7 research outputs found

    Meningitis-arteritis u kuje izlječiv steroidima - prikaz slučaja

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    This paper describes in detail the case of steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis (SRMA) in a dog. The dog was presented at the Clinic for Internal Diseases due to high fever with anorexia that lasted for five days, reluctance to move, hunched stance and stiffness that responded only moderately to antibiotics and a combination of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs administered by the referring veterinarian. The dog was fully clinically and neurologically examined and revealed fever and extreme neck pain. Complete laboratory workup and urinalysis were included. The dog underwent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sampling and analysis. The diagnosis of steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis was established. Adequate therapy was instituted which resulted in clinical resolution of the disease.Rad prikazuje slučaj meningitis-arteritisa u kuje izlječivog steroidima. Kuja je dovedena na Kliniku za unutarnje bolesti zbog višednevne visoke temperature, inapetencije, nevoljkog kretanja, ukočenoga hoda, zgrbljenoga stava i promijenjenoga ponašanja. Kuja je pokazivala samo djelomično kliničko poboljšanje na liječenje antibioticima te steroidnim i nesteroidnim protuupalnim lijekovima. Životinja je klinički i neurološki pregledana. Ustanovljena je povišena temperatura te izrazita bolnost pri pasivnom pokretanju vrata. Učinjene su laboratorijske pretrage krvi i mokraće. Nakon toga učinjena je punkcija likvora te njegova analiza. Postavljena je dijagnoza meningitis-arteritisa koji reagira na steroide. Započeto je odgovarajuće liječenje koje je završilo izlječenjem

    Ukupni broj leukocita te odnos neutrofila i limfocita u pasa oboljelih od jednostavnog i kompliciranog oblika babezioze prouzročene hemoparazitom Babesia canis canis.

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    Canine babesiosis caused by B. canis is very common cause of morbidity and mortality of dogs in Croatia. Although white blood cell populations play a crucial role in the SIRS it has been poorly described in canine babesiosis. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate serial changes in circulating total white blood cells and relationship between circulating neutrophil and lymphocyte counts in uncomplicated and complicated canine babesiosis caused by B. canis canis. The study was performed on two groups of animals naturally infected by B. Canis canis. Group 1 consisted of 30 dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis while group 2 consisted of 30 dogs with various complications. The blood samples for the analyses were collected at the day of the admission, and the second and seventh day after the administration of imidocarb dipropionat. White blood cell count (WBC) was determined using an automatic haematology analyzer (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic, Pennsylvania, USA). The ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte count was acquired from relative percentages of neutrophils and lymphocytes that were manually determined from Romanowsky stained blood smears. The percentage of parasitemia was determined by counting the number of parasitized erythrocytes on one thousand erythrocytes. The differential count was determined manually in Romanovsky-stained blood smears. The WBC counts, relative number of neutrophils and lymphocytes, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and levels of parasitemia were compared between the two groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. White blood cell count was significantly higher on the seventh day after the antibabesial treatment in the group of complicated babesiosis. The relative number of neutrophiles was significantly higher on the second and seventh days after the antibabesial treatment in complicated babesiosis and the relative number of lymphocytes was significantly lower in the group of complicated babesiosis on the second day after the antibabesial treatment. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher on the second day after the treatment in the complicated babesiosis. Parasitemia levels were significantly higher in complicated canine babesiosis. On the basis of these results it may be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the severity of clinical course and increase in neutrophils and decrease in lymphocyte percentage. The ratio of neutrophil and lymphocyte counts (in absolute or relative values) is an easily measurable parameter which may express the severity of the affliction and serve as a good prognostic marker.Babezioza pasa prouzročena parazitom B. canis čest je uzrok uginuća pasa u Hrvatskoj. Leukociti imaju ključnu ulogu u nastanku sustavnoga upalnoga odgovora koji je temeljni patofiziološki mehanizam u babeziozi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti promjene u ukupnom broju leukocita te odnos između neutrofila i limfocita u jednostavnoj i kompliciranoj babeziozi pasa, prouzročenoj vrstom B. canis canis. Istraživanje je provedeno na dvije skupine prirodno invadiranih pasa. Unutar prve skupine bilo je 30 pasa oboljelih od nekomplicirane, a unutar druge 30 pasa oboljelih od različitih oblika komplicirane babezioze. Uzorci krvi prikupljani su trokratno; na dan pregleda te drugi i sedmi dan nakon primjene antibabezijskoga sredstva (imidokarb dipropionat). Ukupan broj leukocita određen je hematološkim brojačem (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic). Diferencijalna krvna slika dobivena je brojenjem udjela segmentiranih i nesegmentiranih neutrofilnih granulocita, eozinofilnih i bazofilnih granulocita, monocita i limfocita na 100 leukocita u krvnim razmascima. Omjer neutrofila i limfocita izračunat je iz postotka neutrofila i limfocita izbrojenih u obojenom krvnom razmasku. Postotak parazitemije određen je brojenjem parazitiranih eritrocita na tisuću eritrocita. Ukupni broj leukocita, postotak neutrofila i limfocita, omjer neutrofila i limfocita i postupak parazitemije između istraživanih skupina uspoređen je Mann-Whitney-evim U testom. Ukupni broj leukocita bio je značajno viši sedmi dan nakon antibabezijske terapije u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Udio neutrofila bio je značajno viši drugi i sedmi dan nakon terapije, dok je udio limfocita bio značajno niži drugi dan nakon terapije, isto u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Međusobni omjer neutrofila i limfocita bio je značajno viši drugi dan nakon terapije u pacijenata u kojih se razvio komplicirani oblik babezioze. Isto tako je i postotak parazitemije bio značajno viši u pacijenata s komplikacijama. Zaključno možemo ustvrditi da u pasa oboljelih od babezioze postoji signifikantna koleracija između težine kliničkih znakova te neutrofilije i limfopenije. Međusobni odnos neutrofila i limfocita je dostupan i lako odrediv pokazatelj koji odražava jačinu oštećenja i može poslužiti kao dobar prognostički pokazatelj

