10 research outputs found

    Structural and optical properties of CdTe thin films deposited using RF Magnetron sputtering

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    In this work, we have studied the influence of RF power on structural and optical properties of CdTe thin films deposited by indigenously designed locally fabricated RF magnetron sputtering. Films were analyzed by using variety of techniques such as low angle X- ray diffraction, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy etc. to study its structural and optical properties. Low angle XRD analysis showed that CdTe films are polycrystalline and has cubic structure with preferred orientation in (111) direction. Raman scattering studies revealed the presence of CdTephase over the entire range of RF power studied. The UV-Visible spectroscopy analysis showed that the band gap decreases with increase in RF power. However, CdTe films deposited at higher RF power has optimum band gap values (1.44-1.60 eV). Such optimum band gap CdTe can be use as absorber material in CdS/CdTe and ZnO/CdTe solar cells

    Growth of hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD)

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    Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films were prepared by home-made PE-CVD systemfromgas mixture of pure SiH4 and H2 at various deposition pressures. Obtained results exhibited that deposition rate increases with increase in deposition pressure. Raman spectroscopy analysis revealed that deposition pressure in PE-CVD is a critical process parameter to induce nanocrystallization in Si:H films. The FTIR spectroscopy analysis results indicate that with increase in deposition pressure hydrogen bonding in films shifts from Si-H to Si-H2 and (Si-H2)n bonded species bonded species. The bonded hydrogen content didn’t show particular trend with optical band gap with change in deposition pressure. The obtained results indicates that 400 mTorr is an optimized deposition pressure of our PE-CVD unit to synthesize nc-Si:H films. At this optimized deposition pressure nc-Si:H films with crystallite size ∼ 5.43 nm having good degree of crystallinity (∼77%) and high band gap (ETauc∼ 1.85 eV) were obtained with a low hydrogen content (4.28 at. %) at moderately high deposition rate (0.75 nm/s). The ease of the present work is to optimize deposition pressure to obtain device quality intrinsicnc-Si:H layer in view of its used in p-i-n solar cells

    Photoelectrochemical investigation on the cadmium sulfide (CdS) thin films prepared using spin coating technique

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    Photoelectrochemical cell technology is one of the simplest technologies, which converts light energy directly into electricity. The synthesis of cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanocrystals (NCs) was performed by the facile hot injection method. The NCs were characterized by different techniques such as XRD, Raman, UV-Vis, FESEM, and XPS. The XRD pattern confirms the phase pure hexagonal CdS NCs. The band gap of NCs calculated from the UV-Visible spectrum is at 2.40 eV, indicating good absorption in the visible spectrum. XPS analysis confirmed the presence of individual elements in CdS NCs. The CdS thin-films having different thicknesses were prepared on FTO substrates using the spin coating technique. Photoelectrochemical (PEC) investigation of CdS NCs thin-films photoelectrodes was performed by varying its thickness. The increase in the thickness of thin-films increased photocurrent density

    Structural and optical properties of CdTe thin films deposited using RF Magnetron sputtering

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    In this work, we have studied the influence of RF power on structural and optical properties of CdTe thin films deposited by indigenously designed locally fabricated RF magnetron sputtering. Films were analyzed by using variety of techniques such as low angle X- ray diffraction, UV-Visible spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy etc. to study its structural and optical properties. Low angle XRD analysis showed that CdTe films are polycrystalline and has cubic structure with preferred orientation in (111) direction. Raman scattering studies revealed the presence of CdTephase over the entire range of RF power studied. The UV-Visible spectroscopy analysis showed that the band gap decreases with increase in RF power. However, CdTe films deposited at higher RF power has optimum band gap values (1.44-1.60 eV). Such optimum band gap CdTe can be use as absorber material in CdS/CdTe and ZnO/CdTe solar cells

    Growth of hydrogenated nano-crystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) films by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PE-CVD)

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    Hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon (nc-Si:H) thin films were prepared by home-made PE-CVD systemfromgas mixture of pure SiH4 and H2 at various deposition pressures. Obtained results exhibited that deposition rate increases with increase in deposition pressure. Raman spectroscopy analysis revealed that deposition pressure in PE-CVD is a critical process parameter to induce nanocrystallization in Si:H films. The FTIR spectroscopy analysis results indicate that with increase in deposition pressure hydrogen bonding in films shifts from Si-H to Si-H2 and (Si-H2)n bonded species bonded species. The bonded hydrogen content didn’t show particular trend with optical band gap with change in deposition pressure. The obtained results indicates that 400 mTorr is an optimized deposition pressure of our PE-CVD unit to synthesize nc-Si:H films. At this optimized deposition pressure nc-Si:H films with crystallite size ∼ 5.43 nm having good degree of crystallinity (∼77%) and high band gap (ETauc∼ 1.85 eV) were obtained with a low hydrogen content (4.28 at. %) at moderately high deposition rate (0.75 nm/s). The ease of the present work is to optimize deposition pressure to obtain device quality intrinsicnc-Si:H layer in view of its used in p-i-n solar cells

    Structural, optoelectronic, and photoelectrochemical investigation of CdSe NC's prepared by hot injection method

