significant being the Latent Classes one. Three classes have been identified, two of them representing farmers with strong committment to a specified technology (either very chemicals intensive or organic farming ), the main class encompassing farmers complying with the norms of the PGI Ā« Riz de Camargue Ā» . The estimated parameters of the utility function, together with the parameter of the monetary attribute provided the monetary value of each relevant agro-ecological attribute and the associated outcomes (average and risk yield). Outcomes of the choice experiments make a strong case for differentiating incentives for spreading environmental friendly technologies.

    The Economic Determinants of the On-farm Management of Rice Cultivars in the Rhone River Delta (France)

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    The aims of our paper are to identify economic determinants of the on-farm cultivars diversity and to empirically characterize the farmers' diversification choices. We focus on the private decision making process involving the choice of rice cultivars and the corresponding allocation of farmland. For a specific crop, the choice of cultivars, and the resulting cultivars portfolio, involves the farmer comparing benefits and costs. Among the many costs involved, we focus on diversity's management costs. Our results rely on original data collected during the spring 2009 in the study area, and involve a sample of 86 economic units growing rice. We estimated a count data model, in which the endogeneous variable is the number of cultivars grown on the farm. After that, we studied the factors explaining the portfolio choice in terms of commercial rice grain, and the on-farm repartition between these different types. A multinomial logit model was used, with three alternatives, be specialized into a particular type of rice grain (long or round), or grow simultaneously these two types, or finally be diversified with niche market varieties. And finally we estimated the percentage of long rice compared to the percentage of round rice with a linear regression model. The results confirm the importance of the interactions between market related benefit and the management constraints on land and labor.varietal diversity, rice cultivar, multinomial logit, Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Environmental Economics and Policy, Land Economics/Use, Production Economics,

    De la litteĢrature latine aĢ€ la litteĢrature francĢ§aise : une transition victime du cloisonnement acadeĢmique

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    International audienceLes premiers poeĢ€mes vernaculaires mis par eĢcrit nous offrent deĢjaĢ€ quelques chefs-dā€™Å“uvre de notre litteĢrature, que ce soit dans le domaine hagiographique (Vie de saint Alexis), eĢpique (Chanson de Roland) ou lyrique (œuvre de Guillaume IX dā€™Aquitaine). Leur caracteĢ€re eĢlaboreĢ a pousseĢ les meĢdieĢvistes aĢ€ interroger leur geneĢ€se, notamment aĢ€ travers la culture eĢcrite latine du XIe sieĢ€cle. Alors que cet angle de recherche est loin dā€™avoir porteĢ tous ses fruits, il est aujourdā€™hui deĢlaisseĢ, victime des divisions disciplinaires et meĢthodologiques, ce qui nā€™est pas sans conseĢquence sur lā€™enseignement. Le preĢsent article expose les diffeĢrents cloisonnements universitaires qui entravent lā€™eĢtude de la litteĢrature meĢdio-latine comme litteĢrature de transition, mais aussi quelques initiatives ayant reĢussi aĢ€ les deĢpasser. Il reviendra sur la motivation de la mise par eĢcrit de la premieĢ€re litteĢrature francĢ§aise puis sur la tradition litteĢraire et lā€™horizon dā€™attente dans laquelle elle sā€™inscrit, afin dā€™envisager les bases dā€™un indispensable questionnement pluridisciplinaire

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the cannabinoid content of combusted cannabis plant tissue

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    Marihuana continues to be a controversial topic in todayā€™s society. The plant material is used recreationally as a stupefacient and has a purported medicinal use. In fact, anecdotal information about its medicinal properties has been such that Health Canada has recently started an initiative to provide a well characterized supply of plant tissue to researchers interested in examining its potential medicinal properties. Simultaneously this same material is being provided for those subjects who are licensed to use marihuana as a medicine. In order to further study marihuana and its component cannabinoids it is essential to be able to discern both the cannabinoid content in the product being supplied and more importantly the cannabinoid profile in the delivery system. At present the most common route of administration is via inhalation of the combusted plant material. Consequently methods capable of measuring the cannabinoid content in combusted plant material would be very useful in order to make meaningful study of the pharmacokinetics of the cannabinoids delivered by this route. Investigations were carried out to develop a method and study the volatile constituents of combusted marihuana plant material in a semi-enclosed environment. Thus the hypothesis of this research is that qualitative and quantitative information can be obtained from the combustion products of cannabis plant tissue. The method relies upon the solid phase extraction of smoke arising from the combustion of plant material in a variety of combustion chambers. The combustion chambers were designed to reflect the current marihuana ā€œparaphernaliaā€ in use as well as a high efficiency in vitro system. Both the qualitative and quantitative levels of a limited number of cannabinoids were evaluated before and after combustion. A quantitative Liquid Chromatography Ultra Violet (LC-UV) detector method was validated for the analysis of a selected group of cannabinoids ( Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabinol (CBN), cannabidiol (CBD) and tetrahydrocannabinolic acid (THCA) . When this method was applied to plant material available through the medical marijuana initiative the following observations were made on the combustion products: Material CBD CBN THC THCA Analyzed (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ug/ml) (ug/ml) Plant BLQ BLQ BLQ 890 Combusted 20 14 420 28 ā€¢5 mg plant tissue extracted using a validated HPLC-UV method ā€¢5 mg plant tissue combusted in a closed combustion chamber. ā€¢BLQ: below level of quantification