    Causes and laboratory diagnostic of pleural effusions in dogs

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    Pleuralne izljeve definiramo kao patološko nakupljanje tekućine u pleuralnoj šupljini, a koji u pasa nastaju posljedično različitim upalnim, sistemskim, metaboličkim, kardiovaskularnim, infekcijskim i neoplastičnim bolestima te traumama, a dijelimo ih na transudate, modificirane transudate i eksudate. Uzroci pleuralnog izljeva su, patofiziološki gledano, porast hidrostatskog tlaka (pr. posljedično zastojnom zatajivanju srca), pad onkotskog tlaka (pr. posljedično hipoproteinemiji), povećana propustnost stijenke krvnih žila (najčešće posljedično upalnoj reakciji) i opstrukcija limfnih žila (najčešće posljedično tumorskom rastu). Najčešći klinički znak u pasa s patološkim pleuralnim izljevima je otežano disanje (respiratorni distres, dispneja). Ostali klinički znaci uključuju: skvrčen, ležeći položaj s ispruženim glavom i vratom, disanje otvorenim ustima, ubrzano i naglašeno abdominalno disanje, a u uznapredovalih slučajeva prisutna je i cijanoza. Postupkom torakocenteze, osim što uklanjamo pleuralni izljev, možemo ga i prouzročiti, a daljnja laboratorijska dijagnostička obrada je ključna za postavljanje sumnje (ponekad i konačne dijagnoze) na uzrok ili uzroke koji su doveli do patološkog nakupljanja tekućine u pleuralnoj šupljini. Svrha je ovog preglednog rada prikazati uzroke i specifične vrste izljeva u pleuralnu šupljinu u pasa, kao i dijagnostički pristup istima.Pleural effusions are defined as pathologic accumulation of free fluid in the pleural cavity, and in dogs they arise from a variety of inflammatory, systemic, infectious and neoplastic conditions, metabolic disorders, trauma and cardiovascular diseases. Pleural effusions are typically classified as transudates, modified transudates, and exudates. From a pathophysiologic standpoint the accumulation of free fluid can be caused by (1) an increase in hydrostatic pressure (as is the case with congestive heart failure), (2) a decrease in oncotic pressure (i.e. due to hypoproteinemia), (3) increased permeability of the vessel wall (most often as a result of inflammatory reaction) and lymphatic obstruction (most often due to tumor growth). Dogs with pathologic pleural effusions often show heavy breathing (respiratory distress, dyspnea) as the most common clinical sign. Other clinical signs include a crouched, sternal recumbent position with extension of the head and neck, open - mouth breathing, tachypnea, forceful abdominal respiration and cyanosis. Thoracocentesis is used to drain the free fluid, but also to sample pleural effusion, as further laboratory examination is crucial to establish a suspicion and sometimes a definitive diagnosis of the cause or causes that led to the pathological accumulation of fluid in the pleural cavity. The purpose of this review is to present the causes and specific types of effusions in the pleural cavity in dogs, as well as their diagnostic approach