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    In this study, we report the synthesis and characterization of CdSe nanocrystals (NC's) by facile Hot injection (HI) method. The formation of CdSe NC's was confirmed by x-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, and x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The optical properties were analyzed by UV-visible and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy shows an excitonic peak at 600 nm in UV-Vis spectra corresponds to the band gap of ~ 2 eV favorable for optoelectronic device applications. The Photoelectrochemical (PEC) performance of CdSe thin film prepared by spin coating demonstrates a rise of photocurrent density (Jsc = 0.081 µAcm-2) after illumination. The Mott-Schottky (MS) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) measurements were further carried out to understand intrinsic properties namely the type of conductivity, flat band potential, charge carrier density (ND), charge transfer resistance, and recombination lifetime. The n-type conductivity, the charge carrier density of ND = 1.292 x 1016 cm-2, and recombination lifetime of 32.4 µs suggest the ideal behavior of CdSe NC's for device quality photoelectrodes

    Highly stable and Pb-free bismuth-based perovskites for photodetector applications

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    Herein, we report the synthesis of highly stable, Pb-free bismuth iodide (BiI3 or BI), stoichiometric methylammonium bismuth iodide [(CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 or MA3Bi2I9 or s-MBI] and non-stoichiometric methylammonium bismuth iodide [(CH3NH3)2BiI5 or MA2BiI5 or Ns-MBI] perovskite thin films for photodetector applications. These films are synthesized at room temperature by a single step solution process spin coating method. The structural, optical, and morphological properties of these films were investigated using different characterization techniques such as XRD, Raman spectroscopy, FE-SEM, UV-Visible spectroscopy, etc. Formation of BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI thin films is confirmed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy measurements. XRD analysis reveals that BI has a hexagonal crystal structure and a P63/mmc hexagonal space group for s-MBI and Ns-MBI. The optical properties of BI thin films show a high absorption coefficient (∼104 cm−1) and a band gap of ∼1.74 eV. Similarly, s-MBI films have a high absorption coefficient (∼103 cm−1) and an indirect band gap of ∼1.8 eV. Moving from s-MBI to Ns-MBI, the value of absorption coefficient is ∼103 cm−1 and the band gap corresponds to ∼2 eV. Finally, photodetectors based on the synthesized BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI perovskites have been directly fabricated on FTO substrates. All photodetectors exhibited highly stable photo-switching behaviour along with excellent photoresponsivity and detectivity, with a fast response and recovery time. Our work demonstrates that Pb-free BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI perovskites have great potential in the future for realizing stable photodetectors

    Highly stable and Pb-free bismuth-based perovskites for photodetector applications

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    Herein, we report the synthesis of highly stable, Pb-free bismuth iodide (BiI3 or BI), stoichiometric methylammonium bismuth iodide [(CH3NH3)3Bi2I9 or MA3Bi2I9 or s-MBI] and non-stoichiometric methylammonium bismuth iodide [(CH3NH3)2BiI5 or MA2BiI5 or Ns-MBI] perovskite thin films for photodetector applications. These films are synthesized at room temperature by a single step solution process spin coating method. The structural, optical, and morphological properties of these films were investigated using different characterization techniques such as XRD, Raman spectroscopy, FE-SEM, UV-Visible spectroscopy, etc. Formation of BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI thin films is confirmed by XRD and Raman spectroscopy measurements. XRD analysis reveals that BI has a hexagonal crystal structure and a P63/mmc hexagonal space group for s-MBI and Ns-MBI. The optical properties of BI thin films show a high absorption coefficient (∼104 cm−1) and a band gap of ∼1.74 eV. Similarly, s-MBI films have a high absorption coefficient (∼103 cm−1) and an indirect band gap of ∼1.8 eV. Moving from s-MBI to Ns-MBI, the value of absorption coefficient is ∼103 cm−1 and the band gap corresponds to ∼2 eV. Finally, photodetectors based on the synthesized BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI perovskites have been directly fabricated on FTO substrates. All photodetectors exhibited highly stable photo-switching behaviour along with excellent photoresponsivity and detectivity, with a fast response and recovery time. Our work demonstrates that Pb-free BI, s-MBI and Ns-MBI perovskites have great potential in the future for realizing stable photodetectors

    An interlinked computational-experimental investigation into SnS nano-flakes for field emission application

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    Layered binary semiconductor materials have attracted significant interest as field emitters due to their low work function, mechanical stability, high thermal and electrical conductivity. Herein, we report a systematic experimental and theoretical investigation of SnS nanoflakes synthesized using a simple, low-cost, and non-toxic hot injection method for field emission studies. The field emission studies were carried out on SnS nanoflakes thin film prepared using a simple spin coat technique. The x-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy analysis revealed an orthorhombic phase of SnS. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis revealed that as-synthesized SnS has flakes-like morphology. The formation of pure-phase SnS nanoflakes was further confirmed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The UV-Visible-NIR spectroscopy analysis shows that SnS nanoflakes have a sharp absorption edge observed in the UV region and have a band gap of ∼ 1.66 eV. In addition, the first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out to provide atomic-level insights into the crystal structure, band structure, and density of states (DOS) of SnS nanoflakes. The field emission properties of SnS nanoflakes were also investigated and found that SnS nanoflakes have a low turn-on field (∼ 6.2 V/μm for 10 μA/cm2), high emission current density (∼ 104 μA/cm2 at 8.0 V/μm), superior current stability (∼ 2.5 hrs for ∼ 1 μA) and a high field enhancement factor of 1735. The first principle calculations the predicted lower work function of different surfaces, especially for the most stable SnS (001) surface ( = 4.32 eV), is believed to be responsible for the observed facile electron emission characteristics. We anticipate that the SnS could be utilized for future vacuum nano/microelectronic and flat panel display applications due to the low turn-on field and flakes-like structure