    Static and wind tunnel near-field/far-field jet noise measurements from model scale single-flow baseline and suppressor nozzles. Volume 1: Noise source locations and extrapolation of static free-field jet noise data

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    A test was conducted in the Boeing Large Anechoic Chamber to determine static jet noise source locations of six baseline and suppressor nozzle models, and establish a technique for extrapolating near field data into the far field. The test covered nozzle pressure ratios from 1.44 to 2.25 and jet velocities from 412 to 594 m/s at a total temperature of 844 K

    Labor Market Flexibility and FDI Flows: Evidence from Oil-Rich GCC and Middle Income Countries

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    In this paper we empirically examine the impact of labor market flexibility on FDI flows to oil-rich GCC and compare it to middle income countries in 2006-2011. We account for potential endogeneity and nonstationarity and adopt system GMM and IV estimation methodologies. Our findings show that in middle income countries overall flexibility increases FDI flows under both system GMM and IV methodologies. In GCC countries overall LMF decreases FDI flows under system GMM methodology. Results also show a positive ā€œGCC regionā€ influence outweighing the negative flexibility influence. Growth potential and infrastructure development matter for both GCC and middle income countries

    Analysis of pressure and heat transfer tests on surface roughness elements with laminar and turbulent boundary layers Final report

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    Data analysis from pressure and heat transfer tests on surface roughness elements with laminar and turbulent boundary layer

    Static and wind tunnel near-field/far-field jet noise measurements from model scale single-flow base line and suppressor nozzles. Summary report

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    A test program was conducted in the Boeing large anechoic test chamber and the NASA-Ames 40- by 80-foot wind tunnel to study the near- and far-field jet noise characteristics of six baseline and suppressor nozzles. Static and wind-on noise source locations were determined. A technique for extrapolating near field jet noise measurements into the far field was established. It was determined if flight effects measured in the near field are the same as those in the far field. The flight effects on the jet noise levels of the baseline and suppressor nozzles were determined. Test models included a 15.24-cm round convergent nozzle, an annular nozzle with and without ejector, a 20-lobe nozzle with and without ejector, and a 57-tube nozzle with lined ejector. The static free-field test in the anechoic chamber covered nozzle pressure ratios from 1.44 to 2.25 and jet velocities from 412 to 594 m/s at a total temperature of 844 K. The wind tunnel flight effects test repeated these nozzle test conditions with ambient velocities of 0 to 92 m/s

    Static and wind tunnel near-field/far field jet noise measurements from model scale single-flow baseline and suppressor nozzles. Volume 2: Forward speed effects

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    A model scale flight effects test was conducted in the 40 by 80 foot wind tunnel to investigate the effect of aircraft forward speed on single flow jet noise characteristics. The models tested included a 15.24 cm baseline round convergent nozzle, a 20-lobe and annular nozzle with and without lined ejector shroud, and a 57-tube nozzle with a lined ejector shroud. Nozzle operating conditions covered jet velocities from 412 to 640 m/s at a total temperature of 844 K. Wind tunnel speeds were varied from near zero to 91.5 m/s. Measurements were analyzed to (1) determine apparent jet noise source location including effects of ambient velocity; (2) verify a technique for extrapolating near field jet noise measurements into the far field; (3) determine flight effects in the near and far field for baseline and suppressor nozzles; and (4) establish the wind tunnel as a means of accurately defining flight effects for model nozzles and full scale engines

    Thermal-structural combined loads design criteria study

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    A study was conducted to determine methodology for combining thermal structural loads and assessing the effects of the combined loads on the design of a thermal protection system and a hot structure of a high cross range delta wing space shuttle orbiter vehicle. The study presents guidelines for establishing a basis for predicting thermal and pressure environments and for determining limit and ultimate design loads on the vehicle during reentry. Limit trajectories were determined by using dispersions on a representative nominal mission and system parameters expected during the life of the vehicle. Nine chosen locations on the vehicle surface having TPS or hot structures were examined, and weight sensitivity analyses were performed for each location
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