    Ukupni broj leukocita te odnos neutrofila i limfocita u pasa oboljelih od jednostavnog i kompliciranog oblika babezioze prouzročene hemoparazitom Babesia canis canis.

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    Canine babesiosis caused by B. canis is very common cause of morbidity and mortality of dogs in Croatia. Although white blood cell populations play a crucial role in the SIRS it has been poorly described in canine babesiosis. Therefore the aim of this study was to investigate serial changes in circulating total white blood cells and relationship between circulating neutrophil and lymphocyte counts in uncomplicated and complicated canine babesiosis caused by B. canis canis. The study was performed on two groups of animals naturally infected by B. Canis canis. Group 1 consisted of 30 dogs with uncomplicated babesiosis while group 2 consisted of 30 dogs with various complications. The blood samples for the analyses were collected at the day of the admission, and the second and seventh day after the administration of imidocarb dipropionat. White blood cell count (WBC) was determined using an automatic haematology analyzer (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic, Pennsylvania, USA). The ratio of neutrophil to lymphocyte count was acquired from relative percentages of neutrophils and lymphocytes that were manually determined from Romanowsky stained blood smears. The percentage of parasitemia was determined by counting the number of parasitized erythrocytes on one thousand erythrocytes. The differential count was determined manually in Romanovsky-stained blood smears. The WBC counts, relative number of neutrophils and lymphocytes, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and levels of parasitemia were compared between the two groups using the Mann-Whitney U test. White blood cell count was significantly higher on the seventh day after the antibabesial treatment in the group of complicated babesiosis. The relative number of neutrophiles was significantly higher on the second and seventh days after the antibabesial treatment in complicated babesiosis and the relative number of lymphocytes was significantly lower in the group of complicated babesiosis on the second day after the antibabesial treatment. The neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio was significantly higher on the second day after the treatment in the complicated babesiosis. Parasitemia levels were significantly higher in complicated canine babesiosis. On the basis of these results it may be concluded that there is a significant correlation between the severity of clinical course and increase in neutrophils and decrease in lymphocyte percentage. The ratio of neutrophil and lymphocyte counts (in absolute or relative values) is an easily measurable parameter which may express the severity of the affliction and serve as a good prognostic marker.Babezioza pasa prouzročena parazitom B. canis čest je uzrok uginuća pasa u Hrvatskoj. Leukociti imaju ključnu ulogu u nastanku sustavnoga upalnoga odgovora koji je temeljni patofiziološki mehanizam u babeziozi. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti promjene u ukupnom broju leukocita te odnos između neutrofila i limfocita u jednostavnoj i kompliciranoj babeziozi pasa, prouzročenoj vrstom B. canis canis. Istraživanje je provedeno na dvije skupine prirodno invadiranih pasa. Unutar prve skupine bilo je 30 pasa oboljelih od nekomplicirane, a unutar druge 30 pasa oboljelih od različitih oblika komplicirane babezioze. Uzorci krvi prikupljani su trokratno; na dan pregleda te drugi i sedmi dan nakon primjene antibabezijskoga sredstva (imidokarb dipropionat). Ukupan broj leukocita određen je hematološkim brojačem (System 9120; Serono Baker Diagnostic). Diferencijalna krvna slika dobivena je brojenjem udjela segmentiranih i nesegmentiranih neutrofilnih granulocita, eozinofilnih i bazofilnih granulocita, monocita i limfocita na 100 leukocita u krvnim razmascima. Omjer neutrofila i limfocita izračunat je iz postotka neutrofila i limfocita izbrojenih u obojenom krvnom razmasku. Postotak parazitemije određen je brojenjem parazitiranih eritrocita na tisuću eritrocita. Ukupni broj leukocita, postotak neutrofila i limfocita, omjer neutrofila i limfocita i postupak parazitemije između istraživanih skupina uspoređen je Mann-Whitney-evim U testom. Ukupni broj leukocita bio je značajno viši sedmi dan nakon antibabezijske terapije u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Udio neutrofila bio je značajno viši drugi i sedmi dan nakon terapije, dok je udio limfocita bio značajno niži drugi dan nakon terapije, isto u skupini pasa oboljelih od kompliciranoga oblika bolesti. Međusobni omjer neutrofila i limfocita bio je značajno viši drugi dan nakon terapije u pacijenata u kojih se razvio komplicirani oblik babezioze. Isto tako je i postotak parazitemije bio značajno viši u pacijenata s komplikacijama. Zaključno možemo ustvrditi da u pasa oboljelih od babezioze postoji signifikantna koleracija između težine kliničkih znakova te neutrofilije i limfopenije. Međusobni odnos neutrofila i limfocita je dostupan i lako odrediv pokazatelj koji odražava jačinu oštećenja i može poslužiti kao dobar prognostički pokazatelj

