Proteinogrami krvnog seruma steonih i nesteonih krava.


The proteinograms of non-pregnant and pregnant cows were studied. Significant differences in total protein, albumin, globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentrations (P0.05). The comparison of results recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy showed that the globulin, -globulin and -globulin concentration significantly decreased in the ninth month of pregnancy (P0.05) and A:G ratio (P>0.01) significantly increased, whereas in -globulin concentration the difference between the values recorded in the eighth and in the ninth months of pregnancy was not significant (P>0.05).Istraživani su proteinogrami nesteonih krava i krava u tijeku steonosti. Zabilježena je vrlo značajna razlika u koncentraciji ukupnih proteina, albumina, globulina, -globulina i - globulina (P0,05). Usporedbom rezultata zabilježenih u osmom i devetom mjesecu bre|osti vidljivo je da se u devetom mjesecu steonosti vrlo značajno smanjuje koncentracija -globulina i -globulina (P0,05)

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