    Proteinogrami krvnog seruma steonih i nesteonih krava.

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    The proteinograms of non-pregnant and pregnant cows were studied. Significant differences in total protein, albumin, globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentrations (P0.05). The comparison of results recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy showed that the globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentration significantly decreased in the ninth month of pregnancy (P0.05) and A:G ratio (P>0.01) significantly increased, whereas in -globulin concentration the difference between the values recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy was not significant (P>0.05).Istraživani su proteinogrami nesteonih krava i krava u tijeku steonosti. Zabilježena je vrlo značajna razlika u koncentraciji ukupnih proteina, albumina, globulina, -globulina i - globulina (P0,05). Usporedbom rezultata zabilježenih u osmom i devetom mjesecu bre|osti vidljivo je da se u devetom mjesecu steonosti vrlo značajno smanjuje koncentracija -globulina i -globulina (P0,05)

    Proteinogrami krvnog seruma steonih i nesteonih krava.

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    The proteinograms of non-pregnant and pregnant cows were studied. Significant differences in total protein, albumin, globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentrations (P0.05). The comparison of results recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy showed that the globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentration significantly decreased in the ninth month of pregnancy (P0.05) and A:G ratio (P>0.01) significantly increased, whereas in -globulin concentration the difference between the values recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy was not significant (P>0.05).Istraživani su proteinogrami nesteonih krava i krava u tijeku steonosti. Zabilježena je vrlo značajna razlika u koncentraciji ukupnih proteina, albumina, globulina, -globulina i - globulina (P0,05). Usporedbom rezultata zabilježenih u osmom i devetom mjesecu bre|osti vidljivo je da se u devetom mjesecu steonosti vrlo značajno smanjuje koncentracija -globulina i -globulina (P0,05)

    Molecular evidence of natural infection with Babesia canis canis in Croatia

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    The aim of the present study was to detect and characterise the species and subspecies of Babesia spp. that cause canine babesiosis in Croatia. Twenty-eight dogs with typical signs of babesiosis (lethargy, anorexia, fever, dark urine and thrombocytopenia) were included in this study. Their blood smears showed the presence of Babesia canis . The results showed the detection of one subspecies, namely Babesia canis canis using PCR, and subsequent sequence analysis demonstrated portions of the nss rRNA gene in 27 out of 28 samples. Sequence analysis of the isolates showed 100% identity in 11 samples, 99.7% identity (one nucleotide difference) in 11 samples and 99.4% identity (two nucleotides difference) in 5 samples with B. canis canis . The results of this study confirm the presence of B. canis canis in infected dogs in Croatia and demonstrate a slightly new genetic variant of Babesia subspecies